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1、五年级第二学期期中测试题(考试时间:60分钟)班别_ 姓名_ 成绩_一 选择正确的字母补全单词,把编号填在前面的括号里(10分)( )1. sn_ _ A ow B ew C aw( ) 2. _ _ oke A dr B tr C br( ) 3. g_ _ d A ea B oo C ou( ) 4. f_ _ _ A all B ill C oll( ) 5. pic_ _ _ A hic B vic C nic( ) 6. p_ _ ty A or B ar C er( ) 7. m_ _t A ee B aa C oo( ) 8. sn_ _y A ow B ew C aw( ) 9

2、. ha_ _en A bb B pp C dd( ) 10. _ _oto A wh B ph C dh二 单项选择。(20分)( )1. The Sichuan food is _. A. yucky B. spicy C. cheap( ) 2. What did you do yesterday? I _ a letter to my friend. A .write B. wrote C. is writing( ) 3. _ you in Thailand last week? A Were B Are C. Is( ) 4. There _ a typhoon last mont

3、h. A. was B were C. is( ) 5. Im going to see The Great Wall _ China. A. of B to C. in( ) 6. Lets _ vacation. A. go to B. go for C. go on( )7. _ your sister help Dad last week? Yes, she did. A. Did B. Was C. Do( )8. My mother is going to shop _ clothes. A. of B. for C. to ( )9. Was it snowy yesterday

4、? _ A. Yes, it was. B. No, it didint. C. No, it isnt.( )10. What a _. A. tidy B. mess C. yucky三 用下面的词填空。(12分)( Are tasty Canada meet haircut Were)1. My uncle is going to get a _ .2. The food was _ yesterday.3. _ you going to _ some friends? Yes, I am.4. _ they in _? No, they werent.四 根据情景,选择答案.(15分)

5、( )1. 你的朋友Peter不开心,你想知道发生什么事,可以问: A. What a mess! B. What happened? C. What?( ) 2. 你想告诉妈妈你很口渴,你会说: A. Im hungry. B. Im sick. C. Im thirsty.( )3. 当你不知道别人问的事时,你应该怎样说: A. Sorry, I dont tell you. B. Sorry, I dont know. C. No, I m not ( )4. 你想知道Tony在假期打算做什么,你会问: A. What happened? B. What did you do on va

6、cation?C. What are you going to do on vacation( )5. 妈妈想问你昨晚做了什么,她会说: A. What did you do? B. Where were you? C. Did you resd some books?五看图,补充完整句子。(12分)1. _ are you going to do this afternoon? Were going to _ a _.2. What _? He saw a bird in the tree.3. What _ you do yesterday? I _ a letter.六连词成句。(该大写

7、的地方要大写)(15分)1. wind / blew / my / the / away / hat /( . )_2. you / week / Canada / were / in / last / ( ? )_3. this / what / going / Sunday / are / to / you / do / ( ? )_七仿照例句写句子。(16分)Model A:What are you going to do? Im going to help dad.1. he/ take some photos_2. they / go on vacation_Model B: Where were you yesterday? I was in Canada.1. she / Thailand_2. Jenny / Tianjing_3



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