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1、小学英语学科教学设计教案设计者:赵胜杰 年级:四年 课时:第一课时课题Unit 11Shapes课型新授课教材简析及学情分析本单元是上海教育出版社的小学英语四年级上册第四模块第11单元shapes第一课时,主要围绕形状这一话题展开。本单元内容贴近学生生活,有利于培养他们在真实情境中用英语进行交际能力,也培养了学生善于观察身边,让英语随时在身边.本课属于会话与词汇相结合教学,加强学生对形状的认知。四年级的学生活泼好动,反应迅速,模仿能力强,对形象生动直观的感性材料感兴趣,喜欢么多变的环境和丰富多彩的教学手段。学生的理解能力和自制力比起低年级有所加强,但识记单词仍是许多学生的难关。在学习本单元前,

2、学生已学过简单句型“How many.”以及数字单词one,two.能简单询问实物的数量,了解英语简单的拼读规律,能快速的模仿简单明快的英语儿歌及句子,这些为本节课做了良好的铺垫。教学目标知识目标 1.帮助学生学习生词2.帮助学生掌握句型-How many are there? -There is/are能力目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写单词和句型: star circle square triangle rectangle 句型 -How many are there? -There is/are2.通过对话的学习,帮助学生初步运用核心句型。情感目标 培养学生的沟通能力,发现和了解生活中

3、的形状。教学补改重点1.词汇: star square triangle rectangle 2句型:-How many are there? -There is/are教法学法教学时主要采用“活动化”教学模式,通过情境交际、游戏以及肢体语言等教学方式帮助学生理解英语。难点能正确运用句型。-How many are there? -There is/are教学资源tape, word cards , pictures教学过程:Step1: Pre-task preparations1Greeting2. Sing a song 营造轻松的英语情境,通过歌曲引入新单词 starStep2: Wh

4、ile-task procedures1.Teach the new word star.T: What can you hear from this song? This song is about star.look at these words.car arm park starThe pronunciaton of the letter “ar” is.Read this sentence one by one.Ss:T:How many stars are there? Lets count it .Ss:1.2.T &Ss : There are. stars.提出问题 ,引导学生

5、自然地过度到新单词.大小声过渡加深对单词的记忆。 练习句型,数星星的环节复习学过的数字,巩固旧知,加强学生对句型的掌握。2 Teach the new word circle.We can see a lot of stars in the sky.we can see moon at night.What shape is the moon?What shape is it?Ss:circleT:(发音)Touch and saySing a circle song.T:How many circles are there?3.Teach the new word “square”T:Loo

6、k at this picture .I fold it. It can become a square.Read this word one by one .Square square squarePlay a game.T:How many squares are there?在游戏中练习单词,加深对单词的记忆。4.Teach the new word triangleT:lets guess. This is a square, I fold it, it becomes a new shape. This shape has three angles. angle 角. Its a t

7、riangle.Say together three angles three angles-triangleHow many triangles are there?5.Teach the new word “rectangle”T:I fold this square .It has four angles, It becomes a .Ss:rectangle.T: How many rectangles in our classroom?Ss:Step3: Post-task activitiesPractice(1) Guessing game what shape is it?(2

8、) The magic finger(3) Find the right order.(4) Who is the faster?When you see the shape, please say this shape as fast as you can.(5)Make a dialogue.According to this picture, make a dialogue with your partner.(6)Sing and draw.作业Find out more shapes in our daily life and share with your classmates.板书设计:Unit11 Shapes Shape square star circle triangle rectangle



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