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1、英语必修III译林牛津版Unitl期中复习学案Teaching goal:Students should be able to deal with the key points of U1M3 through the revision of this period.Important & difficult points:1. Ways to express times2. Noun clausesTeaching procedure:I. Key words:hearing, confuse, forecast, conductor, foggy, observe, glance, nowh

2、ere, approach, darkness, hesitate, stare, anxious, grateful, aid, relief, recognize, ignore, sweat, distcince, attach, disability, hopeful, whisper, bite, contrary, attract, calm, panic, employ, unlikePractice 1: Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the above in its proper form:1. Im veryat

3、your explanation. Dont use suchproblems tome again, (confuse)2. The (雾)was too heavy for the bus to run that far when Polly left work.3. As Polly o the passengers on the train, she had a feeling that shewas being watched by a tall man in dark overcoat.4. N else can you see so many unique plants and

4、animals.5. Listen! It seems that a train is(靠近).6. The shy girl (犹豫)for a while and then entered the teachers office.7. The boyat the clock and rushed out. (stare/ glance/ glare)8. The man at his daughter and asked why she had told a lie, but thegirl onlydown at the floor and said nothing, (stare/ g

5、lance/ glare)9. To the doctors (宽慰),the patient got out of danger.10. One explanation is that womens sense of smell is linked to (识别)the smell of babies.11. (系上)the message to its leg, the officer set the bird loose.12. Mr. Liu Weihai had a new hand (接上)during the operation.13. Once (bite) by a dog,

6、 one wi 11 have to be injected wild dog vaccine.14. The woman (惊慌)as soon as she heard that her son was injured in the(使用)by armies to carryaccident.15. During both Wor 1 d War I and II, pigeons were e_ messages to and from the front.II. Key expressions:2.无处可见4.伸出(手等)6.来帮某人8.有区别/影响10.充分利用1. 取得巨大成就3.

7、 看得/不见5, 当心,注意7.轻松地9.与.相关11. 前往(way) 12,接近13.吓得出汗14.突然15.取得很大进步16.制定(计划),解出17.感激某人18.使某人惊讶的是19.与相反20.导致21.有意义22.把A误认为B23.听从某人的意见24.被.吸引Practice 2:Complete the sentences:1. Staying healthy (有意义)and scientists observe that(充分利用我们的感觉)when we are young can keep us healthy later on in life.2. Do you know

8、 of any people who (取得了巨大成就)evenif they have lost the ability to use one of their senses?3. Thank you so much for (来帮我).4. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise ring out through the cold air and I felt that myshoulder was being grasped by a hand.,I heard a loud noise ring out through the coldair and I felt

9、 my shoulderby a hand.5.1 (非常感激我的医生).6. (使她惊讶的是),Mona Lisa was singing loudly.7. The woman smiled at Sandy and(把手伸向)her.8. (相反于)what many people might assume, evidence shows sharksseldom attack humans. Many people might assume that sharks often attack humans.,evidence shows they seldom do so.9. The

10、boy was punished because he had broken the school rules.That the boy had broken the school rules resulted in10. Success lies in hard work. Hard work /_success.III. Important structures:1. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual stop.2. The truth is that it is too foggy for the b

11、us to run that far.3.Only about 30 types are known to have attacked human beings.4. Hit the shark on the nose.5. You are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark.6. However, it was in war that they found their greatest use.Practice 3:1. Although(非常虚弱),she cooked the me

12、al for her children.2. Please keep quiet whenever (在图书馆).3. Liu Weihai was attacked by a wild animal three months ago while(lead)a group of tourists in the mountains.4. Unless(make) the most of, time will not be enough.5. The child is so young that he cant go to school alone.The child is youngto sch

13、ool by himself.The child is not oldto school alone.6. 11 is be 1ieved that strong smel1s can affect the senses.Strong smellsthe senses.7. As is reported, the accident caused ten deaths.*The accident is reportedten deaths.8. We suppose you are doing your homework.*You are supposedyour homework.9. Thr

14、ee robbers hit the shopkeeper the face/ the head.10. The blind man grasped/held Polly the hand and led her to King street.11. 我的房间是你的3倍多大。room is more than 3 times big yours. My room is more than 3 timesof yours. My room is over twiceyours.12. Yesterday Mr. Wang boughtlot of things in the supermarke

15、t (对划线部分强调) .(2).*.*.强调句型的一般疑问句:?强调句型的特殊疑问句:?强调句型作为名词性从句的用法:IV. Grammar:1.Noun clauses.2. The object complement.Practice 4: Fill in each blank with a proper conjunction:1. It now appearsthey are in need of help.2. A new school has been built in was a wasteland 3 years ago.3. / /he will come here isnt known to us.4. I know nothing about him except/he is studying now.5. This isshe was born.6. The question



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