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1、The Teaching Plan of Unit 6 Speaking & Writing金道中学 初一级 黄贝琳1. 学情分析: 学生的口语基础比较差,基本不愿意开口说英语。因为上学期期末考试的语音和写作题平均得分比较低,所以要加强这两方面的练习,以便提高他们的学习积极性和成绩。2. 教学内容分析:本节课的内容为口语与写作,主要以本单元的主题“用电常识”为知识背景。第一部分Speaking通过模仿Johnny父亲与Johnny的对话来训练学生学会用May开头的句子来提问,并作否定回答和建议。第二部分Writing要求学生根据提示词来用must和must not写家规并自己作补充,在此基础上

2、把家规的写作延伸到校规的写作上。学生通过这一课的学习能对家庭的用电知识和生活常识有进一步的了解并能把这些知识运用到写作上。3.教学流程图: Listen and sing a song Warm up Review some new words and phrasesSpeaking Make up the conversationsWritingLearn how to write a home rule and a school rule Skills of speaking and writing Summary Homework教学设计一. 教学目标1. 使学生懂得如何用May开头的问

3、句进行口头问答。2. 让学生熟悉家庭的用电常识和生活常识,懂得如何写家规和校规。3. 培养学生自主、积极学习的能力和习惯.4. 进一步提高学生对英语的学习热情,增强学习兴趣,培养学生积极主动地参与课堂活动,大胆开口说英语。二. 教学重点1. 让学生了解用电知识。2. 让学生熟练地用所给的提示来回答问题。3. 让学生学会根据提示写出家规和校规。三. 教学难点1. 让学困生都积极地开口说英语。 2. 如何让学困生们提高写作水平。四. 方法指导1. 让学生看图并指导他们用所给的提示词完成对话。2. 指导学生通过观察对话例子的结构并用代入法造句。3 通过举例和讨论来丰富家规和校规的内容,使学生有话可写

4、。Teaching proceduresStep1Greeting& warming-up1. Greet the students as usual. 2. Listen to an English song “Red River Valley” and ask the Ss to fill in the blanks of lyrics. Then sing the song.Step 2Speaking 1. Let the students review some new words and phrases. 2. Look at the pictures and make up th

5、e conversations in pairs. 3. Ask four pairs of students to present the conversations. 4. Check the answers and then read the answers together.Step3 Writing 1. Look at the words and phrases given and learn how to say it in a sentence.2. Think if the statements are right or wrong.3. Write the sentence

6、s correctly at the suitable places. Use “We must” or “We mustnt” to begin the sentences. Write down the home rules.Step 4 Practice1. Ask the students to say something about the school rules.2. Give a Writing topic and ask Ss to write an article according to the tips.3. Write down the article on the Students Sheet.Step5Summary1.The skills of oral English .2.The skills of writing a composition .3.The structure of writing a composition .Step 6Homework1. Speaking & Writing Parts in English Weekly2. Write down the “Electricity Safety Rules” on the text bookP86.3



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