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1、Why Does Quark Matter Matter?The history of modern technological development can be viewed as a series of investigations, with ever increasing resolution, into the microscopic structure of matter. Since the days of the early Greek philosophers, science has been on a continual quest to find the small

2、est piece the most fundamental building block forming the substance of the universe. During that journey, many beautiful and exotic properties of the subatomic world have been discovered: particles with wave-like properties the ultimate position of which can never be known; “particles” of light that

3、 deliver a fixed amount of energy when they strike the atoms of a materials surface; particles in some types of electrical conductors that pair in a unique way because of intrinsic “spin” so that, below a certain temperature, all resistance goes to zero. Knowledge of these and many other properties

4、discovered in the last century in the process of studying matter at ever smaller scales lets us use matter and energy in ways too fantastic to imagine just 50 years ago. Todays technology relies on a basic understanding of the structure and properties of matter. School children work on personal comp

5、uters based upon state-of-the-art electronics. Diseases are imaged, diagnosed, and treated without surgery. And people can speak clearly to others around the world using a phone smaller than a human hand. RHIC is designed to extend this frontier, providing access to the most fundamental building blo

6、cks of nature known so far quarks and gluons. By colliding the nuclei of gold atoms together at nearly the speed of light, RHIC heats the matter in collision to more than a billion times the temperature of the sun. In so doing, scientists are able to study the fundamental properties of the basic bui

7、lding blocks of matter and learn how they behaved 15 to 20 billion years ago, when the universe was barely a split-second old. Scientists have a theory, called quantum-chromo dynamics, about what will be revealed at RHIC. However, without performing the experiment, who knows what the truth really is

8、? Many of the greatest advances of the last century resulted from experiments that produced results completely different from what theory predicted. Those successful “failures” led to a new understanding of the microscopic structure of matter and to technologies essential to modern life. RHIC provid

9、es the first chance for a rigorous test of the most basic predictions of what is thought to be understood about the structure of matter at the smallest scale imagined. However, its impossible to predict what RHIC will provide in terms of technology for the future. Because RHIC is pushing further out

10、 on the high-temperature frontier than ever before, any new understanding about the structure of matter arising from RHIC may not immediately or ever lead to practical applications as did experiments in the last century. If history is any indicator, two things are clear: First, humankind can only pr

11、ofit by having a deeper, more profound understanding of the ultimate structure of the matter making up the universe. And second, every time that something fundamental has been learned about the matters structure at a deeper level that knowledge has resulted in a benefit to humankind.翻译:为什么夸克物质重要?随着不




15、是有益的。我的感想大二结束,六级通过之后就以为再也不用与英语打交道了,但在上学期选课时还是选择了专业英语这门课,一是为了学习一点专业术语,储备知识;二是因为老师人很好,我想所有人都会选择自己认为好的老师来上课吧。在课堂上老师把我们分成几组进行英语讲课,我们有幸成为第一组。当老师把一大篇英语文章给我们时,完全不知道从何下手,后来经过大家的讨论分工,最终完成了任务。在这过程中,我学习到好多单词如quark RHIC collisions gluon plasma 等,而且现在还印象深刻,同时我对相对论重离子对撞机也有了一定的了解,在上去讲课时,老师耐心的纠正发音,进行点评,提出建议,让我也有所收获,还得到了锻炼。后来其他小组讲了不同的内容,拓展了一些知识面,同时老师耐心、负责地纠正其他同学的发音时自己也对照着改正。老师在上课时挺风趣幽默的,让整个课堂气氛融洽,一点也不压抑。总之学习这门课程后让我不至于完全丢掉了英语,也学到了一些知识,很有意义。


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