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1、摘要 本设计是四管程固定管板式换热器,是目前应用最为广泛的换热器。本台换热器主要完成的是水蒸气-水之间的热量交换,设计压力为管程2.4MPa,壳程0.7MPa,管程冷水的定性温度为55,壳程煤油的定性温度为112.5。传热面积为 137,采用 252.56000 的无缝钢管换热,则可计算出 290 根换热管。本台换热器的管板延长兼做法兰,管板与换热管的连接方式为焊接,因管板上的应力较多,且内外温度有一定的差值,因此,对管板强度的校核是一个重点,也是一个难点,本文按照弹性支撑假设对管板进行设计和校核的。 本设计为固定管板式换热器,由管箱、壳体、管板、管子等零部件组成。其结构较紧凑,排管较多,在相


3、性的影响。在计算厚度时,要在满足强度要求的前提下,尽量减少管板的厚度。折流板最常用的为圆缺型挡板,切去的弓形高度一般取外壳内径的20%-25%。固定管板式换热器的优点是:结构简单、紧凑,能承受较高的压力,造价低,管程清洗方便,管子损坏时易于堵管或更换;这种换热器使用于壳侧介质清洁且不宜结垢,并能进行清洗管束,壳程两侧温差不大或者温差较大但壳侧压力不高的场合。关键词:换热管; 固定管板; 温差应力AbstractThis design is about fixed plate heat exchanger. At present this exchanger are most used. Thi

4、s exchanger is mainly completed the heat exchange from hot water steam to water. The design pressure of the tube-side is 2.4 MPa, the design pressure of the shell-side is 0.7 MPa. The qualitative temperature of the cold water is 55 degrees Celsius, and the qualitative temperature of the shell proces

5、s kerosene is 112.5 degrees Celsius.The area for exchanging heat is 137.The heat exchanger used the tube 252.56000,290 heat exchange tubes can be calculated.We weld the tube to the plate because there has a stress between the tube-side and shell-side that is really difficult to work out. The tube pl

6、ate is designed and checked based in elastic supporting assumption. The design for the fixed tube heat exchanger, the control box, shell, tube sheets, tubes and other component parts. Its structure is more compact, pipes are more cases in the same diameter larger than the simple manufacturing. Fixed

7、 tube sheet heat exchanger tube with two-way and four-way control of several such, this design uses a single shell, four-way. Fixed tube sheet heat exchanger design, including: specification and arrangement of pipes, cylinder, head, tube sheet of material selection and thickness of the design, baffl

8、e, erosion control panel choices. First, the choice is easy to clean pipe and tubing to the principles of reasonable use. Tube in tube arrangement of the board arranged for the triangle. Because the triangle arrangement, the tube sheet, high strength, less chance of fluid short circuit, and the same

9、 can be arranged within the shell more tubes. Shell thickness of the cylinder formula is derived membrane stress criterion. The minimum wall thickness should be selected according to the standard. The head used to avoid restrictions on the minimum thickness method, the effective thickness of the hea

10、d diameter should be not less than 0.15%. Control panel is shell and tube heat exchanger is one of the most important components, in addition to mechanical properties of the time selection, should consider the impact of corrosive fluids. In calculating the thickness, to meet the strength requirement

11、s of the premise, to minimize the thickness of tube plate. Baffle the most commonly used for the moon and new moon shaped baffle, cut the arch height and generally the shell diameter of 20% -25%.The advantages of the fixed tube-shell exchanger: The exchanger can bear high press; The price of making

12、is low; Structure is simple and compacted; We can wash the tubes easily; We can change the broken tubes conveniently. The foremost shortcoming of the fixed tube-shell exchanger is the heats tress between the shell and the tubes is very large. Keywords: heat exchange tube; fixed tube sheet; thermal s

13、tress目 录第一章 换热器综述11.1 管壳式换热器结构11.2 管壳式换热器类型21.2.1 固定管板式换热器21.2.2 浮头式换热器21.2.3 U 型管换热器31.2.4 填料函式换热器31.3 管壳式换热器强化传热41.3.1 增大传热面积41.3.2 提高传热系数41.4 换热器的防腐措施51.4.1 防腐涂层51.4.2 金属涂层51.4.3 金属堆焊51.4.4 缓释剂51.5 管壳式换热器的发展前景6 第二章 换热器传热工艺计算72.1 原始数据72.2确定定性温度及物性数据72.3煤油的传热量与冷水流量的计算82.4管程换热系数的计算82.5结构的初步设计92.6壳程换

14、热系数计算102.7 传热系数计算102.8 管壁温度计算112.9 管程压力降计算112.10 壳程压力降计算12 第三章 固定管板式换热器结构设计计算143.1换热管材料及规格的选择和根数的确定143.2布管方式的选择143.3筒体内径的确定143.4筒体壁厚的确定153.5筒体水压试验163.6封头形式的确定163.7管箱短节壁厚计算173.8管箱水压试验183.9容器法兰的选择183.10管板尺寸的确定及强度计算193.11是否安装膨胀节的判定313.12防冲板尺寸的确定313.13折流板尺寸的确定323.13.1折流板类型323.13.2换热管无支撑跨距或折流板间距323.13.3折

15、流板管孔323.14各管孔接管及其法兰的选择323.15开孔补强计算34参考文献37致 谢38沈阳化工大学科亚学院学士学位论文 第一章 换热器综述第一章 换热器综述管壳式换热器(shell and tube heat exchanger)又称列管式换热器。是以封闭在壳体中管束的壁面作为传热面的间壁式换热器。这种换热器结构较简单,操作可靠,可用各种结构材料(主要是金属材料)制造,能在高温、高压下使用,是目前应用最广的类型。 1.1 管壳式换热器结构 管壳式换热器主要由壳体、传热管束、管板、折流板(挡板)和管箱等部件组成。其结构简图如图1.1:图 1.1 管壳式换热器结构简图1-平盖 2-平盖管箱 3-接管法兰 4-管箱法兰 5-固定管板 6-壳体法兰 7-防冲板 8-仪表接口 9-补强圈 10-壳体 11-折流表 12-旁路挡板 13-拉杆 14-定距管 15-支持板 16-双头螺柱或螺栓 17-螺母 18-外头盖垫片 19-外头盖侧法兰 20-外头盖法兰 21-吊耳 22-放气口 23-凸形封头 24-浮头法兰 25-浮头垫片 26-球冠形封头 27-浮动管板 28-浮头盖 29-外头盖



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