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1、实用精品文献资料分享九年级英语Unit6单元试题(含答案人教新目标) 九年级英语Unit6单元检测题一、单项选择(15分)()1.Do you like musicmakes you excited?A. that B. what C. who D. it()2.AII the childre n like the teacherscan un dersta ndthem.A. which B.who C.what D.whom()3.They prefer to.A. swim; run B.swimming; run C.swimming; running D.to swim; run()

2、4prefermy homework rather thansuch a bori ngfilm.A. do; see B.do ing; see ing C.to do; to see D.to do; see()5.We all expected himearlier yesterday.A. come B.comes C.comi ng D.to come()6.This song reminds memy hometow n.A. for B.of C. with D.about()7.There are all kinds of carsin the World TradeCen t

3、er.A. display B.show C.on display D. in show()8.This is the only bookwas written by Lu Xun in thislibrary.A. that B.which C.what D. A and B()9suggestthe meet ing off.A. take B.put C.putting D.to put()1O.Have you met the personhe was speak ing about?A. whom B.whe n C.if D.where()11.He likes music tha

4、t he can dance.A. alo ng B.with C.to D.of()12.1 like n ews thatabiout sports.A. is B.are C.have D.with()13.ltJim and Tom whowatching TV?A. is; is B.are; is C.are; are D.is; are()14. -Who is the girlis maki ng a teleph one call?-Sorry, I don t know.A. that B.who C.which D. A and B()15.This is the fir

5、st giftI got from my father.A. which B.that C.who D. A and B二. 完形填空(15分)I had been in London for three years. During the time I was stay ing there, my strong wish was to go back home (16)staying in the city I didn t know verywell.(17)when the day camefor my leaving, I had a strangefeeli ng and my mi

6、nd was (18)many beautiful things inLondon: the tall trees around my house, the clean streets, the school library ,the old church near the school and so on. I was for the first time n ot sure whether I really wished to go. I was beco ming good at spoke n En glish and in terested in the differe nt way

7、s of livi ng in London. Most importa nt of all , Ididn t want to go. I didn t want to (19)my friends whowere near and dear to meduring the three long years. I (20)like running into the headteacher s office and telling him that I really didn t want to go home, but on the second dayI stopped myself ch

8、a nging the pla n. My pare nts are quite(21) and I might have no (22)to see them again ifI gave up this pla n.At the airport, most of my teachers and frien ds came to(23)and quite a few gave meprese nts. Many group photos weretake n and before long the final mome nt came. Every one shook hands with

9、me and said(24)to me .Their eyes were filledwith tears and I knew they were(25)at the time.()16.A.i nstead of B. while C. before D. for()17.A.So B. And C. But D. Or()18.A.i nterested in B.thought of C.pleased with D.full of()19.A.join B.make C.leave D.find out()20.A.seemed B.felt C.looked D.became()

10、21.A.old B. stro ng C. well D.lo nely()22.A.excuse B. time C. way D. money()23.A.bring mein B. get meback C. see meoff D. send meback()2 4A yes B. hello C. good n ight D. goodbye()25.A. sad B. happy C. worried D. terrible三. 阅读理解(20分)AWhenyou travel in HongKong you must be careful of the traffic rule

11、s , because the traffic keeps to the left and it s d ifferent from that of the interior(内地)of China .Before crossing the street , you must look to the right and then to the left. If thetraffic lights are red , the traffic must stop, people can cross the zebra line . If the traffic lights turn green,

12、 the trafficcan go , people must not cross the road .In the morning and in the evening , when people go to or come from work , the streets are very busy . The traffic is the most dan gerous.Wheryou go somewhereby bus in HongKong, you have to be careful , too. Dorememberthe traffic keeps to the left

13、. Havea look first or you may go the wrongway.In Hong Kong, there are a lot of big buses with two floors.You d better sit on the second floor . From there you can enjoy the city. How won derful it is!根据短文内容,选择正确答案:()26. The traffic must keepin the in terior of China.A. right B.left C. A and B D. A o

14、r B()27f you cross the street in HongKong, you must look.A. first right then left B.first left then right C.both sidesD.o nly right()28n Hong Kong, cars and buses can go at the crossing when the traffic lights are.A. red B. gree n C.yellow D.brow n()29.The traffic is busyin Hong Kong.A. i n the morn

15、i ng B.i n the after noon C.i n the eve ning D. A andC()30.Whenyou travel in HongKong, why do you choose the second floor of a big bus with two floors?Because.A. it is clea n here B.it is safe for travellersC.it is a good place to go sightsee ing D.it is cheaper hereBNasreddin woke up in the middle of t he night and saw something white in his garden. It seemedto be moving towards the house.That is a thief! He thought, and he too k his gun and shot(开枪)at him. Then he went back to bed, because he w as too frightened to go out of the house in the dark.



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