9B Unit 3 Robots[1].doc

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1、9B Unit 3 RobotsRevision Teaching aims:1. To go over the words and phrases in unit 3;2. To master the important language points.3. To improve the ability to solve the problems.Key points and difficult points:1. 寄封投诉信 post a complaint letter2. 需要向机器人商店投诉 need to complain to the robot shop3. 为我寄信 post

2、 the letter for me4. 探索外太空 explore outer space5. 做危险的工作 do dangerous work6. 扑灭火 put out the fire7. 在高建筑物上工作 work on high buildings8. 帮助某人做某事 help sb. do sth.9. 有时间去放松 have time to relax10. 拥有更多的业余时间 have more free time11. 从订购 order sth. from12. 在超市里购物 go shopping at the supermarket13. 看起来像新的一样好 look

3、 as good as new14. 为做准备 be ready for sth /to do dth.15. 大体上 in general16. 开始出错 start to go wrong17. 感染病毒 catch a virus18. 犯愚蠢的错误 make stupid mistakes19. 把某人叫醒 wake sb. up20. 在洗衣机里/垃圾箱里 in the washing machine/ rubbish bin21. 把东西打翻 knock things over22. 对.满意 be satisfied with 23. 更加注意到 pay more attenti

4、on to 24. 结果 as a result 25. 至少 at least 26. 一直发出指令 give instructions all the time27. .怎么了 Whats wrong with?28. 一点也不 not at all29. 退款 get money back30. 持续 last for 31.需要被 need doing=need to be done Language points1. It seemed that in general the robot satisfied Mr Jiangs needs.看来这个机器人大体上满足了江先生的需求。句中

5、的satisfy是动词,意思是“满足(需要,需求)”。短语be satisfy satisfied with 意思是“对感到满意(满足)2. his flat would look as good as new, and a delicious dinner would be ready for him. as.as意为“同一样”, 中间部分可为形容词或副词原形。e.g. This book is as interesting as that one. 这本书与那本书一样有趣。be ready for = be ready to do e.g. He is ready for the Engl

6、ish exam. He is ready to have the English exam. 他已经准备好英语考试了。 They get ready for trip. They get ready to go on a trip. 他们准备去旅行。3. After a few comfortable weeks, however, things started to go wrong. 然而,几周的舒适生活之后,情况开始不对了。after a few weeks = a few weeks later短语go wrong的意思是“出现问题”如:e.g. Things started to

7、go wrong when they moved to the city centre.当他们搬到市中心后,出现问题了。短语go wrong用于描述机器时,可表示机器“发生故障,出毛病”。如:这块表出毛病了。e.g. Something has gone wrong with the watch.4. The robot caught a virus and no longer worked properly. no longer=not any longer多指时间, 用来修饰具体状态。e.g. He is no longer a student. =He is not a student

8、any longer. 他不再是一个学生了。no more = not any more 指数量和程度, 用来修饰动作。e.g. She no more cried. 她不再哭了。5. When Mr Jiang got home, he would find his flat in a complete mess: food was laid on the bed; milk was stored in the rubbish bin; coins, bills, and his private papers were spread all over the floor. 当江先生回到家,他

9、会发现家里乱作一团:食物放在床上,牛奶储存在垃圾桶里,硬币,账单和他的私人文件撒得满地都是。 句中的mess是可数名词,常用单数形式,意思是“杂乱,不整齐”。常见的搭配有be in a mess (杂乱不堪),make a mess (搞得一塌糊涂)。e.g. The children made a mess in the room. 孩子们把房间高的一塌糊涂。句中的spread意思是“使分散,使分布”。e.g. Seeds are often spread by the wind. 种子通常随风传播。6. How long do you expert your robots batterie

10、s to last?你期望你的机器人的电池能用多久?句中的expect是动词,意思是“期望,期待”。e.g. Parents expect their children to be successful.父母们期望他们的孩子成功。 We are expecting him to arrive. 我们一直在等他。7. The quality of this robot is not up to standard either. 这个机器人的质量也不合格。 up to standard 的意思是“合格”e.g. The product is up to standard. 此产品合格8. I re

11、gret having bought a robot like this. 我后悔买了这样的一个机器人。 句中的regret意思是 “后悔”,regret having done something 的意思是 “后悔做了某事”。 e.g. She regrets not having bought that book. 她后悔没有买那本书。 Exercises 1. 用上面所学短语完成下列句子。1. He doesnt study hard._, he failed in the exam.2. The rain _ half an hour.3. Please _ your handwrit

12、ing, I cant see it clearly.4. _ my washing machine? I need to _.5. My watch doesnt work . It _ (repair).6. If you cant mend the computer well, Ill _. 7. My parents _ my study.2. 将下面的句子转化为简单句。 1. I saw that he was reading the book carefully. I saw him reading the book carefully.2. I found that he was

13、 very happy. I found him very happy.3. I wonder how I should go to the airport. I wonder how to go to the airport.4. She is so clever that she can work out this difficult maths question. She is clever enough to work out this difficult maths question.教学反思:本单元已列入中考范围,词汇量大词组多,但很多是之前学过的,从学生的反应来看,遗忘的较多,要多记多练。



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