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1、情态动词一、情态动词的定义:情态动词有词义,但它不能单独作谓语,它必须和其他动词一起构成谓语。情态动词没有人称和数的变化;它的后面必须跟动词原形。二、情态动词的种类:情态动词词义否定形式词义can能够,会cant不能,不会could能够,会couldnt不能,不会may可以must必须mustnt 不允许,不能shall将,要should应该shouldnt不应该need需要neednt不必would将会,愿wouldnt不会,不愿三、情态动词的用法及主要句型:1、Can I help you? Yes, please. / No, thanks.2、Can + 主语 + 动词原形? Yes,

2、 can. No, cant.3、Can I borrow your book?-Yes,of course.4、Can I write on the book? -No, you cantmustnt. 5、Could Can you help me?- Yes,of course.Certainly. Sure. 6、Could Can you tell me the way to the Zoo?7、May I come in ?- Come in, please.8、May I sit here?- Yes, please.Sorry, please dont.9、May I have

3、 some Coke?- Yes, of course.10、May/ Could / Can I speak to Tom? -Speaking. Whos calling?11、should 、shouldnt 表示劝告:1) He should get up early. 2) She shouldnt play computer game too much.12、Should +主语 +动词原形? Yes, should. No, shouldnt.13、表示建议“你愿意吗”Would you like to go shopping with me? -Yes, Id love to.

4、 /Id love to. But Im busy now.14、就餐用语Would you like something to eatdrink? -Yes, Id like15、shall用于第一人称(I, we), 可以表示“将”和表示建议 “好吗?” 1) Where shall we have dinner?2) Shall we go fishing? -All right. OK. Good idea.16、Must + 主语 + 动词原形? -Yes, must.No, neednt. (一) 用适当的情态动词填空。1. Must I borrow the book with

5、my ID card? No, you _.2. _ I use your car? Yes, you _.3. _ I go home now? No, you _ stay here.4.My mother is ill. I _ stay at home and look after her.5._ you like some tea?6. You _ take more exercise.7. _ you tell me how to get to the Qingyun Park?8. The clock _ tell us the time.9. _ you like to go

6、fishing with me?10. _ we play football this afternoon?(二) 按要求改写句子。1.I can run fast. I _ _ fast. (否定句)2.You must return the book now.(一般疑问句) _ I return the book now? No, you _.3. He can play basketball well. (一般疑问句) _ he _ basketball well?4. They must take the books out of the room. (否定句) They _ _ th

7、e books out of the room. 5.He should get up early.(否定句) He _ get up late.(三) 单项选择。()1. you like some milk ? A .Would B.Could C .Can()2.We pick the flower in the park. A.cant B.dont C.mustnt ( ) 3.We should more trees, and we shouldnt cut any trees. A.plant B.planting C.plants ( ) 4.May I have some c

8、offee? A.Yes,you have. B.Yes,you can. C.Yes,certainly. ( ) 5.Shall we visit the factory? A.Yes,we do. B.Yes, we shall. B.All right. ( ) 6.Would you like something to eat? A.Yes,we would. B.Yes, Id like some cakes. C.Yes, of course. ( ) 7.What can I do for you? A.Yes,you can. B.No,I can do it. C. Yes

9、.Id like some oranges.一翻译下列单词。不会_ 不必_应该_ 必须_将,要_ 不愿_需要_ 会,能_二、 按照要求改写句子1. Daniel must watch TV every evening.(改为否定句)_2. I cant do my homework every day.(改为肯定句)_3. Youll need your book and pen.(改为否定句)_4.We shall like playing computer games.(翻译句子)_5. She should go to school every morning.(改为否定句)_6. He

10、 may speak English very well.(翻译句子)_7. I neednt take photos in the park.(改为肯定句)_8. John may come from London.(翻译句子)_9. Would you like to drink coffee?(肯定回答)_10. Simon and Daniel would like going skating.(改为否定句)_三、翻译下列句子妈妈不会游泳。(cant)_它可能是电池(may)_我能照顾我的奶奶(can)_Mary不应该取笑Joe.(shouldt)_爸爸将去度假。(would)_Jack必须锻炼身体(must)_她不必离开(neednt)_



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