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1、英美报刊 阅读Dont Be a Sunscreen Slacker!Ditch the excuses and protect your skin: We rounded up the newest sunscreens to find the least annoying and easiest-to-apply products for the best sun safety.It wouldnt be summer without hot dogs, fireworks, and sunscreen-or perhaps guilt over skipping sunscreen(st

2、udies show as many as 40 percent of adults do not use it).But its never too late to start. Readers Digest combed the latest product reviews from Consumer Reports, Prevention, Good Housekeeping, and more to find the best sunscreens for any scenario. Before you buy: Remember that only products with SP

3、F 15 or higher can say they prevent burns and skin cancer, according to new FAD rules.1. Excuse: I hate reapplying when Im at the beach.Choose: Broad-spectrum products with at least SPF 30. Sprays and foams make applying less annoying.Try: Aveeno Continuous Protection Sunblock Lotion Spray SPF 70($1

4、1.99 for 3 oz, target), Neutrogena Wet Skin Sunblock Spray SPF 30($9.50 for 5 oz, drugstores), Coppertone Oil Free Foaming Sunscreen lotion SPF 75+ ($9.99 for 6 oz, drugstores).2. Excuse: Sunscreen irritates my skin.Choose: Broad-spectrum products free of dyes, fragrances, and alcohol (its drying).O

5、r opt for sunscreen with mineral blockers, such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, which are less irritating.Try: Aveeno Natural Protection Sunblock Lotion SPF 30($10.99 for 3 oz, drugstores), Coppertone sensitive skin-sunscreen Lotion SPF 50($9.25 for 6 oz, drugstores),Laroche-Posay Anthelios 50 Mi

6、neral sunscreen($32.95 for 11.7 oz, drugstores).3. Excuse: Im always sweat it off.Choose: Broad-spectrum products with good sweat and water resistance; sprays help ensure easier applications after workouts.Try: Banana Boat sport Performance Continuous Spray Sunscreen SPF 110($10.99 for 6 oz, drugsto

7、res), Aveeno Hydrosport Sunblock Spray SPF 50($10.99for 5 oz, drugstores).4. Excuse: My skin is already sun damaged.Choose: Any broad-spectrum products with at least 30.Its never too late to start protecting skin, and most sun exposure occurs after age 18,not during childhood.Try: foe extra healing,

8、 consider NIA24 Sun Damage Prevention 100% Mineral Sunscreen SPF 30($45 for 2.5 oz, nia24. com).It contains a specially formulated B vitamin though to help repair skin.5. Excuse: Sunscreen is so expensive.Choose: Broad-spectrum products that give the best protection for your buck; these earned “Best

9、 Buy” awards from Consumer Reports.Try: Up & Up Sport Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 30 spray($5.24 for 6 oz, Walgreens).6. Excuse: Im too lazy to remember when to reapplyDownload MyUv Alert, a free iPhone app from Coppertone that tells you when its time to re-slather that sunscreen(every two hours).I

10、t also gives the current local UV index reading(how intense the rays are).By Lauren Gelman from Readers Digest Magazine |May 2012I. New words1. Slacker: n. person who is lazy or avoid work懒惰的人,偷懒的人2. Ditch: v. abandon(sb./ sth) ;get rid of;抛弃(某人、某物);摆脱;3. Outsmart: v. to gain an advantage over sb. B

11、y acting in a clever way;比精明;智胜;4. Comb: v. pass a comb through sth. In order to tidy or arrange it ;梳理;5. Scenario: n. written outline of a film, play,etc with details of the scenes and plot (电影、戏剧等的)脚本,概要等;6. Apply: v. 涂,搽;7. Spray:n. liquid applied in the form of spray from a special device under

12、 pressure;喷雾液体;8. Foam:n. mass of small, usual white, air bubbles formed in or on a liquid;泡沫;9. Lotion: n. cosmertic for use on the skin ;润肤液;10. Irritate: case discomfort to(a part of the body)使(身体某部)不适;刺激;11. Dyes: n. substance used for dyeing;染料;12. Fragrance: n. pleasant or sweet smell, scent o

13、r perfume;好闻的/芳香的气味;香;香料;II. Notes to the Test1. Round (sb./sth.) up :使(某人/某物)集合在一起;延伸: Round-up: (人、动物、事物的)聚焦、聚拢;Do/go the rounds (of sth.): make a tour, visit places one after another ;到处游玩,到一处又到一处;Go the round of: 流传、散播;Make ones rounds :make ones usual visits, esp of inspection;例行巡视;巡查;2. SPF:ab

14、br. Sun Protect Factor 防晒系数;3. FDA:Food and Drug Administration;(美)食品及药物管理局;4.III. Background Information1.Aveeno艾维诺完美融合自然与科技 Aveeno艾维诺是美国专业护肤品牌,属于强生公司旗下。始创于1945年,是研究纯天然护肤产品成分的先锋,已经被皮肤科专家以及小儿科医生推荐长过60年之久。产品由天然胶状燕麦精华提炼而成,质地温而不腻,多次获得美容时尚杂志的称赞和推荐。Aveeno艾维诺采用最多的两种成分是燕麦和大豆,采用纯天然成分的优点研制出一系列安全高效、质地温和的产品。主要

15、适合中性偏干、敏感型肌肤,并适用于婴儿,抗敏修护功效极佳,并且还是2006年冬季奥运会美国代表队的指定护肤产品! 1945年Musher 兄弟受梅约诊所委托开发了采用100%纯正燕麦磨碎制成的洗澡护肤系列,此款产品对干燥、过敏、虫咬、瘙痒、出疹等皮肤问题十分有效。1999年,Aveeno艾维诺被JN(Johnson and Johnson强生)集团收购,此后全面开发婴儿护肤系列,产品系列比母公司强生更多元化。2002年,除了天然燕麦的传统配方外,更以抗氧化的大豆萃取精华为主要成分,推出适用于成年人的保养品,主要功效为防晒、净化肤色、平衡油脂、深层长效保湿,全方位护理肌肤。Aveeno艾维诺尤以

16、超强的抗敏修护功效而享誉盛名. 是美国奥运代表团的指定使用品牌。产品全部采用天然胶状燕麦和植物萃取精华研制而成,纯天然无危害,是真正有效的皮肤保养产品。艾维诺是Active Naturals(活性天然化妆品品牌)中的佼佼者,一直致力于开发突破性的配方,富含现有及新型天然成分。经临床验证,本品能够真正实现肌肤护理,令您的肌肤显得更加健康和靓丽。因此在过去的60年里,这种产品一直受到皮肤科和儿科医师的广泛赞誉和极力推崇。2.Neutrogena露得清是世界上最大卫生保健品公司强生的高效护肤品品牌。Neutrogena露得清致力在护肤,身体护理,护发,彩妆等领域Neutrogena露得清一直保持其品牌风格Neutrogena way.我们的答案是Neutrogena露得清. 作为全球高效总部设于加州洛杉矶的Neutrog



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