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1、2023学年中考英语模拟测试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、测试卷卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、My parents showed some old pictures that brought back sweet memories.AIBmeCmyDmine2、I have passed my driving test._ So you are goin

2、g to buy a car.AYou did!BGood idea!CThats OK.DIm glad to hear that.3、Hi, Jack! What about playing soccer after school?Id love to, but its my grandfathers _ birthday and we will have a celebration.AninetithBninetiethCnintieth4、- May I speak to John?- Sorry, he _Japan. But he _in two days.Ahas been to

3、, will come backBhas gone to, will be backChas been in, would come backDhas gone to, wont cone back5、I was very tired last night, _ I went to sleep earlier.AbutBorCsoDfor6、I _ to the cinema. Would you like to come with me?Ago Bam goingChave gone Dwent7、Fred got a job easily in a school because of hi

4、s _ as a part-time teacher.AknowledgeBconditionCexperienceDexample8、Wenchuan earthquake happened _2008, and ten years has passed.Ain Bon Cat Dto9、- Time is of great value. We should never _ todays work till tomorrow. - Yeah. To cherish(珍视) time is to cherish life. Life never returns.Aput offBpart wi

5、thCput on10、Here is a message for Jake from Peter. What does Peter want?Hi JakeSorry, I cant make it to thecinema this weekend as a friendis coming to stay. Can we go nextSaturday? Call me and Ill bookthe ticketsPeterAHe wants his friend to get the tickets.BHe wants Jake to come to meet his friendCH

6、e wants to go to the cinema one week later.DHe wants to bring another friend along to the cinema. 完形填空11、Many people catch a cold in the springtime or fall. It makes us 1 :since scientists can send a man to the moon, why 2 they find a cure( 疗法)for the common cold? The answer is easy. There are actua

7、lly hundreds of kinds of cold viruses (病毒)out there. You 3 know which one you will get, so there isnt a cure for each oneWhen a virus attacks(攻击)your body, your body works hard to 4 it. Blood rushes to your nose and brings congestion(堵塞)in it. This makes you feel 5 because you cant breathe well, but

8、 your body is actually eating the virus. Your temperature 6 , but the heat of your body is killing the virus. You may feel great pain, but actually your wonderful body is doing everything it can to kill the cold.Different people have different ways to deal with colds. Some people might eat chicken s

9、oupSome people take hot baths and drink warm liquids(流汁). Other people take medicine. However, some scientists say that taking medicine 7 you have a cold is actually bad for you. The virus stays in you longer because your body doesnt have a way to fight and kill it. Bodies can do an amazing job on 8

10、 own. There is a 9 about taking medicine when you have a cold. It goes like this:It 10 about one week to get over a cold if you don t take medicine, but it takes only seven days to get over a cold if you take medicine.1Asuppose Bpredict Cwonder2Amustnt Bcan t Cshouldnt3Aalways Beven Cnever4Afight Bf

11、eel CProtect5Abetter Bcomfortable Cterrible6Aimproves Brises Craises7Awhen Bthough Cunless8Aour BIts Ctheir9Aspeech Bjoke Cstory10Atakes Bmeans Cspends. 语法填空12、Srikanth Bolla, 24 years old, is the first blind CEO in the world, who built a company valued at over $75 million. Today, he considers himse

12、lf the 1 (lucky) man in the word, not only his 2 (succeed), but also for having great parents and friends who always stand by him.When Srikanth was born, some of his 3 (parent) friends and relatives them not to keep him, because it was difficult for a poor family 4 (raise) a blind baby. But his pare

13、nts didnt follow them. They decided to give Srikanth a positive, loving environment.Life was not easy for Srikanth. He had to face many challenges all his life. He 5 (refuse) by his village school. So he had to go to school for special children. He did very well in studies and also developed many ho

14、bbies such as chess and cricket. Later Srikanth found a teacher who was kind enough to turn all his lessons into audio clips, and helped him 6 his exams.7 high school was difficult for a blind student, Srikanth didnt give up. Instead, he worked very hard and tried his best to go to MT(麻省理工), and gra

15、duated from 8 university in 2012. After his graduation, he returned to India, and decided to start to a company 9 employed disabled people like him.Srikanth said, “Compassion(怜悯) is showing somebody the way to love and giving them the opportunity to grow up. If you do something good, it 10 (come) back to you.”. 阅读理解A13、A little boy was playing in hi



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