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1、登陆网站 免费下载海量英语资料 (申请网站)【法律英语基础句子】Lawyer 律师Lawyer 律师1.A barrister has right of audience in any court in England and Wales.律师有权在英格兰和威尔士的任何法院出庭。2.A lawyer shall not represent both parties involved in the same case.律师不得在同一案件中,为双方当事人担任代理。3.A lawyer should assist in maintaining the integrity and competenc

2、e of the legal profession.律师应该帮助维护律师界的正直和业务能力。4.A lawyer should assist in preventing the unauthorized practice of law.律师应当帮助防止非法执业。5.A lawyer should assist the legal profession in fulfilling its duty to make legal counsel available.律师应帮助律师界履行其提供法律顾问的义务。6.A lawyer should avoid even the appearance of

3、professional impropriety.律师应避免出现不正当业务现象。7.A lawyer should exercise independent professional judgment on behalf of a client.律师应代表当事人独立进行法律转移判断。8.A lawyer should preserve the confidences and secrets of client.律师应当为当事人保密。9.A lawyer should represent a client competently.律师应当称职的担任当事人的代理。10.A lawyer shoul

4、d represent a client zealously within the bounds of the law.律师应当在法律范围内热忱的为当事人代理。11.Can you contact the solicitors representing the vendors?你能与代表卖方的律师联系吗?12.Counsel is instructed to settle the defense.律师接受指示处理辩护事项。13.Counsel for the plaintiff opposed the defendants application for an adjournment.原告律师

5、反对被告的休庭申请。14.Counsel for the prosecution opened with a description of the accuseds family.起诉方律师开始发言时对被告的家庭背景做了描述。15.Counsel must not lead the witness.律师不得诱导证人。16.Counsel pleaded the accuseds age in extenuation of his actions.律师以被告年龄为由要求减轻其行为过错。17.Counsel prevailed upon the judge to grant an adjournm

6、ent.律师劝说法官休庭。18.Counsel questioned the reliability of the witness evidence.律师对证人证词的可靠性表示怀疑。19.Counsel raised a point of law.辩护人提出了一个法律问题。20.Counsel stated that there was no case to answers, but the judge demurred.律师声明没有必要进行答辩,但法官表示不同意。21.Defense counsel made a speech in mitigation.为获减刑被告律师做了发言。22.De

7、fense counsel put his case.辩护律师提出他的论点。23.He has set up in practice as a solicitor.他已是一个开业“初级律师”。24.He is a partner in a law firm.他是律师事务所的合伙人。25.He was denied the right to see his lawyer.他被剥夺了会见律师的权利。26.Sound legal advice depends upon the lawyer being fully informed by the client.好的法律咨询意见取决于律师是否能从当事人

8、处获得充分信息。27.The accused decided to dispense with the services of a lawyer.被告决定不要律师的服务。28.The solicitor attempted to have the charge dropped.初级律师试图使原告撤诉。29.The solicitor paid the fine on behalf of his client.初级律师代表诉讼委托人支付了罚款。30.The solicitor sent an extract of the deeds.初级律师寄出一份契据的摘录本。“成千上万人疯狂下载。更多价值连城的绝密英语学习资料,洛基内部秘密英语,技巧,策略请在 网上 申请报名”洛基国际英语 竭诚为您服务



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