2023年专项 动词的时态和语态.docx

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1、专项9动词的时态和语态考点动词的时态12019天津I D in the city since I left school.Alive Bwill liveCwas living Dhave lived2As you go through this book,you A that life is beautiful.Awill find BfoundChad found Dhave found32019白银We A TV from seven to nine last night.Awere watching Bwill watchCwatched Dwatch4Would you mind t

2、urning down the music player? Everybody C now.Im sorry.Ill do it right now.Asleep BsleptCis sleeping Dare sleeping5B Jerry _ his work?Not yet.He was working on it when I called him last night.ADid;finish BHas;finishedCDoes;finish DWas;finishing6My brother is an actor.He C in several films so far.Aap

3、pears BappearedChas appeared Dis appearing7Good news! If it B tomorrow,well have a picnic by the lake.Anot rain Bdoesnt rainCisnt rain Ddont rain8I D football quite well,but I havent had time to play since the new year.Awill play Bhave playedCplayed Dplay9Linda is not coming for the party tonight.Bu

4、t she BApromises Bpromised Cwill promise Dhad promised102019乌鲁木齐John told his little daughter the earth C from the west to the east.AmovedBmovingCmovesDmove112019天津Jerry,have you ever been to the Great Wall?Yes.I B there with my parents last year.AgoBwentCwill goDhave gone122019扬州When will your sist

5、er go to England?She D London since four months ago.Awent to Bhas gone toChas been to Dhas been in13Hurry up! Jack B for you to play basketball.OK.Im coming.Awaited Bis waitingCwas waiting Dhave waited14I saw Sam and David in the playground yesterday afternoon.They D games with their classmates then

6、.Aplay Bwill playCare playing Dwere playing15Please look at these stamps.I A them for five years.Wow,they are fantastic!Ahave kept Bhave boughtCborrowed Dkept16How did the accident happen?The girl C WeChat(微信)while walking across the street.Areads Bis readingCwas reading Dread17Where is your uncle,J

7、ane?He is in Guangzhou.He D for a month.Ahas left Bhas gone Cleft Dhas been away18The movie A for about 5 minutes,so lets see the next one.Ahas been on Bhas startedCstarted Dbegan19May I speak to Mr.Lee?Sorry,he C Harbin,he _ the city for two days.Ahas been to;has been inBhas gone to;has been toChas

8、 gone to;has been inDhas been to;has gone to20Have you read this book?Yes,I D it two weeks ago.Ais reading Bhave readCwill read Dread21Have you returned the book to the library yet?Not yet.Dont worry.I D it soon.Areturn BreturnedChave returned Dwill return22Who is that lady?Shes Miss Green.She B us

9、music,and she is so good.Ataught BteachesCwill teach Dis teaching考点被动语态23As we all know,the Ninth BRICS Summit(峰会) C in Xiamen from September 3rd to 5th in 2019.Ais held Bhas heldCwas held Dhas been held24Those old clothes A to the children in the poor areas last week.Awere sent Bhave sentCwill send

10、 Dwill be sent25It is reported that a new teaching building A in our school next year.Awill be built Bwas builtChas built Dwill build262019乌鲁木齐Can you go to the movies with me tonight?I have to ask my mum.If I C,I will go with you.Aallow BallowedCam allowed Dwas allowed27Now all Chinese couples C to

11、 have two children.Aallow BallowedCare allowed Dwere allowed28With the development of China,Chinese B by a large number of people in the world.Aspeaks Bis spokenCspeak Dis speaking29Eleven Chinese films C during the 7th Chinese Film Festival in France last month.Ashowed Bare shownCwere shown Dhave s

12、hown30Tourists B because of their impolite behavior in our country from now on.Awill punish Bwill be punishedCis punishing Dpunished31I used my mobile phone in class and it was C away by my teacher.Abrought BgotCtook Dcarried322019重庆A卷The 2022 Winter Olympic Games D in China.Im sure it will be a great success.Ahold Bwill holdCwere held Dwill be held332019达州Final exam is coming.Tom,dont watch TV for too long.Im not a child anymore.I C what to do.Ashould always be toldBshould always tell Cshouldnt always be toldDshouldnt always tell 第 页


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