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1、Olympic athletes from around the globe are gathered at Beijing s NationalStadium for the Opening Cerem oni es, which formally mark the start of the一起向未来TOGETHER FOR A SHARED FUTUREthe motto of Beijing 2022 主题口号“Together for a Shared Future”is the official motto of the Olympic and Paralympic WinterGa

2、mes Beij ing 2022. The motto represe nts the power of the Games to overcome global challe nges as a comm unity, with a shared future for huma nkind.奥运会主题口号是奥运会重要的标志性核心内容。北京2022年冬奥会和冬残 奥会主题口号一一“一起向未来”!中国向世界发出的诚挚邀约,在奥林匹克 精神的感召下,与世界人民携手共进、守望相助、共创美好未来。motto :主题口号;格言Winter Paralympic Games :冬季残疾人奥林匹克运动会北

3、京2022年冬奥会会徽一一冬梦Winter Dream - Emblem of the Olympic Winter GamesBeijing 2022会徽以汉字“冬”为灵感来源,运用中国书法的艺术形态将厚重的东方文化底 蕴与国际化的现代风格融为一体,呈现出新时代的中国新形象、新梦想,传递 出新时代中国为办好北京冬奥会,圆冬奥之梦,实现“三亿人参与冰雪运动” 目标,圆体育强国之梦,推动世界冰雪运动发展,为国际奥林匹克运动做出新 贡献的不懈努力和美好追求。The inspiration of the emblem design comes from the Chinese character f

4、or win ter - “冬” .A stylised, calligraphic ren diti on of the Chin ese character, which in fuses Chin ese culture with con temporary artistic elements, projects a new image of China in a new era, dem on strat ing the coun trys commitme nt to a successful Win ter Games. It also heralds the realisati

5、on of Chin as Win ter Olympic Dream, n amely, to en courage more Chin ese people to take part in win ter sports, to build China into a sport ing power, and to promote win ter sports and the Olympic Moveme nt aro und the world.会徽图形上半部分展现滑冰运动员的造型,下半部分表现滑雪运动员的英姿。 中间舞动的线条流畅且充满韵律,代表举办地起伏的山峦、赛场、冰雪滑道和 节日飘舞

6、的丝带,为会徽增添了节日喜庆的视觉感受,也象征着北京冬奥会将 在中国春节期间举行。The upper part of the emblem resembles a skater and its lower part askier. The ribb on-like motif in betwee n, full of rhythm, sta nds for thehost coun trys roll ing mountains, Games ven ues, ski courses andskati ng tracks. The ribb ons, as artistically expre

7、ssed in the emblem, give a touch of festivity and are an in dicati on that the Games coin cide with the celebrations of the Chinese New Year.会徽以蓝色为主色调,寓意梦想与未来,以及冰雪的明亮纯洁。红黄两色源自 中国国旗,代表运动的激情、青春与活力。The emblems primary colour of blue represe nts dreams and the future, as well as the purity of ice and sn

8、ow. The colours of red and yellow, which draw on those of Chin as Nati onal Flag, represe nt passi on, youth and vigour.在“BEIJING 2022”字体的形态上汲取了中国书法与剪纸的特点,增强了字体 的文化内涵和表现力,也体现了与会徽图形的整体感和统一性。The presentation of the words “Beijing 2022” , a nod to the art of Chin ese calligraphy and paper-cutt ing, add

9、s to the harm ony of the en tire emblem.the mascot of Beijing 2022 吉祥物冰墩墩Bi ng Dwen Dwen冰墩墩的原型来自大熊猫是一位来自未来的冰雪运动专家Its a carto on image of a panda weari ng a spacesuit. It looks like a win ter sports athlete from the future.Bing means ice in Chin ese, which is a symbol of win tersports. Dwen suggests

10、health. Dwen Dwen gives the image a more friendly feel. Altogether, Bing Dwen Dwen shows the spirit of the Olympics, i nclud ing a strong mind and a healthy body.容融Shuey Rho n RhonIt looks like a red Ian tern hanging on homes and streets to celebrate Chin ese New Year. On its head are paper cuts of

11、pige ons in the shape o the Temple of Heaven (天坛).Shuey means snow in Chinese. Rhon Rhon are two different Chinese characters with the same pronunciation. The mascot, Shuey Rhon Rho n (雪容融)/ symbolizes comm uni cati on among differe nt petition venues 竞赛场地At the 2022 Win ter Olympics, There are 12co

12、mpetition venues in total. The competiti on venues are spread across three differe nt zon es: Beij ing, Yanqing and Zha ngjiakou.北京2022年冬奥会将在北京、延庆、张家口 3个赛区布局12个竞赛场馆。competition n.竞赛venue n.场地The medals which means together ness, i nspired by yu bi, a circularChin ese jade artifact dati ng back 5,000

13、 years, each has carv ings of theOlympic rings on one side and in scribed with the words XXIV Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022.为冰雪运动喝彩TOGETHER FOR A SHARED FUTURE不同于夏季奥运会,冬季奥运会的很多项目比较冷门,冰雪项目的设备和场地的要求很高,离大众生活有点远。今天我们就来聊聊关于北京冬奥会的三大赛区场馆和比赛项目英语知识吧。你都知道哪些呢?一、冬奥会三大赛区场馆赛区和场馆北京赛区6个场馆:首都体育馆 Capital Gymnasiu

14、m国家速滑馆 National Speed Skating Hall五棵松体育中心 Wukesong Sports Center国家体育馆National Stadium 国家游泳中心 National Aquatics Center首钢滑雪大跳台中心Shougang Ski Big Jump Center延庆赛区2个场馆:国家高山滑雪中心National Alpine Ski Center国家雪车雪橇中心National Bobsled Center张家口赛区4个场馆:云顶滑雪公园Genting Ski Park国家跳台滑雪中心National Ski Jumping Center国家越野滑

15、雪中心 National Cross - country Ski Center国家冬季两项中心National Biathlon Center二、冬奥会比赛项目比赛项目大项、中项、小项如何表达?新华网是这么说的:The Beiji ng Win ter Olmpics will ope n on February 4,2022, which will feature 7 sports, 15 disciplines and 109 events.是 sport、 discipline、event这三个单词,你猜对了吗?比赛项目猜猜看Bing Dwen Dwen (冰墩墩)从事的以下15个项目Biathlon冬季两项Alpine Skiing高山滑雪Bobsleigh雪车CurlingCross-Country Skiing越野滑雪Figure Skating花样滑冰Freestyle Skiing自由式滑雪Ice HockeyShort Track Speed Skating短道速滑Mens 500m 男子 500 米Mens 1,000m 男子 1000 米Mens 1,500m 男子 1500 米Mens 5,000m Relay 男子 5000 米接力Ladies 500m 女子 5


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