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1、牛津英语9A Unit 3 词组翻译1、 整天all day 2、感到孤独feel lonely3、与某人争吵quarrel with sb 4、做足够的锻炼do enough exercise5、有亲密的朋友have close friends 6、开着、进行着be on7、变胖get fat 8、有问题have a problem9、请某人做某事ask sb to do sth 10、在某方面给某人建议give sb advice on sth11、处理deal with 12、收到某人的来信hear fom13、如此以致sothat 14放弃某事give up (doing)sth15放

2、弃做某事give up doing sth 16、集中(精力、注意力)在某事上focus on sth17、 多业余爱好lots of hobbies 18、此刻at the moment18、 上交hand in 19、 按时、准时on time20、 我不高兴make me unhappy 21、感觉不好feel bad about22、 要做某事need to do sth 23、在和之间获得平衡23、 achieve a balance betweenand 24、对很着迷be crazy about25、喜爱做某事love doing sth 26、请某人做某事ask sb to d

3、o sth27、向某人提供某物offer sb sth/offer sth to sb 28、(有)三个小时for three hours29、对某人严格be strict with sb 30、感到有压力的feel stressed31、不时、有时from time to time 32、某人在某事上花费(时间或金钱)sb spend 时间或金钱on sth33、帮助某人做某事help sb (to) do sth 34、得到某人的支持have sbs support35、希望某人做某事wish sb to do sth 36、希望做某事wish to do sth37、成功地做某事succ

4、eed in doing sth 38、集中(精力、注意力)在某事上focus on sth39、停止做某事stop doing sth 40、对某人有用be useful to sb41、听下来做另一件事stop to do sth 42、一则建议a piece of advice43对感兴趣be interested in 44、忘记有关的事forget about sth45、制作的清单make a list of 46、一、两个小时an hour or two47、算出、解出work out 48、同意某人(的意见) agree with sb49.乘公交车take a bus 50.

5、 生气、发怒get angry51.得低分 get low marks 52.有很多回家作业 have a lot of homework53变得不高兴/伤心become sad 54.告诉某人有关的事tell sb about sth55.到达某地 get to sp 56. .到达某地arrive in/at sp57.把那只猫命名为眯眯name the cat Mimi 58. 阅卷mark the tests59.关于星座方面的文章 an article on star signs 60.看上去很可爱look lovely61给某人写信write to sb 62. 得到某人的帮助ge

6、t help from sb63.青少年辅导员 youth workers 64.休息have a rest65.一会儿for a while 66.解决问题solve the problems67.在工作和玩之间获得平衡achieve a balance between work and play 68.考试have a test69.在(方面)表现出色do well in 70.尖子生the top student71.擅长、善于be good at 72.讨厌做某事hate doing sth73.尽某人最大的努力(做某事)try ones best (to do sth)74.嘲笑某人

7、/某物laugh at sb/sth 75.与某人共享某物share sth with sb76.为而感到自豪be proud of 77.叫/吩咐某人做某事tell sb to do sth78.不关注pay no attention to 79.在北京阳光中学at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School80.处理某人/某事deal with sth/sb 81遭受之苦suffer from sth82.在方面差be weak in 83.不再not any more84.回答reply to 85.感谢某人做某事Thank sb for doing sth86.

8、向某人征询意见ask sb for advice 87.先某人求助ask sb for help88.让某人做某事let sb do sth 89.使某人做某事make sb do sth90.提前计划plan ahead 91.认真学习study hard92.不关注pay no attention to 93.帮助某人做某事help sb (to) do sth94.压力的解决办法solutions to stress95.你为什么不做某事呢?Why dont you do sth?96. 为什么不做某事呢?Why not do sth?97.对某人大喊shout at sb98.选择优选

9、用做某事choose to do sth99.责备你的父母blame your parents100.为某事/某人而担忧be worried about sth/sb101.保持安静keep quiet102.实际上in fact103.与某人同年龄的of ones age104同样的问题the same problem105.变得更糟糕get worse106.解决问题solve the problem107.产生压力的原因cause of stress108.上交hand in 109.按时on time 110保持健康.keep fit111.have a delicious meal112.在考试中得高分receive high marks in exams113.在学业和爱好之间获得平衡achieve a balance between school work and hobbies.114.为什么不做某事呢?Why not do sth?115. 为什么不去散步呢?Why not go walking ?116.为某事而担忧be worried about sth117.感觉你的体重不佳feel bad about your weight


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