模块话题:Sports and jobs.docx

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1、模块话题:Sports and jobs语用任务Talking about future plans分课时话题:1. Sports Plan2. My Dream Job分课时目标:第一课时:1. 学生能够听懂、理解并能初步运用单词以及词组long jump, make friends, sports day, high, high jump, race, run a race, star等2. 学生能够运用I am going to说明自己的运动会计划。第二课时:1.学生能够运用What are you going to be?提问,并且用I am going to be的句型和他人交流自己

2、的理想。2. 学生能够熟练运用有关职业的单词,如:doctor, driver等,并且通过与他人交流进一步明确自己理想,树立正确的职业价值观。做一个有目标、有理想的好少年。学校厦门第二实验小学设计者周杰慧年级三年级课题NSE(一起) Book 5 Module 9 Unit2 Im going to be a driver.学科英语课型情景对话课教学目标1.学生能够运用What are you going to be?提问,并且用I am going to be的句型和他人交流自己的理想。2. 学生能够熟练运用有关职业的单词,如:doctor, driver等,并且通过与他人交流进一步明确自己

3、理想,树立正确的职业价值观。做一个有目标、有理想的好少年。教材分析本课的教材内容为外研社英语(一起)第五册,第九模块第二单元。本模块的主题是:Talking about future plans. 本单元课文情景是Daming、Lingling和Sam在一起谈论自己今后想从事的职业。从教材的纵向结构来说,三年级上Module9Unit1开始,第一次出现”be going to”结构的一般将来时,主要学习的是运用“be going to”结构讨论和制定运动会计划。而本课则是学习用同样的结构谈论理想。另外,在一年级下Module1,学生学习过有关职业的单词表达,比如:policeman、docto

4、r、nurse、teacher等。学情分析前在状态:本课学习对象为三年级的学生。学生能够听懂老师的课堂指令,并且进行简单的对话交流。但是在交流表达中缺乏提问的意识,习惯听老师提问然后回答。因此,要通过本课文本的建构提高孩子提问的能力,并且能够正确运用表达“be going to”结构的句子。同时,把一年级所学的有关职业的单词,如 policeman、doctor、nurse等运用到表达中。潜在状态:三年级的学生经过两年多的学习,对英语建立了一定的兴趣和语言基础,有较强的表现欲。本课我希望通过歌曲激活学生对职业单词的旧知;通过游戏和表演的方式,帮助学生理解文本,并且最后能够在文本的基础上联系自身

5、,灵活运用所学句型与他人谈论自己的理想,制作理想小卡片。学生差异分析:本班共有54个学生,其中男生27人,女生27人。发言表达方面男女生的比例比较均等。班级里三分之二的孩子有良好的学习习惯,课堂上能够认真倾听,有扎实的英文基础,思维活跃;另外三分之一的孩子英语综合运用能力比较一般,但是能够通过小组合作、同桌交流的方式提高认知与表达。教学过程设计教学环节教师活动与语言设计意图和活动目标Pre-task1. Sing a song: jobsT: We are going to listen a song about jobs.T: We can here many jobs in the son

6、g. What jobs can you hear in the song?2. Free talk: What jobs do you know?T: What other jobs do you know? Discuss in your groups.3. Game: I say, you do.T: Wow, you are great! Do you know all these jobs? Lets try to do the action. Stand up. I say you do. Are you ready?T: You are a fireman/ cook/ farm

7、er/ teacher/doctor.Ss: (Do the action) Im a fireman/cook/farmer.4. Present the topic: My dream job.T: Which one are you going to be in the future? Our topic today is my dream job. We are going to learn M9U2, after that we are going to talk about it.通过歌曲营造轻松的课堂氛围,激发学生学习的兴趣。有向开放:学生通过小组分享,激活所学过有关职业的单词。

8、 收集学生资源:板书现场生成有关职业的单词通过游戏互动的方式,帮助学生巩固对有关职业单词的理解,为后面的教学铺垫。While-task1. Get to know Damings and Sams dream jobs.1-1. Watch and choose.T: Look at this picture. Who are they? Yes, they are Daming, Sam and Lingling. They are talking about their dream jobs, too.T: So What is Sams dream job and what is Dam

9、ings dream job? Here are some choices for you. Can you read? A. policeman(图) B. doctor (图) C. driver (图) D. teacher(图) T: Take out your paper. Lets watch and choose the right answer.1-2. Check the answers.T: Finished? What is Sams dream job?S1: A driver.T: Yes. How to spell “driver”? What can a driv

10、er do? A driver can drive. A singer canYes, youre clever. What else do you know? Ss: A teacher can teach. A dancer can dance.T: You are clever. How about Daming? What is his dream job?S1: A doctor. 1-3. Watch and practise the sentence: Im going to be aT: Good. Sam wants to be a driver in the future

11、and Daming wants to be a doctor. What do they say? Lets watch again.T: What does Sam say? What does Daming say?Ss: Im going to be a driver/ doctor.1-4. Ask students to do the role reading.T: Now I am Sam, you are Daming. Im going to be a driver. What are you going to be, Daming?Ss: I am going to be

12、a doctor.T: Lets exchange.Ss: T: Good!Lets read the sentence together “What are you going to be?” Two by two, please.T: Group 1 and 2, you are Sam. Group 3 and 4, you are Daming. Ready?Ss: T: Well done. Practise with your partners.提出问题,让学生带着问题整体视听文本,提取关键信息。通过与学生核对答案,检验学生的掌握程度与水平。进行单词书写示范。渗透对单词构词法的感知

13、:drive-driver; teach-teacher.以及帮助学生加深对职业的理解。通过师生角色扮演操练句子,熟悉文本对话内容。能够在情景中理解问句what are you going to be? 的表达,并且操练核心句型,帮助学生熟练上口。生生互动:同桌合作熟悉对话,巩固句型。2. Role play2-1. Listen and find.T: We know Sam is going to be a driver. And there is a driver in the picture. Can you see? Can you circle him?T: Yes, he is

14、a driver. And he is Linglings? Lets listen. He is Linglings uncle.2-2. Teach the new word: uncleT: How to spell? Lets play a bomb game.T: Great! Do you know “uncle”? Look at the family tree. Who is uncle?T: Yes, uncle is your fathers or mothers brother. Do you have uncles? I have one uncle. How abou

15、t you? T: Can you be Lingling and say the sentence. Ready? Go!2-3. Listen and imitate.T: Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.T: Open your book, turn to page 53. Lets read again.2-4. Ask students to do the role play.T: Lets do the role play. One is Amy, uncle, Daming, Sam. Practice in your groups. T: Which team wants to try? Welcome! 3,2,1, action.T: Do they speak loudly/correctly/ emotionally? How many stars? So if they. They will be better. 通过听音获取信息,培养学生认真倾听的习惯。通过图示法学



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