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1、情态动词及虚拟语气1.We_(当时可能不能证明)great adventurers,but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years.(prove)2.Some aspects of a pilots job_(有时会枯燥),and pilots often have to work at inconvenient hours.(bore)3.The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I_(没必要费事)to carry my umbrella with me .

2、(take)4.He_(一定是完成了)his work:otherwise.he wouldnt be enjoying himself by the seaside.(complete)5._(应该没有任何困难)about passing the road test since you have practised a lot in the driving school.(difficulty)6.-Do you know where david is? i couldnt find him anywhere. -Well, he_(一定不会走远)-his coats still here.

3、(go)7.Mr.whites_(应该到达)at 8:30 for the meeting.but he didnt show up.(arrive)8.-I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter -It_(肯定不是真的)because there was little snow there.(true)9.Well, I could never imagine an honest boy like john_(竟然作弊) in the exam!(cheat)10.The careless man received a tic

4、ket for speeding. He_(不应该开得那么快).(drive)11.The police have said that this situation_(必须终止)as soon as possible.(put)12.What a kind teacher! But for his help, I_(不可能完成)my study.(finish)13.-Did Mary come to the party? -Idont know. She_(可能来了 )while Iwas out.(come)14.When he was there, he_(习惯去)that coffee

5、 shop at the street corner after work every day.(would)15.Mike _(可能来看我).I dont want to go out in case he comes.(come)16.It_(一定是一直下雨)when he got back home,for he was wet all over.(rain)17.He had been knocking at the door for a long time,but no one came to open it,he said to himself, No one_(会在家里).(in

6、doors)18.I was really anxious about you, you_(不应该离开医院)without telling the nurse.(leave)19.-Where is tom?i cant find him.his mother is waiting for him outside. -He_(一定是在上网)in the computer classroom.(surf)20.Mr.hu is always on time for everything. _(怎么可能)that he was late for the opening ceremony?(be)2

7、1.In most developed countrie, people_(不必把水烧开)before they drink it.(need)22.I_(应该告诉)him about the matter,but Iwas too busy and forgot it.(tell)23.The first of the new computers_(可能上市销售)in the new year.(sale)24.We_(原本可以赶上)the flight,but we were caught in the traffic jam.(catch)25.You _(可能打得不是很好) today

8、,but at least youve got through to the next round and tomorrow is another day.(play)26.I_(不会犯这样愚蠢的错误)if I had been a little more careful.(make)27.You told me nothing about it , you _(本该让我了解)about it .(informed)28.You_(最好不要让她一直等)outside:it is going to rain.(keep)29.-Will the work be finished on frida

9、y,sir? -No, I_(宁愿也不要拖延)until this thursday. (rather,put)30.-Jane,i have cleaned the room for you. -Thanks, but you_(不必这样做), sice i could manage it myself.(need)31.The green sweater ive taken by mistake_(可能是)Harry. 情态动词及虚拟语气He always wears green.(belong)32.If people can get better education, much of

10、the povert_(可以清楚).(wipe)33.To our surprise,the painting considered to have been copied_(居然已经赢得了)the prize.(win)34.It is required that you _(不应该告诉)other people the password of your e-maill account.(tell)35.We think he _(不该被派遣)on the business,since he is always short of responsibility.(ought)36.You _(准是送了)her the flowers, for I saw you in the flower shop.(send)37.Sorry, Im late.I_(大概是关掉了) the alarm.(turn)38.I_(本想去拜访她)yesterday,but i was too busy.(like)39.More attention_(应该关注于)the kids form single-parent families,whose lives seem to be in disorder. (fix)



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