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1、摘 要柴油机汽缸体加工精度要求高,特别是机体气缸套孔止口深度公差,大跨度等直径同轴孔、平衡轴孔孔径公差,大悬臂气缸孔孔径公差,曲轴孔与气缸孔垂直度,曲轴孔与平衡轴孔、曲轴孔与凸轮轴孔轴心线平行度,气缸套孔止口面与气缸孔轴心线垂直度等的精度要求较高。机体加工中,精镗孔工序的加工质量将直接影响柴油机的功率、油耗、噪声等性能。同时,由于柴油机的生产批量较大,因而要求该工序的加工设备具有较高的生产效率和自动化程度。然而,目前国内现有的加工设备都不能很好地满足上述加工质量和生产效率等方面的要求,这在一定程度上制约了柴油机的性能保证和生产产量的提高。我设计的柴油机汽缸体双轴粗镗孔组合机床,是在调研的基础上

2、,吸收了镗床设计的优点,根据具体情况设计、制造而成,如投入生产连续使用,将会获得满意的效果。在组合机床上可以完成很多工序,但就目前使用的大多数组合机床来说,则主要用于平面加工和孔加工两大类工序。本论文则说明钻孔组合机床的设计,用来完成钻8个汽门挺杆孔的工序。主要内容包括四大部分:(1)、制定工艺方案 通过了解被加工零件的加工特点、精度和技术要求、定位夹紧情况、生产效率及机床的结构特点等,确定在组合机床上完成的工艺内容及加工方法,并绘制被加工零件工序图。(2)、组合机床的总体设计确定机床各部件之间的相互关系,选择通用部件和刀具的导向,计算切削用量及机床生产效率、绘制机床的尺寸联系图及加工示意图。

3、(3)、组合机床部件设计包括专用主轴箱的设计,传动布局合理,轴与齿轮之间不发生干涉,保证传动的平稳性和精确性。专用主轴设计、轴承的选用及电机的选择等。(4)、液压装置的设计液压滑台、定位夹紧装置均为液压控制。并采用了许多液压控制阀,保证了运动的平衡性,循环性和精确性。液压系统是本次设计的重要环节,本次的设计中液压系统的设计既要保证工作台的运动的合理、平衡和准确,又要满足工作要求。在本文中的大量的液压系统的设计、计算使它在理论上满足了设计和工作的要求。关键词: 组合机床 柴油机 镗削 组合机床 设计 过程 功能AbstractDiesel engine expects machining acc

4、uracy much, especially organism air cylinder sets of hole stop mouthfuls of degree of depth public errand, Diameter, shaft hole, balanced shaft hole aperture public errand, such as large span,etc., big cantilever air cylinder hole aperture public errand , The shaft hole of song and air cylinder hole

5、 vertical degree, shaft hole of song and balancing the shaft hole, shaft hole of song and shaft hole of cam axis line parallel degree, Air cylinder sets of hole stop and expect relatively much with air cylinder hole axis line precision of vertical degree,etc. the mouth. In the organism is processed,

6、 the processing quality of the precise bore hole process will influence the performance, such as power, oil consumption, noise of the diesel engine,etc. directly . Besides, because the production lot of diesel engine is relatively old, require the processing equipment of this process to have higher

7、production efficiency and automatic degree. However, the domestic and existing processing equipment cant well meet the above-mentioned requests for processing the quality and production efficiency,etc. At present, This restrain performance of diesel engine from guaranteed and produces the improvemen

8、t of the output to a certain extent. Two precise bore holes of organism of diesel engine designed now make up the lathe , it is on the basis of surveying and study, Have absorbed the merit that the boring machine is designed, succeed according to concrete conditions design and manufacture, Such as p

9、utting into production using in succession, will obtain the satisfied result . This t expounds all the processes of the throttle values tappets hole of the air cylinder boring the combination drill that designs of machine .The main part including :(1) Formulating technological plan We,ve learned the

10、 characteristic of the part designed ,accuracy and specification ,locating and fixing ,productivity and machining structure by the practice .Then the technological operation and work order can be determined which can be finished in combination machine.(2) Combination machine frame design determines

11、the interrelation of the different part in the machining tool ,select general parts and tool oriented .Then compute cut feed and productivity finally draw a sketch map of the machine .(3) Combination machine parts design including headstock、proper transmission layout 、shaft and gear move freely with

12、out interference which ensure the stability and accuracy during transmission ,then design dedicated select bearings and engine etc.(4)Hydraulic pressure equipment design slipway and locating and fixing device are all controlled by hydraulic pressure .It adopts many hydraulic control valves ,which en

13、sure the stability ,circulation and accuracy .Hydraulic system is a very important part in this ,the design of it here not only ensures the rationality 、equipoise and stability of the motion of the slipway ,but also satisfies the requirements of different work environment .So many design and calcula

14、tions about it in this suggests this system fully meets the requirements in design and work theoretically.Key words: combined machine diesel engine boring combination machine design process function前 言本设计需要综合运用大学四年所学的知识,同时还需进一步学习各方面相关的知识,发挥创新能力。本设计作为一名机械工程学院机制机电专业学生的毕业设计,满足毕业设计的要求,难度及工作量适中,在内容上力求简明扼

15、要、严格精选。本设计论文包括以下几大部分内容:中英文摘要、绪论、第一章 机床总体设计、第二章 主轴箱部件设计、第三章 主轴箱零件校核、第四章 机床液压系统设计、总结和参考文献。这次毕业设计是有学校分组分配课题,我的课题是:柴油机汽缸体曲轴孔、凸轮轴孔液压组合机床设计。在设计期间我们的课题指导老师周老师给我们进行了详细的指导讲解,使我在设计之初就对柴油机的加工过程和具体的孔的精镗过程和方法有了较深的理解,并且对组合机床的设计加工总过程特别是左主轴箱的解剖装配结构和工作原理作了深入的调查。这为我们后来进行具体的毕业设计奠定了很好的基础。柴油机以其设计紧凑,启动轻便,维修简便,技术经济指标先进,能为




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