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1、Unit11 Sad movies make me sad. 李喜荣 昔阳示范中学 一、 概述学科: 英语 年级: 九年级课题来源: 人教版八年级义务教育课程标准实验教科书新目标Go for it! 课时: 1课时 课型: 复习课学习内容: 给学生创设语境,复习一些重要单词、词组以及如何在日常生活中去运用它们;通过改组课文内容,帮助学生逐步提高他们的填词能力,从而提高阅读技能。二、教学目标分析(teaching aims):知识与技能: 1、Master these phrases: make sb. do sth./make sb. +adj.; would rather do than d

2、o; the more.the more.; be friends with sb. ; feel like doing; neither.nor.;could have +Vpp; kick off; be hard on; pull together; to ones surprise; 2、Listen and learn to change the text, fill in the right words. 3、Try to practice the students listening speaking reading writing skills. 过程与方法: 1、创设语境帮助

3、学生会造句会思维会表达。 2、听说读写相结合。3、小组合作。 情感态度与价值观:1、把自主留给学生,把空间还给学生,从而使学生有了进一步学习的渴望。 2、多媒体课件激发学生的学习兴趣,乐于学,轻松掌握所学内容。3、小组合作增强孩子们与人协作的意识,培养孩子们关爱别人的品质。 三、教学资源与工具设计(teaching aids):1、多媒体教室. 2、音频 3、下载图片 4、九年级英语教材四、教学难点(Teaching important and difficult points): 12选10词汇运用(改编)五、教学过程(Teaching processes):1.Review some ph

4、rases:(Look at the pictures or conversations.)Make some sentences by yourselves or by teamwork. The hamburger makes me hungry. The hamburger makes me want to eat.The tidy room makes me want to sleep. Id rather stay at home and watch TV than go to the beach.The more trees we plant, the better our env

5、ironment is.Im afraid my coach may kick me off the team.We are friends with the students in Class4.Neither she nor he likes the mountain climbing.I failed my team and I feel like crying.They won the game because they really pulled together. How could he have missed scoring that goal?How could he hav

6、e forgotten what the teacher said in class?We should love our students and we shouldnt be too hard on them.2. Listening to the articles, then review the meaning. 3.Try to fill in the blanks according to the meaning of article.eat, happy, go, take, be, in, after, worry, lose, either, too, bad A long

7、time ago, in a rich and beautiful country, there lived an 1._ king. He slept 2._ and didnt feeling like 3._.He often cried for no reason. This made the queen and his people 4._. Neither medicine nor rest can help him. The prime minister, the kings banker, and the palace singer were all not happy, 5.

8、_. The prime minister was always worried about 6._ the power. He thought many people were trying 7._ his position. The kings banker was worried about losing the money. The palace singer was worried about 8. _ followed by others. He was afraid he couldnt be free. So the kings top general was told 9.

9、_ out and find a happy man 10. _ three days time. on, in, weigh, to, bad, well, think, win, miss, agree, be, communicate Peter kept his eyes on the ground. He felt like there was a heavy 1. _ on his shoulders as he walked home alone. It was the 2. day of his life. His mind would not stop 3. _ about

10、what happened only just an hour ago on the school soccer field. How could he 4. _ scoring that goal? His stupid mistake made him angry. His team had lost the game because of him. As soon as he walked through the door, he told his father what had happened. His father told him not 5. _ too hard on him

11、self. They should learning how 6. _ with their teammates and learn from the mistakes. The next day, Peter went to soccer practice .He said to his teammates.“Im really sorry about yesterday. We were so close 7. _ winning that game. But I think if we continue to pull together, we 8. _the next one.”To

12、his surprise and relief, his teammates all nodded in 9. _.Peter smiled and knew he was 10. _ a winning team.4. Learn to write a story to describe own feeling.5.Homework. Read the article and learn to write for short. 六、帮助和总结对于基础较好的,理解能力较强的学生,教师应给予更多的自由时间和充足的练习内容;对于基础较差的,理解能力较低的学生,教师应给予更多的辅导与学说空间;加之,异质小组合作,帮助学习,促成进步也是一种好办法。



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