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1、Module 11.收拾房间 tidy up the room 2.想要某人做某事 want sb to do sth 3.模型车,玩具车 model cars 4.占据(时间、空间)take up 5.有点零乱 a bit untidy 6.不错的收藏品 a wonderful collection 7.五六十 fifty or sixty 8.收藏 have a collection of sth 9.集邮 collect stamps 10.火车票 train tickets 11.真正的爱好 real hobby 12.听着某人做某事 listen to sb do sth 13.对感

2、兴趣be interested in/ have interest in14.使某人对感兴趣make sb interested in 15.在本学期末 at the end of this term 16.在的开端at the beginning of 17.最少/多的空间the least/most space(room)18.采访某人 give an interview to sb 19.做一次采访 give an interview 20.作的采访give an interview on 21.真的很著名 really famous 22.一直,总是 all the time 23.收

3、听节目 listen to the programme24.最好的歌手或音乐人 the best singer or musician 25.使你成长 make you grow as a person 26.使某人做某事 make sb do sth 27.种植蔬菜 grow vegetables 28.照看动物 look after animals 29.山地自行车运动 mountain biking 30.打排球 play volleyball31.一副有用的地图 a useful map 32.例如,比如for example/ such as 33.培养你的兴趣develop you

4、r interests34.学习新技能 learn new skills 35.在2010年的夏天 during the summer of 201036.在某事上花时间/金钱 spend (time/money) on sth 37.在做某事上花时间/金钱 spend (time/money) (in) doing sth 38.并且 as well as 39.叫某人不要做某事 ask sb not to do sth 40.一项寻常的活动 a usual activity 41.一项不同寻常的活动 an unusual activity 42.一个专业的作家 a professional

5、 writer43.想象做某事 imagine doing sth 44.在高中 in senior high school45.青少年生活 teenage life 46.(书,影片)出版,发行come out 47.结果,因此 as a result 48.在故事之中 in a story 49.一名成功的年轻作家a successful young writer50.带给某人快乐 bring sb enjoyment51.写关于的故事 write a story about 52.发生什么事了? What is happening?53.在我空闲的时间 in my free time 5

6、4.在生活中 in life 55.做一些新的事情 do something new 56.通过学习learn through 57.省钱 save money 58.攒钱 save up money 59.以这种方式in the way 60.有要做There be to do 61.在过去 in the past62.在电视上 on TV63.受欢迎be popular with 64.更有创造性 more creative 65.去散步 go for a walk 66.有很多乐趣have a lot of fun Module 2 1.别挂断 hold the line/ hold o

7、n 2.为某人带口信 take a message for sb 3.留口信,留言 leave a message4.回电话 call back 5.是否whetheror not 6.问一些私人问题ask some personal question7.录制答案 record the answers 8.开始了(口语)here goes 9.公众音乐会a public concert 10.在公共场合in public 11.两个月之后in a couple of months12.一些亲密朋友some close friends13.A与B不同A be different from B14

8、.他们自己的国家their own countries 15.觉得feel like 16.喜欢做某事 feel like doing sth 17.一个令人兴奋的地方an exciting place 18.跟某人交朋友make friend 19.祝某事顺利good luck with sth 20.祝某人好运 good luck to sb 21.顺便说一下by the way 22.带某人参观bring sb for a visit to 23.下星期某个时候sometime next time 24.已经知道 have got to know25.一份重要的礼物an importan

9、t gift26.初秋the early autumn27.在初中at a junior middle school 28.A远离B A be far away from B29.感到孤独的feel lonely 30.害怕做某事be afraid to do sth be afraid of doing (担心出现某种结果)31.害怕某物 be afraid of sth 32.每次every time 33.感觉心碎feel my heart break 34.担心某人be worry about sbworry about sb 35.不要担心 dont worry 36.跟某人聊得很开

10、心 talk happily with sb 37.坐在桌子旁边 sit at the desk 38.在那个时候at that moment 39.像往常一样 as usual 40.嘲笑某人 laugh at sb 41.从某人旁边经过 pass sb 42.把某物传递给某人pass sb sth /pass sth to sb 43.转身 turn back 44.没有讲话without a word 45.的碰触the touch of 46.明朗而又友好的东西something bright and friendly 47.使某人做某事make sb do sth 48.改变某人的生

11、活 change ones life 49.一天天地(表示逐渐变化)day by day 50.一天天地(表示重复)day after day 51.变的跟某人更 亲近become closer to sb 52.对某人微笑smile at sb 53.没关系 it doesnt matter 54.所有黑暗的日子all the dark days55.不高兴的感觉the feeling of unhappiness56.什么使你担忧?what worries/worried you?57.不再not any more 58.过来做某事 come over to do sth 59.打错(电话

12、)了have the wrong number 60.和某人长久的友谊 the long friendship with sb 61.结束 come to an end 62.单独度过一段时间spend some time alone64.对某人抱如此高的期望expect so much from sb 65.没有一成不变的东西nothing stays the same66.玩乐 have fun 67.加入一个俱乐部join a club 68.等待某人带来wait sb to arrive69.感到快乐feel happy Module 3 1.记得要做某事(未做)remember to

13、 do sth 2.记得做过某事(已做)remember doing sth 3.小心look out (for)4.往外看look out of 5.的得分the score of 6.的结果the result of 7.带领某人参观take/show sb around 8.不客气,不用谢dont mention it9.英语说得好speak English well10.一直学习keep studying 11.一直做某事(不间断)keep doing sth 反复做某事(间断)keep on doing sth12.练习做某事practise doing sth 13.最新新闻the

14、 latest news14.成为一名新闻播报员become a newsreader15.加入某人,和某人一起join sb 16.在那边over there 17.准备prepare/get ready for 18.进了两个球score two goals get two scores 19.赢得比赛win the match 20.打败某人beat sb21.输给某人 lose to sb 22.我们失败了we lost 23.讨厌做某事hate doing sth 24.在某方面互相同意agree with each other about sth 25.打开收音机turn on sth 26.从事于work on 27.请走这边come this way 28.写报道write reports 29.一名体育记者a sport reporter 30.想要做某事would like to do sth 31.播音室the radio studio32.往下看look down at 33.在电台in radio 34.坐在旁边sit close to 35.的嗓音the voice of sb 36.我最喜欢的主持人my favourite presenter 37.似乎it seems/seemed that seem to do 38.某人似乎sb seems



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