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1、教学设计(教案)基本信息学 科英语年 级五年级教学形式词汇课教 师陈李纯单 位揭阳邱金元纪念小学课题名称Unit 5 My new room PartB Lets learn学情分析本节授课对象为小学五年级学生。通过三、四年级两年的学习,大多数学生有一定的英语语言接受和表达能力,词汇量有一定的储备,能进行简单的口语交流,对教师的课堂指令和体态语言已有相当好的反应。学习兴趣较浓,积极性较高,但也有少数学生对语言的认知能力不强,缺乏一定的学习能力,反应较迟缓有待进一步提高。第五单元的教学内容都是围绕“房间”这个主题展开的。本节课为授课,它是第五单元Part B 的第一课时,在三年级时,我们已学习了

2、on, in, under,且经过两年的学习,学生对这三个单词掌握很好,但是其余的方位词较少接触,且容易混淆,所以应占有较重的比例,针对这些方位词,对房间等其他地方进行描述,且能使用句型:Where is ? Its ,在真实的情境中熟练问答。教学目标(1) 知识目标:能听、说、读、写单词:in, on, under, behind, near。 (2) 能力目标:能够听说认读单词:over, in front of和句子“Where is ? Its .”,并能在一定情景中正确运用。(3) 情感目标:培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,提高学生的口语表达能力和交际能力。培养学生热爱劳动,勤做家务的

3、良好习惯教学过程Step1. Warm-upGuessing game. Let the Ss guess whats in the picture.(PPT)Show part of the picture.Purpose: Review the positions word that the students had known before. Step 2. Presentation1、Watch the video of the story time in PEP 2 Part C. Zip is playing “Hide and seek” with Zoom2、Ask the q

4、uestions about the story: Where is zip?3、Use the picture of zoom and zip to present the position word: over、behind、in front of、near and sentence structure. Purpose: Use the story time to present the position word.Step 3. Practice1、Use the hand gestures to present the position word. One hand is the o

5、bject and one hand is the other.Purpose: Use the TPR to help the students understand and remember the word.2、Memory Game:T shows the picture of a room and makes it disappear. Then ask the Ss “Where is the? “There is/areon/under/overthe”Purpose: Use the game to make the students use the sentence stru

6、cture properly.3、Lets find out:Give them a disorder picture.Find some wrong places. Express with “there be”. Ss say where the stuff should be.Purpose: Use the game to make the students use the words properly.Step 4 Consolidation1、Choose the correct word to filling the blanks according to the picture

7、s.Purpose: To check if the Ss understand the word correctly and can choose the right word. 2、Listen to the pronunciation part and finish the exercises.Step 5 HomeworkDraw a picture and use seven new words.板书设计Unit 5 My New Room Part B Lets learn Where is the? in / on / Its in front of / behind the.u

8、nder / near /作业或预习Choose 2 titles as your homework1.Cope the words.2.Listen to the tape and say it to your parents.3.Draw your ideal room and use of prepositons introduce your room to your friends.自我评价在活动中学生能主动参与,自我表演,自我发挥,学生的交际能力也得到了训练。但可能会忽略了对活动的评价,学生在活动中也可能会忽略了活动本身的目的与意义。组长评议或同行评议(可选多人): 组内成员评议:教学线索清晰,能突出教学重难点,学生积极参与课堂活动。教学效果好。 评议一单位:英语组 姓名:陈李纯 日期:2013.11.20


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