【人教版大纲】2011高考英语一轮复习 BookIII Units 3-4巩固提升练习

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1、应用:习题精练.单项选择从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1.(2010山东潍坊统考) Kids talk frequently about what they can do,_many adults do the opposite,tending to talk about what they cant and why.A.and B.so C.for D.while解析:本题考查连词的用法。根据句意可知用while连接两个句子,表示对比,亦有转折之意。答案:D2.(2010吉林质检) The news traveled around the world;people

2、 came from_to see the wonder.A.somewhere B.everywhereC.anywhere D.nowhere解析:本题考查副词的用法。句意为“人们从各地赶来观看这一奇观”。答案:B3.During the war,many people_ valuable things they could not take with them.A.threw away B.put awayC.gave away D.carried away解析:本题考查短语动词的辨析。根据句子意思分析,此处用put away,表示在战争期间把不能随身带的贵重物品“存放”起来。答案:B4

3、.You are saying that everyone should be equal,and this is _I disagree.A.why B.where C.what D.how解析:本题考查名词性从句引导词的用法。从句意和句型结构分析,此处用where引导表语从句,表示意见不一致的内容,指的是在某一点上,相当于at the point。答案:B5.Was the driving pleasant when you went to Mexico last summer?No,it_for four days when we arrived,so the roads were ve

4、ry muddy.A.was raining B.had been rainingC.would be raining D.has rained解析:过去完成进行时到过去某一时间点,一动作已趋向完成,但尚在进行中,可与表一段时间的状语连用。答案:B6.He becomes a success in business at the_ of her health.A.price B.worth C.lost D.pay解析:此处at the cost of表示“以为代价”。答案:C7.As we joined the big crowd I got_ from my friends.A.separ

5、ated B.spared C.lost D.missed解析:此题通过动词意思与动词搭配结合在一起考查动词的区别。根据句子的意思和语法要求,B项spared和D项missed均不正确。根据动词与后面的介词from的搭配,正确选项为A,符合separate.from.“把和分开”的结构。答案:A8.Get up early; _,you will be late for school.A.if you not B.if you are notC.if not D.if you so解析:此题是省略句。我们可以用so或not代替上文内容,可以用if so或if not的形式。此题中的if not

6、就相当于if you dont get up early。注意:省略掉助动词就得省略掉主语。答案:C9.(2010北京海淀期末) Was it in front of the market_the road accident happened yesterday?A.where B.that C.which D.why解析:本题考查强调句型。在英语语法中要求,当被强调的部分为人、物、地点、时间等时,引导词都用that,当被强调的是人时,引导词可以用who。答案:B10.Only in this way_ get rid of the bad habitsmoking.A.you can B.c

7、an you C.you will D.can解析:本题考查倒装句的用法。根据句型要求,only引导状语位于句首时,主语和谓语要倒装。答案:B11.If you go for a long ride in a friends car,its the_ to offer to pay some of the _.A.habit;expenses B.custom;expenseC.custom;expenses D.habit;expense解析:这种情况应该是一种共有的习惯(即风俗),而不应该是某个人的习惯,所以使用custom。而expense在表示“花费的钱”时,为可数名词。答案:C12.

8、Jobs exist,but they are not_ for someone like you.So,Im afraid,we will not be able to offer you the job.A.suitable B.necessaryC.possible D.comfortable解析:本题通过语境考查形容词辨析。句意为“我们这里有活,但不适合你这样的人”。其余形容词和语境不等。答案:A13.It was not until dark_ he found_ he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.A.that;w

9、hat B.that;thatC.when;what D.when;that解析:本题考查强调句型和主语从句的引导词。第一个空为强调句型,用that引导;第二个空为found后的宾语从句中的主语从句的引导词,what he thought表示“他所想到的”。答案:A14.America was_was first called “India” by Columbus.A.that B.whereC.what D.the place解析:本题考查表语从句的用法。句中的表语从句缺少主语的引导词。that陈述事实,本身没有意思,和语境不符;where不能作主语;如用the place,后面应该是定语

10、从句,但缺少作定语从句主语的引导词。答案:C15.I rang you at about nine,but there was no reply.Oh,that was probably_I was seeing the doctor.A.why B.when C.what D.that解析:本题考查表语从句的用法。分析句子意思知,此处用when引导表语从句,表示“你在给我打电话时我在看医生”。答案:B.完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳答案。 One of the most important features(特征)that tel

11、l reading from listening is the nature of the readers or listeners. 16 the writer often does not know who will read what he writes,he must 17 to be as clear as possible.Time can be taken to plan the piece of writing so that it is finally organized into some sort logical(逻辑的)order of events or 18 .Wh

12、en we speak,however,we normally have very 19 time to plan what we intend to say. 20 ,we may begin speaking 21 we have decided what to say.Our thoughts are then expressed out in 22 a logical order.Since we are actually 23 our listeners face to face we may leave out some of the information we believe our listeners share. 24 the more familiar we are with our listeners,the more information we are likely to leave out.In any 25 they can always stop and ask a question or ask for some explanation if we have left out too much.A reader,however,cannot do 26 but can at least try to und



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