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1、小学英语一般过去时讲解及练习六年级英语复习(第九课时)一般过去时概念:表示在过去某个时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。常见过去时态时间状语:Yesterday_ yesterday morning/ evening_last night/week/ month/year_the day before yesterday_just now_two days ago_a week ago_in 1990_例:I went to bed at eleven last night。 昨晚我11:00睡觉。行为动词一般过去时变化规则1一般在动词原形末尾加-ed,如:looklooked, play pla

2、yed2结尾是e加d,如:livelived,useused,hope-hoped3末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stopstopped,planplanned4以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i,再加ed,如:studystudied5。常见不规则动词一般过去时:am/iswas arewere have/hashad dodid singsang sitsat givegave runran comecame eatate taketook writewrote ride rode drivedrove speakspoke getg

3、ot gowent makemade knowknew seesaw teachtaught buybought readread putput hurthurt cutcut fallfell saysaid句式变化(1) Be动词在一般过去时中的变化am/is_ 否定形式wasnt(= was not)are_ 否定形式werent(= were not) 否定句在was或were后加_,一般疑问句把was或were调到_。1.肯定句:主语+ was/ were+ 表语例:I was late yesterday. 昨天我迟到了。2。否定句:主语+ was/ were + not + 表语

4、例:We were not late yesterday。3.一般疑问句:Was/ Were+ 主语 + 表语例:Were you ill yesterday? 你昨天病了吗?肯定回答:Yes, I was。 否定回答:No,I wasnt. 4。特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ was/were +主语 +表语例:Where were you yesterday? 你昨天在哪里?练一练(1) 她昨晚在家_(2)她昨晚不在家._(3)她昨晚在家吗?否定回答_(4)她什么时候在家?昨晚_(5)上星期天下午他们在公园里_(6)上星期天下午他们不在在公园里_(7)上星期天下午他们在公园里吗?_(8)上星期天

5、下午他们在哪里?_(2)行为动词的一般过去时的句子(表动作)1。 I watch TV every day。(一般现在时) I watched TV last night.(一般过去时) 否定句:I didnt watch TV last night.一般疑问句:Did you watch TV last night?肯定回答: Yes, I did。 否定回答:No, I didnt.特殊疑问句:What did you do last night?2Jim does homework every day.Jim每天做家庭作业肯定句:_(Jim昨天做了家庭作业)否定句:_(Jim昨天做没做家

6、庭作业)一般疑问句:_(Jim昨天做没做家庭作业吗?)肯定回答:_ 否定回答:_特殊疑问句:_(Jim昨天做了什么?)注意:在否定句和疑问句中动词过去式变回原形!练一练:(1)上星期他踢过足球。_(2)上星期他没有踢过足球._(3)上星期他踢过足球吗?肯定回答_(4)上星期他做了什么?_巩固练习题一、写出下列动词的过去式或动词原形。1. go_ 2. is_ 3.buy_ 4。swim_5。 have _ 6。 watched _7。 ate_ 8。 got_ 9。 lived _ 10。 saw _ 11。 do _ 12. teach _ 二、 用单词的适当形式填空。1。 _ you _(

7、water) the flowers yesterday。2。 Su Hai _(go) for a walk last Sunday。 3. Mike didnt _(finish) his homework yesterday. 4。 I _(is) ten years old last year. 5。 There _(are) five books on the desk a moment ago。 6。 They _(sweep) the floor just now. 7。 I _ (meet) Miss White the day before yesterday. 8。 I _

8、 (wash) clothes last weekend。 9。 What did you you do on your holiday? I _ (go) swimming。 三、 选择正确的答案。1. Danny _ breakfast five times last week。 A. eat B。 ate C。 eated 2。 Last Sunday_ Tree Planting Day. A。 is B。 were C. was 3. We _ to the zoo and _ a lot of animals yesterday。 A. go; see B。 went; saw C

9、。 goes; sees 4. What did you do last weekend ? -I _ A. read a book B. wash the clothes C。 go fishing 5. What did you do on your holiday? I _A. bought a present B。 go skiing C. learn English 6. What did he _ yesterday? He _ his homework。 A。 did; did B. do; did C。 do; do 7. Yesterday my presents and I

10、 _ our house. A。 were cleaning B。 cleaned C. are going to clean 8。 Last summer。 I _ in the lake and played on the beach. A. swim B. swam C. will swim 9. Did you eat good food in China? _。 A. Yes, I do B。 No, I didnt C。 No, I did 10。 We played basketball _. A. sometimes B。 on Saturdays C. last Saturday 1



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