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1、优品课件人教版2018七年级英语下册Unit 9-10复习学案人教版2018七年级英语下册Unit 9-10复习学案Unit 9-10学案I.重点词组:1. do some reading阅读2. practice English练习英语practice doing sth练习做某事3. study for 为准备/学习4.go for a walk 散步5. talk show脱口秀6. stay at home 呆在家里7. sit down 坐下8. all day/night 整天/夜9. be/get lost 迷路10. help sb.do sth.帮助某人做某事11. make

2、 sb. do sth.使某人做某事12. decide to do sth.决定做某事 decide on sth13. think of=think about 考虑;认为II.重点句型1.What about studying for the geography test ? 去准备地理考试如何?提建议的句子: What/ how about doing sth.?造句: _ Why dont you do sth.?造句: _ Why not do sth. ?造句: _ Lets do sth.造句:_Shall we/I do sth.?造句:_2.How did kids spe

3、nd the weekend ? 孩子们是怎样度过假期的?spend +时间/金钱+on/(in) doing sth 花费时间/金钱做某事造句:_同义词组:1)pay for 造句:_2)cost sb.+ money造句:_3)It takes sb. + 时间 to do sth.造句:_改写:He spent 6,000 yuan on the coat.=He _=The coat _Carol spends one and a half hours exercising every day . = It _ .3. Its time to go home. 该回家了句型:Its t

4、ime to do sth . Its time for sth. 该是 的时间了。造句:_4.He watched WangWang play with a frinedly black cat.他看着汪汪和一只友善的黑猫玩呢。I found a small boy crying in the corner.我发现一个小男孩在角落里哭。总结相似句型:_造句:_变被动:I saw her dance yersterday_.想一想 find 其他的用法:5. 这使我很高兴。That makes me feel very happy .总结make 两种常用形式并造句:1)_2)_6. We d

5、ecided to play tennis. 我们决定打网球。将划线部分改写:_ 或 _decide on sth./ decide to do sth. 决定做某事造句:_7. 写出下列动词的过去式:become-_ , begin-_, bring-_, buy-_, come-_, eat-_, feel-_, find-_, get-_, give-_, go-_, hear-_, know-_, make-_, put-_, run-_, say-_, see-_, sit-_, stand-_, take-_, teach-_, tell-_ , write-_.III. 练习词汇

6、1. She _ /r?ut/a letter to her father.2. At the _ / / of the street, a boy stood here , crying .3. She _ /felt/ very sad today .4. She dislikes singing Chinese _ / / .5. Yestday we _/ / the talk show on TV.选择1. The news _him _ sad.A. made, feel B. made, to feel. C. make, feelD. makes, to feel2. How

7、beautiful your dress is ! How much did you _ for it ? A. pay B. spend C. cost3. It _ Miss Jones the whole day to clean the living room . A. spent B. cost C. took4. He decided _ Canada for a vacation .A. in B. on C. to5. When _ your brother _ back ? About half an hour ago.A. did, come B. had, come C.

8、 do , comeD. have, come改写句子1. I had a relaxing trip . _ _ your trip ?2. I went to summer camp on vacation ._ _ you go on vacation ?3. Kim did her homework at home after school . (改为一般疑问句) _ Kim _ her homework ?4. Mike read a story about Edison for us. (改为否定句)Mike _ _ a story about .5. She made her m

9、other laugh . (改为被动)Her mother _ _ _ laught by her.词形1. _ the girls _ (give) you a warm welcome ? Yes, they did.2. Old Henry watched his dog _ (play) with a cat at that time.3. We often practice _ (speak) English.4. Have you mended your shoes ? Yes, I _ (mend) them twenty minutes ago .5. What about

10、_(stay) at home and _ (study) for the test ?翻译1. 该吃晚饭了。 Its time _ _ _ .2. 昨天我看一个很有趣的脱口秀度过了一整晚。Yesterday I _ the whole night _an interesting _ _ .3. 他喜欢听这个节目吗?Does he _ _ _ the programme ?4. 我们一整天都在拥挤的购物中心买东西,很愉快。We had fun _ _ in the _ malls .5. 我们决定晚饭不吃四川菜,太辣了!We _ _ _ eat Sichuan food _ dinner ,

11、it makes us _ too hot !6. 他发现这个孩子迷路了。He found the child _7. 他没有狗也没有家人。He has _ _ and _ _ .= He _ have a dog _ a family .中考链接1. We find English _ .A. use B. useful C. using D. used2. Who cooked the supper today? I _ .A. did B. was C. am D. do3. You can not imagine how much I _ buying this dress. Is it beautiful ?A. paid B. took C. cost D. spent4. Jane likes singing . We often hear her _ after class. A. sing B. to sing C. sings D. sang5. Where were you _ Friday evening ?A. in B. at C. on D. on the6. _ on vacation ? I went to New


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