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1、 武夷山椿辉商务酒店(原泉州惠安酒店) 酒店设备使用一览 Hotel equipment list1、 热水问题 1、Water problems 时间 7:0018:00 热水温度:2235 time 7:0018:00 water 2235 时间 18:0024:00 热水温度:3857 time 18:0024:00 water 3857 时间 24:007:00 热水温度:2235 time 24:007:00 water 22352、 电视问题 2、TV problems 酒店使用数字电视,在使用上和以往的普通电视有点区别具体如下: 开机3、 环境问题 3、Environmental

2、 problems 酒店周边绿树覆盖率高达88%犹以朝北客房拥有武夷山独有50亩名贵丹桂。树多了蚊子必然少不了!否则树就不健康了。房间除了具有物理驱蚊设备(纱窗、门、植物驱蚊)您还可到大堂处免费索要电蚊香片。酒店对于蚊子给您带来的骚扰深感抱歉!感谢周边植物带来的高溶度氧气给予我们的无比清新的空气! Surrounding the Hotel green coverage rate as high as 88% and the North rooms have unique to Wuyishan 50 acres of rare osmanthus. The tree more mosquit

3、oes is inevitable! Otherwise, the tree is not healthy. The room has the physical mosquito repellent device (screens, doors, plant repellent) you can also free of charge to the lobby where the electric mosquito-repellent incense. Hotel for mosquitoes to bring you harassed apologize! The high solubili

4、ty of oxygen for surrounding plants bring to our very fresh air! 酒店未配置客房电话如您需要咨询、索要某物品请短信大堂服务电话:13459994188 如:8301 需要电吹风The hotel is not configured room phone if you need advice, ask for an item please SMS lobby service telephone: 13459994188 if: 8301 need hair dryer!酒店设备使用一览2 Hotel equipment list 2

5、4、 客房小茶吧功能介绍 4、Rooms small tea function introduction 5、 衣物晾晒问题 5、The clothes airing problem 贵客如因旅途时间长,需要清洗衣服,贴身衣服请携需清洗的衣物(内衣请自理)到大堂登记1、外送清洗(今洗明后天拿)2、酒店内部洗衣房清洗(今洗明取)1/套/人/5元。 The honored guest such as travel time is long, need to wash the clothes, close-fitting clothes please bring need washing cloth

6、ing (underwear please themselves) to the lobby to register 1, sending cleaning (now wash tomorrow take) 2, the inside of the hotel laundry cleaning (now wash Ming take) 1/ / /5 element.6、 图书借阅 6、Borrow books 酒店有大量书籍借阅;请爱护每一本书籍,他们都是知识的记录者,酒店图书均免费借阅。养生类丛书 育婴类丛书 国学丛书 计算机丛书 小说 漫画 等 如需要请至大堂借阅 谢谢 The hote

7、l has a large number of books to borrow; please cherish every book, they are all knowledge of the record, the hotel books are free to borrow. Health series baby series ancient Chinese literature search Series in computer series novels and comic books such as the need to lobby registration please bor

8、row.7、 淋浴房使用说明 7、Note the use of shower room 使用淋浴房时请注意防滑 酒店为您客房配置的淋浴区域防滑垫为了您的淋浴安全请合理使用!洗澡时请关闭淋浴房房门 能有效阻止水流到卫生间导致卫生间湿滑。 The use of shower room please note anti-skid hotel to shower area mat you room configuration in order to shower your safety please rational use! Take a shower when you turn off the

9、shower room door can effectively prevent water flow to the bathroom to bathrooms slippery.酒店早餐配置说明:为了满足大众需求椿辉商务酒店自2013年试运行早餐服务,成效显著。酒店特推出以下几种营养早餐套餐以供贵宾选择: 套餐1: 优酸乳*2 沙琪玛*2 小面包*2 茶叶蛋*2 小酥饼*2 =20元 套餐2:武夷山紫溪份*2或武夷山越南粉*2或武夷山水饺*2份(约12个*2)=20元 套餐3:优酸乳*2+朱子孝母饼*2份=20元 套餐4:支持5人以上10人以下套餐:稀饭+咸蛋或茶叶蛋+榨菜*2碟+青菜*2盘+花生米=人均10元具体可咨询大堂或者短信13459994188 本地首家五证齐全酒店 首家全方位服务集吃、住、行、玩、聊多位一体商务酒店



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