I’ve got a new book.教学设计[4].doc

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1、Ive got a new book.教学设计 一、教学内容外研版新标准英语第二册Module 9:possessions Unit 1 I ve got a new book.本单元围绕“possessions”这一题材展开,主要教学内容是: 1、学习单词:dress、coat、sweater、T-shirt 、have got.2、能口头运用“Have you got a book?”这类语句询问某人是否拥有某物,并用“Yes, I have.No, I havent.回答。二、教学目标(一)知识与技能1、会读单词:have got、dress、coat、sweater、T-shirt.2

2、、能口头运用“Have you got a book?”这类语句询问某人是否拥有某物,能用“Yes, I have. No, I havent.回答。3、培养学生听、说,并运用英语交际的能力和合作学习的能力。(二)过程与方法1、教师指导学生通过多种形式读单词,掌握本课新学单词。2、教师引导、点拨,学生用英语描述自己拥有的物品和询问他人是否拥有某种物品。3、学生听录音,感悟英语的准确发音;教师引导学生在小组合作练习中巩固本课知识。(三)情感、态度、价值观1、让学生体会学习英语的乐趣,从而培养学生的乐学精神。2、使学生在鼓励中点燃思维的火花,在和谐的情感交流中,对完成学习任务有一定的信心。三、教学

3、重、难点1、重点:掌握单词:have got、dress、coat、sweater、T-shirt.能口头运用“Have you got a book?”这类语句询问某人是否拥有某物,能用“Yes, I have. No, I havent.回答。 2、难点:能口头运用“Have you got a book?”这类语句询问某人是否拥有某物,能用“Yes, I have. No, I havent.回答。 四、教学过程Step1: Warm up1、Greeting with the students.2、Listen to the music“Ten big bannas”.T: What

4、animal can you see in this song? Ss: Monkey. (Ss learn the new word ”animal ”板书:animal.)Step2: Presentation1、T Presents a picture of a book, then say: I have got a book. Its about animals. / I have got a book. Its about sports. Then Ss learn and try to say sentences like this with the book they made

5、. ( 学生拿出自己做的卡纸书,用相应句型表达并展示自己的作品.)2、Read the words.(1) Look at the pictures and learn the new words.(2) T presents the pictures on blackboard. (3) Read following the teacher. (4) The teacher say English, the students say Chinese.(5)Read loudly and quietly3、Have a chant(1)学生起立,师生齐唱歌谣。dress, dress 连衣裙,

6、连衣裙 dress 真漂亮。coat, coat 是外套,外套 coat 秋天穿。T-shirt,T-shirt 是T恤, T恤T-shirt 夏天穿。sweater, sweater是毛衣,毛衣 sweater真温暖。(2) dress, dress I have got Wear, wear, wear. Step3:Learn the sentences1、Tell the students “Ive got a new dress? Have you got a dress?” and encourages girls to answer yes and boys no.2、 Prac

7、tice the sentences.3、 Play the game. Ss say the sentences and do the actions. T stands back to Ss ,then turn around suddenly to catch the one who still do the action.Step4:Text learning刚才,同学们对自己拥有的物品进行了谈论,我们的老朋友Lingling,Amy,Daming也对他们拥有的物品展开的谈论。1、Listen and point.Listen the text and point the words

8、“Ive got a”.2、Listen and answer. Daming: I have got a _. Amy: I have got a _and a _Sam: I have got a _.Tom: I have got a _.Step5: Practice1. Sing a song.(两只老虎)Have you got a book? Have you got a book?Yes, I have. Yes, I have.No, I havent. No, I havent.2. Play a drum game.Ss pass the flower, when the

9、 music stops, the one taking it answers questions. 3. Guess what T has got.Step6: Summary本节课我们学习了英语单词have got、dress、coat、sweater、T-shirt.并学会了口头运用“Ive got a book.”这类语句描述自己拥有的物品。用“Have you got a book? Yes, I have./No, I havent.”这类语句询问某人是否拥有某物。Step6: Homework.1、设计自己最喜欢的衣服。 2、读课文,找出Lingling,Amy,Daming拥有的物品。 Step7: Blackboard designIve got a new book.Have you got a coat?Yes, I have.No, I havent.


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