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1、 Unit 7 Its raining!第一课时 Section A 1a-1c 主备:楼 萍 审核:【学习目标】1.掌握询问天气的句型:Hows the weather?及答语,并能与他人交流有关天气的信息2.掌握描述天气的7个词汇。【学习重点与难点】1.能掌握描述天气的单词和句型。2 How is the weather in Yunhe ? 译文:_ Its cloudy. 译文_【课前预习】1参看课本P126 按音标写出下列单词、词义和词性1) / / r_ _n ( ) 2 ) / / w_nd_ ( )3) / / cl_ _d_ ( ) 4 ) / / sn_ w ( )5 )

2、/ / s_ nn_ ( ) 6) / / w_ _th_ _ ( )2 看课本P37 (1)1a 找出相应的图片 (2)在书上标出1b 中的城市分别在什么国家?【合作探究】从上面形容天气的单词中,你能发现什么规律吗?_你还知道更多描述天气的词汇吗?_你知道英语中询问天气的两个句型吗?【课堂练习】1 .Pairwork A : How is the weather in . ? /Whats the weather like in .? B: Its cloudy .2. 完成句子A:_ the weather in Toronto?B:Its _ (sun).A:_ the weather

3、_ in Moscow?B: Its _ (cloud).3 阅读短文,圈出描述形容天气的词汇。Good morning! Today is Tuesdy, March.28th,2012. Here is the weather report for some big cities in the world. Beijing is snowing. Its very cold. If you go out, dont forget to wear warm clothes. Boston is raining. Take an umbrella or a raincoat with you

4、when you go out. Moscow is sunny. Toronto is windy. Thats the report for today. Thank you for listening.【课堂小结】本堂课你学到什么?【教后反思】 Unit 7 Its raining!第二课时 Section A 2a-4 主备:楼 萍 审核:【学习目标】1.掌握句型 (1)What are you doing? Im watching TV. (2) Hows it going? Great! 译文:_2.运用所学语言项目熟练地谈论正在进行的动作,结合天气询问他人的生活状况。3本课时6个

5、词汇。(cook ,study ,bad,terrible,pretty ,hows)4 初步学习电话用语。Hi,This is Bob. 译文:_【学习重点与难点】1 进一步谈论正在进行的动作,试着根据情景填词。(参看课本P38,39) A : Hi,this is Maria. B: Oh,hi,Maria.How is it going ? A:_ _.(相当好) B:Hows the weather in your city,Eric? A:Its _(很糟的). Its always _.(下雨的)I stay at home all day and sometimes _(学习).

6、 What are you doing ? B: I _(正在做饭).I like cooking. I think its interesting. 2 Pairwork 能结合天气询问他人的生活状况。【课前预习】1 2a 结合课本P38,1)在书上写出图片中的人物在做什么。 2)找出哪些是男名和女名。2 思考2a的听力策略是什么?(结合图片内容来猜测)3 P39 3a图形与词汇连线。4继续巩固现在进行时,3b找出图片中人物在做什么,有什么不同。 _【课堂练习】.用所给词的适当形式填空:(1)Whats Li Lei doing? He_ _( read ). (2)Look! They_

7、_ (swim). (3Its 9:00 now. Where are the boys? They_ _( play ) soccer there. (4)Listen! They_ _ (sing). (5)We_ _(have) an English class now. 2.用how 的相关句型填空:(1)._ are you? (2) _is it going?(3)_ do you go to school?(4)_ meat(肉)do you need? -Two kilos.两千克。(5)_ is the book? -Twenty yuan.(6)_ going swimmi

8、ng? -Thats a good idea!(7)_ basketballs do you have? Unit 7 Its raining! 第三课时 section B 1a-2c 主编:楼 萍 审核:【学习目标】1能用英语介绍人们在不同天气里进行的活动。2掌握下列知识点:词汇:hot,cold,cool,warm,humid短语:in picture句型:Im calling to say happy birthday!【学习重难点】知道如何询问天气,能用英语介绍人们在不同天气里进行的活动询问天气句型:Whats the weather like today?Hows the weat

9、her?【课前预习】1. 单词冲浪,结合课本P126单词表完成英文中文词性音标 英文中文词性音标热的/ku:l/coldhumid暖和的2.预习课本P40,完成1a3. 根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子The weather is very (潮湿的)today.Its very (冷的)outside.please take your coat.Its very (热的)today.Lets go swimming.People often wear (暖和的)clothes in winter.It is a (凉爽的)day today.【课堂环节】依据P41 2a听力回答下列问题并复述听

10、力内容。1. Is Maria in Mexico?_2. Why does Mona call Sam?_3. Who is visiting grandmother?_4. How is the weather in Mexico?_-【课后小结】【教学反思】 Unit 7 Its raining!第四课时 section B 3a-3b 主编:楼萍 审核:【学习目标】1 能用现在进行时描述不同天气里的人们进行的各种活动。2 掌握下列知识点:词汇:lie,beach,group,cool,surprised,head,relaxed,winter,scarf,短语:on vacation,lie on the beach,a group of,look cool,have a good time【学习重难点】语法:继续学习现在进行时。【课前预习】1. 单词冲浪,结合课本P126单词表完成英文中文词性英标英文中文词性英标vacation/ku;l/在度假看拍照beachlie/gru:p/surprisedheat放松的scarf冬季每个人玩的高兴man2 根据课本P423 完成表格。3预习课本P42 3a,回答下列问题Whats the weather like in Australia today?_Are there many



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