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1、课题Module6Unit1You can play basketball well.课时1教学目标1. 知识与能力目标:(1) 学生能够听、说、认读单词或词组: well, true, catch the ball,jump high, run fast(2)学习句型Can you run fast? No,I cant.You can jump high. You can play basketball well.(3) 学会评估自己和他人。2. 情感态度目标:(1) 激发学生的积极情感,感受学习英语的乐趣。(2) 在学习、交流中培养学生自主学习的能力。(3) 激发并培养学生热爱生活,多与

2、朋友沟通交流的情感。3. 教学重点:掌握本单元的重点单词和句型Can you?Yes,I can./No,I cant.4. 教学难点:如何评估自己和他人。课前准备Cards ,ppt学生用具Books,教学过程教学环节师生活动设计意图Step1:Warm upStep2:lead inStep2:PresentationStep3:PracticeStep4:ConsolidationStep5: SummaryStep6: HomeworkBoard-designTPRPlay a game“clap stomp”.利用 Warm up 中复习的动词短语,问学生,“do you like

3、our PE class? What can you do in this class?canyou ?”问到can you play basketball?当学生回答yes ,I can. 时,.老师出示实物篮球接着问can you play well? 当学生回答Yes, I can .时,老师“Really?Show us please.引出”Thats true.”并板书“You can play basketball well. I cant play basketball well.3.幻灯片出示lingling,Sam,Amy的图片.老师提问:“What are they tal

4、king about ?”听第一遍录音,回答问题。可以用汉语回答。4. 老师“Sam asks Lingling two quewtions.Listen the second time and circle the questions.”听录音,在黑板上板书两个问题并让学生自己找出答案。 5. 老师:“lingling cant run fast.She cant catch the ball.But what can she do?Discuss in groups.6.Listen,repeat and circle “well”. 7.Listen and fill in the bl

5、anks. Look ,ask and answer.Use the sentences”Can you?Yes, I can./ No,I cant.1.听关于little turtle 的故事,继续操练句型Can you ?2 Have a match. 男生女生分成两组,用句型“I can well. But I cant well”造句,哪个队操练的多,哪个队获胜。What have we learnt today?1. Listen and read the dialogue three times.2. Copy the key sentences two times.3. Try

6、 to write down a short dialogue according to the pictures on page 23. e.g. Can you play the flute? Yes, I can.M6 Unit1 You can play basketball well.Can you run fast? No, I cant.Can you catch the ball? Not very well.激发学生学习热情,缓解紧张气氛,同时为学新知做铺垫。将单词well在此环节中讲授。通过出示体育明星的图片,加深学生对well的认识以及让学生熟悉词组run fast,jump high,play basketball well.通过实物篮球,引出true和大标题。在真实语境中让学生学知识。听第一遍录音,整体感知文本。让学生带着问题听录音,带着问题学习课文,更有利于学生掌握知识。并且将Can you 句型板书突出重点知识。小组讨论,合作学习。通过模仿,纠正发音。与此同时,通过在书上划出well加深学生对单词well的印象。通过填空,既巩固了知识,又练了学生的书写。同位一问一答,通过操练掌握句型。拓展练习学生通过归纳总结加深对本节课的知识的印象。 You can play basketball well.教学设计火连寨小学艾泽民



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