Unit6 My e-friend 教案.docx

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1、 Unit6 My e-friend 教案一、 教学内容:Story time二、 教学目标(1)知识目标:a. 通过整体阅读理清思路,培养学生综合语言运用能力。b. 在故事中学习,通过查阅单词表、网络字典、猜测词义等方式听懂、会说、会读单词:send, e-friend, email, to, live, study, years old, UK和China。c. 初步感知句型Does he/she?及其回答Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesnt的语调和用法。(2)能力目标:a. 能正确理解并朗读课文内容,能在教师的引导下尝试表演课文。b. 通过自主学习和小组

2、合作,能运用所学词汇和句型对自己的朋友进行综合全面的介绍。c.会利用信息化技术制作思维导图。(3)情感目标: 能够在阅读过程中体验到交朋友的乐趣,尝试通过英特网交朋友。三、教学重、难点(1). 在品读细节的过程中,掌握新单词。(2) 初步感知句型Does he/she?及其回答Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesnt,并能运用句型复述课文。(3) 能结合资源库资源,制作思维导图,并能用所学词汇和句型对自己的朋友或者网友进行综合全面的介绍。四、教学准备:励课、板书、练习纸五、教学过程:Step1. Warm up1. GreetingT:Hello, boys an

3、d girls. How are you?2. Enjoy a song3. Free TalkT: Do you have any friends?Ss: Yes, we do.T: Can you introduce your friend?(抢答)S: is my friend. canT:Everyone has own friend. Heres a new friend. Can you read it? “e-friend” e-friendWhats the meaning? Can you guess?S:网友。T:Yes, youre right. An e-friend

4、is a friend on the Internet. How do they contact?Ss: QQ/Wechat/T: They also can use emails. emailT:How to use emails? Lets watch.(推送)T:First you write an email, then you can send an email. write an email-send an email T: We can use emails to contact with e-friends. Today well learn Unit6 My e-friend

5、.Step2 Presentation1. T:Look at the title. Do you have any questions?S: Whose e-friend is he/she? S: Who is the e-friend? T: Lets watch and answer.(推送测验统计测验) Ss:Liu Taos e-friend./ Peter.2. T: Peter is Wang Bings e-friend. Do you know Peter?S:No.T:If you want to know Peter, you can ask some question

6、s.S: How old is he? Can he speak Chinese? Does he like playing football?3. T: You have so many questions, Liu Tao has some questions, too.Lets listen and find Liu Taos questions.(贴板书)How old is he?Can he speak Chinese?Does he have Chinese lessons at school?What subjects does he like?Does he like pla

7、ying football?4. T: Please read by yourselves and answer these questions in groups.(学生问答后,完成板书)5. T:Read the story again, do you have any questions? You can underline the sentences.(推送ebook)Wait a minute.(百度搜索)6. T: Its time for reading. Open the app and read after it.(一起作业网)(做完展示一下孩子的学习情况)Step3 Con

8、solidation1. T: You know Peter a lot. Can you introduce Peter?2. T: Liu Tao wants to be Peters e-friend, too. If youre Wang Bing, can you introduce Liu Tao to Peter? First you can use these pictures to make Liu Taos mind map. Then you can finish Wang Bings email.Step4 Homework1.Listen to the tape, read and recite the story.2.Finish your email and send to Peter.3. Make an e-friend.


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