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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上八年级上册英语语法专项练习1. 现在完成时态Exercise:I. Fill in the blanks with the proper form.1. I_ already _ (see) the film. I _ (see) it last week.2. _ he _ (finish) his work today? Not yet.3. My father _ just _ (come) back from work. He is tired now.4. Wheres Li Ming ? He _ (go) to the teachers office.5

2、. I _ (work) here since I _ (move) here in 1999.6. So far I _(make) quite a few friends here.7. How long _ the Wangs _(stay) here ? For two weeks.8. I _ just _ (finish) my homework.9. He _ (go) to school on foot every day.10._ you _ (find) your science book yet?11. If it _ (be) fine tomorrow, Ill go

3、 with you.12. The students _ (read) English when the teacher came in. 13. Look! The monkey _ (climb) the tree.14. My mother _ (come) to see me next Sunday.15. Ive lost my pen. _ you _ (see) it anywhere?II. Choose the best answer.1. How long have you _ here? A. come B. got C. arrived D. been 2. My gr

4、andpa died _.A. at the age of my 2 B. for 2 years C. when I was 2. D. my age was 6.3. Jane has _ to BeiJing. She will come back tomorrow. A. been B. gone C. went D. never been4. It is ten years _ I last saw her. A. after B. since C. for D. that 5.-Who will go to the station to meet Lorry? -I will. I

5、 _ her several times. A. met B. have met C. had met D. will meet6. -What a nice dress! How long _ you _ it?-Just 2 weeks. A. will, buy B. did, buy C. are, having D. have, had7.-Do you know Lydia very well? -Yes, She and I _ friends since we were very young.A. have made B. have become C. have been D.

6、 have turned8. The Smiths _ in China for 8 years.A. has lived B. lived C. have been D. live9. -Hello, this is Mr. Green speaking. Can I speak to Mr. Black? - Sorry. He _ the Bainiao Park. A. has been to B. has gone to C. went to D. will go to10. -_ you ever _ to the US? - Yes, twice. A. Have, gone B

7、. Have, been C, Do, go D. were, going2、不定代词的用法 一.定义:由some,any,no,every加上-body,-one,-thing,-where构成的不定代词,叫做复合不定代词.二.分类:1.指人:含-body或-one的复合不定代词指人.2.含-thing的复合不定代词指物。3.含-where的复合不定代词指地点。三:复合不定代词:somebody =someone某人 something某物,某事,某东西somewhere在某处,到某处anybody= anyone任何人,无论谁 anything任何事物,无论何事,任何东西anywhere在

8、任何地方nobody=no one无一人 nothing无一物,没有任何东西everybody =everyone每人,大家,人人everything每一个事物,一切everywhere到处,处处,每一处四. 复合不定代词用法:(与 some 和 any 的区别一样,即some肯定,any否疑)特别注意:在wouldlike sth?can?句式中,用some,不用any1.作主语,看作三单,谓语三单(即主三动三)Eg. Something is wrong with my watch. Nobody likes him. Every wants to win. Anyone can do i

9、t well.2. 修饰它们的形容词或不定式一定要位于它们的后面.即(1)复合不定代词形容词(2)复合不定代词不定式(to do)Eg.There is nothing wrong with the radio.这机器没出什么毛病。Is there anything important in todays newspaper?今天报纸上有什么重要消息吗?Do you want anything to drink?你想喝点什么吗?Can you tell something interesting? 你能讲些有趣的事情吗?Would you like something to eat? 要来些吃

10、的东西吗?3、当anything表示“任何事(物),无论何事(物)”,anyone,anybody表示“无论谁,任何人”等意义时,它们也可以用于肯定句中。如:Eg. Anything is OK. 什么都行。Anybody knows the answer.任何人都知道答案。4.nothing=not anything完全否定 Eg. I dont have anything to do today=I have nothing to do today我今天无事可做 5.everyone=everybody, anyone=anybody, someone, 只指人,不能与of短语连用;eve

11、ry one, any one,some one,可指人也可指物,一定要与of连用才可以。如:Is anybody here? 有人吗?You can take any one of these. 你可以随便拿一个。巧记复合代词分合:分合皆能单独用,后加of合不成。6.no one(=nobody)“没有人”,只用来指人,通常不和介词of连用;none“没有一个”,既可以用来指人也可用来指物。例如:No one can do it better. 没有人能做得更好。None of these questions is easy, and none of us can even answer a

12、ny one of them.这些问题没有一个是容易的,我们中没有一个人能答出其中的一题。7.回答who引导的特殊疑问句时用no one;回答how many引导的特殊疑问句时用none。例如:-Who was late ? -No one. -谁迟到了?-谁也没有迟到。-How many pigs do you keep? -None. -你养几头猪?-一头也没养。巧学不定代词:不定代词美名扬,修饰成分后边藏;单数动词作谓语,何时何地都一样。五:属格1.含-one和-body等指人的复合代词可有-s属格形式。如:Is this anybodys seat? 这儿有人坐吗?That must

13、be somebody elses coat; it isnt mine. 那一定是别人的外衣,不是我的。2.含-one和-body等指人的复合代词后跟else时,-s属格应加在else之后。如:Can you remember someone elses name? 你还记得其他人的姓名吗?3.含-thing等指事物的复合不定代词没有-s属格形式。4.代替与-thing构成的复合不定代词,用it;代替与-body, -one构成的复合不定代词,一般用they,在正式文体中可用he。如:Everyone knows what they have / he has to do, dont the

14、y / doesnt he? 每个人都知道他必须做什么,不是吗?Something goes wrong, doesnt it?出问题了,是吗?练习:用somebody,anybody,anything,nobody填空 (1) _broke the window last night. (2)Did_see or hear_? (3)I didnt hear or see_. (4)I heard a big noise and I looked out, but I didnt see_. (5)I heard a noise outside last night.There was a stong wind.I think the window wasnt closed.It broke in the wind. I think you are right._broke it.It was the wind. 选择()1. Is _ here? No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave. (全国卷)A.anybodyB. somebody C


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