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1、英语(六年级下册)Unit 6 An interesting countrySound, Culture, Checkout & Ticking timeTeaching contents 教学内容Sound time, Culture time, Checkout time & Ticking timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 学生能理解、听懂、正确读好歌谣,知道air在单词中的发音。2. 学生能熟练使用will构成的一般将来时。3. 学生能初步讲述有关澳大利亚的内容。4. 学生能自我评测对本单元所学内容的掌握程度。5. 情感教

2、育:通过阅读Culture time,了解世界名胜;培养协作精神,提升学生的语言感悟力。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 学生能熟练使用will构成的一般将来时。2. 能使用first、then等关联词,并使用will构成的一般将来时。教学难点:1. 掌握air在单词中的发音。2. 能使用first、then等关联词,并使用will构成的一般将来时。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Free talk & Revision 1. Greetings T: Hello

3、, boys and girls.S: Hello, teacher.T: How does Mike/Wang Bing/Liu Tao/Yang Ling know about Australia?S: (学生复述课文)T: Who can say something about Australia?S: (学生在理解课文及知识点的基础上讲述)【设计意图:通过一系列的询问,让学生回忆旧知,明确本课学习内容。】Step 2 Presentation1. T: Look at the blackboard. There is a picture. Lets find about it.T: L

4、ook at this picture. What are they doing?S: They are looking at a picture.T: What city is in the picture?S: It is Sydney in Australia.2. Show words on Page 63 and fill in the blanksLook over _!Its _ in Australia.The city has fresh _.Its view is _. 【设计意图:让学生朗读Sound time,再让学生总结字母组合air的发音规律。】Step 3 Cul

5、ture timeT: Good job,boys and girls. But do you want to know something about the other foreign countries?S: Yes.T: Lets find out some interesting places in different countries.T: (出示图1) What can you see?S: I can see the Great Wall.T: Where can we find it?S: In China.T: Yes! Well find the Great Wall

6、in China.T: (出示图2) What can you see?S: I can see Yellowstone National Park.T: Where can we find it?S: In the US.T: Yes! Well find Yellowstone National Park in the US.T: (出示图3) What can you see?S: I can see Stonehenge.T: Where can we find it?S: In the UK.T: Yes! Well find Stonehenge in the UK.T: (出示图

7、4) What can you see?S: I can see the Great Barrier Reef.T: Where can we find it?S: In Australia.T: Yes! Well find the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.【设计意图:让学生读Culture time,使其了解其他有关国家的名胜。】Step 4 Checkout time1. T: Open your books, and turn to Page 66. Lets complete it.S: Yes.The teacher asks student

8、s to read out the answers to the sentences one by one. And then read all the sentences together.【设计意图:让学生完成Checkout time中的Read and write的A部分,进一步巩固一般将来时中will 的用法。】2. T: What will you do tomorrow?S: 【设计意图:老师通过询问,让学生根据Think and say的内容完成明日规划。】(1) Look and speak T: What is he going to do? S: He/she is go

9、ing to (2) Pair workT: Look at the picture and ask and answer in pairs.S1: What are you going to do?S2: (3) Check the answer 【设计意图:利用图片让学生说说,锻炼其口语能力,加深对句型的理解。】Step 5 Ticking timeDivide Ss into several groups.Let Ss tick for themselves.Let Ss tick for each other.【设计意图:这部分分三块:1. 我知道有关澳大利亚的内容;2. 我能使用“w

10、ill”谈论自己的未来;3. 我知道了字母组合“air”的发音。】Step 6 ConsolidationComplete the passage with “will” and the correct words.The teacher asks students to read out the answers to the sentences one by one. And then read all the sentences together.【设计意图:利用Read and write 的B 部分练习,巩固一般将来时的用法。】Homework 家庭作业1. 用will写一段关于自己未

11、来的规划。2. 了解祖国以及其他国家都有哪些名胜及其英语表达方式。Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:PPT、教学图片。板书设计: Unit 6 An interesting countryLook over there!Its Sydney in Australia.The city has fresh air.Its view is fair. air chair fair /hair 说课在本节课导入部分,以复习旧知来导入新知。在Sound time教授过程中,我先出图,让学生说说图片里的建筑物是什么,有there引出单词air,再通过单词引出本课的air发音。再

12、出示一些诗歌里的单词填空,导出诗歌。最后让学生自己想想以前学过的有air发音的单词并造句,加深了学生印象和理解,并让学生自主总结字母组合air的发音规律。接下来我通过让学生通读Culture time,了解其他有关国家的名胜,进一步完成Checkout time中的Read and write的A部分,巩固用will表达一般将来时。再设计让学生进行口头操练的环节,询问学生明天的计划,完成Think and say,进行会话表演,并进行适量拓展。在复习巩固阶段,利用Checkout time的B部分进一步操练一般将来时。最后自我总结,指导学生完成Ticking time。特别分享l 关注学生对细节信息的获取。l 关注学生表演时的体验。l 关注学生发音口型,指导怎样读。



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