牛津英语4A 第一模块月考.doc

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1、天津路小学四年级牛津英语月考试卷(20122013学年度上学期) I.写出下列字母的左邻右舍。 12分1、 Cc 2、 Ff 3、 Pp 4、 Ii 5、 Xx 6、 VvII选出不同类单词。 6分( )1.AswimB. runC. dive( )2.AwriteB. dearC.run( )3.ApolicemanB. waiterC. waitress( )4.AHiB. HelloC. See you.( )5.Abrother B. classmateC. sister( )6.A. youB. yourC. ourIII选出适当的英语单词或汉译。 8分 A 组 ( )1. 超级的A

2、. jumpB. SupergirlC. super( )2. 牙医A. nurseB. doctorC. dentist( )3. 同学A. classmateB. classroomC. friend( )4. 涂色A. paintB. cookC. runB组 ( )1.firemanA.邮递员B. 消防员C. 急救员( )2.birthdayA.唱歌B. 生日C. 同学( )3. diveA. 跳水B. 游泳C. 飞( )4.ourA. 我的B. 你的C. 我们的IV. 根据含义,补全单词6分1. w_i_e写2. s_n_唱歌3. fr_ _nd朋友4. f_r_e火5. c_ _k

3、做饭,厨师6. p_stm_n邮递员V. 选择题。30分( )1.How are you?A. Im ten.B.Im fineC.Im eleven.( )2.-What _your mother do?-She is a shop assistant. A.do B.Is C.does ( )3.Good morning, Ben.A.Good morning, Kitty. B.Im fine. C.See you.( )4. This is my brother. _ name is Eric. A.HerB.HisC.his( )5.I _Supergirl. Shes super.

4、 A.likeB.dont like C.likes( )6.This is _dog. His name is Sam. A.weB.our C.us ( )7.-Danny, can you draw?-No, _. A.I canB.I cantC.I not can ( )8.-Is this _dog, Rose?-No, it isnt _dog. A.you, myB.your, meC.your, my ( )9-How old _Danny?-Shes nine. A.are B.isC.am( )10Ride your bicycle _the playground.A.o

5、nB. atC.in( )11.Whats she?A.He is a teacher. B.Shes lily. C.Shes a nurse.( )12.He is _ambulance man. A.anB./ C.a( )13.-Whats she?-Shes a _. A.policemanB.waitressC.waiter( )14.-Happy birthday, dear Alice. -_. A.Happy birthday. B.Thank you. C.Im fine,thanks. ( )15Fire! Fire! You can dial(拨)_.A.110 B.1

6、19C.911 are, it is, cant, to VI. 选择正确的词填到横线上完成句子。8分1.Can you dive? No, I _.2.Is this your doll? Yes, .3.Happy birthday _you. 4.-Here you _. -Thank you. VIII. 选词填空. 10分1.What _he do? He is a waiter. (do/does)2.He is _ambulance man. (a/an)3.She _sing very well. (can/cans)4.What _ he? Hes a fireman. (a

7、m/is/are)5.How old _he? He is ten. (am/is/are)IV.选出正确的应答句。10分( )1.How are you?A.Yes, I can.( )2.What are you?B.No, it isnt. ( )3.Can you write English?C.I am a nurse. ( )4.How old are you?D.Im fine, thank you. ( )5.Is this your bicycle?E.Im eleven. 十连词成句。 10分 1. how Ben you are _ 2. thank fine you Im _ 3. this your is bicycle _ 4. to happy you birthday _ 5. she what is _1



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