Lesson 3 What does it mean.docx

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《Lesson 3 What does it mean.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Lesson 3 What does it mean.docx(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 3 What does it mean?课标要求Master the words and daily expressions, culture the students interest in learning English, form good learning habit.导学目标知识目标1.Master the words :bright,name,call,come from.2.The structure: What does “clever” mean? It means “聪明的”.3.Lets talk.4.Work in pairs.能力目标1. Be abl

2、e to use the new words and structure.2. Be able to read the dialogue fluently.3. Be able to praise others with the sentences we learned: A good name.I come from.情感目标Through the activities in class, strengthen the friendship among the students.导学重 难 点重点:1. The right pronunciation of the new words. 2.

3、 The structure: What does “clever” mean? It means “聪明的”.难点:2. The structure: What does “clever” mean? 教 法Communicative Teaching. The Situational Approach teaching method. TPR学 法Corporation learning. Talking.导学准备Cards, PPT, Tape, ect.教案来源Designed by myself The first period: Leading Step导学环节教 师 活 动Ste

4、p OneEstablishmentI. 1. Daily greetings, warm-up.T: Good morning, boys and girls! Ps: Good morning,T: Nice to see you!Ps: Nice to see you, too!2. Chant: Left and Right. 由老师带着有节奏地进行韵律诗朗读。可根据内容适当地加上动作。 3. Review the usage of “Mr,Mrs,Miss”T:Guys,you call me What? Ss:Miss.T: You are right.Lets look at P

5、PT and review.II. 创设情境,新知呈现 1. PPT出示Mr Bright 的图片T: Class, we have a new English teacher. Who is he? Lets listen and find out. Mr Bright. Mr Bright.Ps: Mr Bright.T: You are right. (write down the new word on the blackboard) (correct the pronunciation of the word “bright”)T: So, boys and girls, who i

6、s he?Ps: He is Mr Bright.T: Yes, his name is Tom Bright.2.出示 Lele, Tingting的图片.T:Oh, there is a boy. -Whats your name? -My name is Li Le. Call me Lele. (teach the new words “name” and “call”)3. 利用班上学生的名字练习name,call. For ex. My name is Wang Tao. Call me Taotao. 4. Practice“Match and say”.5. Lead in t

7、he new structure.T: Class, now we know the word “bright”. So, What dose “bright” mean?Ps:Clever.T: Yes. It means “clever”. What does “clever” mean?Ps:聪明的。T: It means “聪明的”.(write the structure on the blackboard)Step Two:Comprehesion1. Back to the book.Turn to P6.2.Work in pairs. Read the structure a

8、nd characters.Step ThreePractice1.Group work. Play the slide and practice the structure with different words in the table.Then check.2.Use this structure to ask your partner the meaning of their names and make a table like this.3.Show some pictures, practice speaking the sentences “What does it mean

9、? It means ”Homework: 1. Remember the words and structure.2. Ask your parents the meanings of their names.板 书 设 计导 学 反 思Lesson 3 What Does It Mean? bright - clever What does “clever” mean? name It means “聪明的”. call 1、本节亮点:全班合作练习说人名,既培养学生合作精神,也锻炼学生英语思维。2、待改进处:重难点句型的拼读还不到位,部分中等学生需加强练习。The second perio

10、d导学环节教 师 活 动Step OneEstablishmentI. 1. Daily greetings, warm-up.T: Good morning, boys and girls! Ps: Good morning,T: Nice to see you!Ps: Nice to see you, too!2. Review the words and structure: bright, name, call; -What does “ ” mean? -It means “ ”.T: Who is he?Ps: He is Mr Bright. T: What does “brig

11、ht” mean?Ps: It means “clever”.II. Create a real circumstance, play the slide one by one, present the new structure. 1. Provide the picture of Mr Bright, Rose and Monkey King.T:Now, boys and girls, there are some self-introductions.Lets see. (write down the new phrase “come from” on the blackboard)T

12、: Can you guess? Whats the meaning of this phrase? (Read the phrase group by group.)2. Work in pairs. Please use these two sentences to introduce yourself. For ex. Im Miss Zhang. I come from Sichuan.IIILearn “Lets talk”.1. Look at the picture, listen to the reading machine and understand the meaning

13、 of the dialogue.2. Listen to the dialogue again and answer three questions.How many people are there in the dialogue?Who are they?What are they talking about?3.Open the book, please turn to page on 5. Read the dialogue together, translate it in Chinese.Step Two:Comprehesion1. Back to the book.Turn

14、to P6.2. Listen to the tape, and find out the answers.Step ThreePractice1.Read the text and then read in roles.(T plays Mr Bright, Ps play the students.)2.Do the exercises.3.Do the summary.Homework: 1. Remember the phrase.2.Make a self-introduction.板 书 设 计导 学 反 思Lesson 3 What Does It Mean? come from Im _. Im from _. I come from _. 1、本节亮点:加强小组合作讨论的习惯。2、待改进处:学生对于come from的理解还要加强。



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