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1、译林小学英语五年级下册Unit 4 Seeing the doctor (story time) 连云港市黄海路小学 张芬Teaching aims教学目标:知识目标:1 To make the students understand the whole story.2 To make the students listen,say,read and write the following words: feel,should, have a rest, toothache, anything,see the doctor ,check ,take medicine, drink water,

2、 dentist, brush ones teeth, bedtime.能力目标:1 To make the students have the ability to read the whole story.2 To make the students have the ability to act the dialogue.3 To make the students use some sentences in real situation: Whats wrong with.? . Have/has a . What should .do? Why does/do .have a.?情感

3、目标:To make students know:1.The first health is wealth.2. An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:1 To make the students listen,say,read and write the following words: check,dentist,anything,bedtime,brush ones teeth, drink water,eat sweets, have

4、 a rest, take medicine,fever, headache, toothache.2 To make the students use some sentences in real situation: -Whats wrong with you? -I have -What should I do ? -You should/shouldntPreparation教学准备:PPT 板书 Medical RecordTeaching procedures教学过程:Step 1 Pre-reading1.Greetings.2.Listen a song.3.Lets talk

5、(1)T: Congratulations. You did it. You know the words. They are about feelings. We can talk about feelings like this: I feel How to read this new word?First, can you read this one: feet? So what about this one? How clever!T: I feel happy today. What about you?S: I feelT: Try to make a sentence with

6、I feel(根据学生们所说的语句,做出相对应的回应)(2)T: And you also know these words. Theyre about illnesses. We can talk about illnesses like this: I have Who can try? (根据学生们所说的语句,师给出回应:Im sorry to hear that. Take care.)T: Attention, heres a tip for you. Lets read it together.(揭题)T: When were ill, we have to go to hospi

7、tal and see the doctor. Today lets learn Unit4 Seeing the doctor.(板书)Step 2 While-reading1. Show the learning aims to the Ss.By the end of the story, we will(1)Know some new words and phrases:feel,should, have a rest, toothache, anything,see the doctor ,check ,take medicine, drink water, dentist, br

8、ush ones teeth, bedtime.(2)We can use some sentences in real situation:-Whats wrong with you? -I have -What should I do ? -You should/shouldnt(3)We will know : The first health is wealth. 2.Look and askI have some questions here. Please read the questions.(1)Who goes to see the doctor?(2)Whats wrong

9、 with them? =Whats the matter with them?(3)Whats the doctors advice(建议)?3. Watch and answerT: Please watch the cartoon and answer the first question; Who goes to see the doctor? Write down their names on the medical record.T: Who?S: Su Hai and Mike.4. Listen and number(1)T(过渡): We know the answer to

10、 the first question. What about the second one? Whats wrong with them? (2)Work in pairsT: Read the dialogues in pairs. One is Su Hai. The other is the doctor.(请两到三组的学生朗读对话)(3)T: Whats wrong with Mike? S: He has a toothache. T: Lets check the answer. (超链接,点击illnesses处)Yes or No? S: Yes. T: Try to rea

11、d the four words. Then tell me: What can you find?5. Give adviceT: Su Hai has a headache and a fever. Mike has a toothache. Can you give them some advice like this? Su Hai / Mike, you should. You shouldnt(板书)T: Can you read this word?S: should.T: How to read it better. First, lets read this word: wo

12、uld-shouldA tip: 情态动词should在这里表示建议,意思是“应该”。should的否定形式是should not,其缩略形式是shouldnt,常用于提出建议或纠正不恰当的做法。后面接动词原形。学生各抒己见 师评价: Your advice is great.6.Think and writeT: According to their medical records, try to fill in the blanks.各请一位学生读一读后,要求男生女生齐读一遍Step 3.Post-reading1. Reading time. Read after the compute

13、r.2. Work in groups(1)四人一组,小组合作,表演对话Su Hai和Mike 从医院回到家,他们的好朋友们带着水果来看望他们。Topic1(主题):Seeing Su HaiTopic2(主题):Seeing Mike(2)Show time(3)情感升华T: You all did a good job today. Boys and girls, we should take care of our head, eyes, arms, legs, teeth and hands. We should take care of ourselves. Because we need health. And we need wealth. The first wealth is health.Step4. Homework1. Listen and read story time. 2. Make a new dialogue.


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