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1、初高中英语衔接重点词汇(导学案) 主备人:刘金燕教学目标:掌握重点词汇的含义,能结合语境正确使用这些重点词汇,并能翻译句子。教学重点:掌握重点词汇含义,并能正确运用。教学难点:掌握重点词汇含义,并能正确运用。教学方法:通过语境,帮助学生进一步掌握初中阶段所学的重点词汇。教学步骤:1. 前提测评朗诵以下诗歌,注意单词的读音,并在横线上依次写出所画字母的音标。Twinkle, twinkle, little star _How I wonder what you are _Up above the world so high _Like a diamond in the sky. _When th

2、e blazing sun is gone, _When he nothing shines upon _Then you show your little light _Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.Then the traveller in the dark, _Thanks you for your tiny spark, _He could not see which way to go, _If you did not twinkle so.In the dark blue sky you keep,And often through my curt

3、ains peep,_For you never shut your eye, _Till the sun is in the sky. _As your bright and tiny spark, _Lights the traveller in the dark.Though I know not what you are, _Twinkle, twinkle, little star.2. 呈现(方法:学生两人一组讨论每个部分的词组含义,并且独立完成填空,要求学生能翻译出来)A) 用所给的词组填空。as fast as possible at the same time as usua

4、l at least at the beginning of at timesat once at the head ofat the top of at most at first at last1. I can pay only fifty pounds _. 2. _ my mother lets me watch TV in the evening. 3. The two runners reached the finishing line _. 4. It was late for school. Li Lei ran _. 5. She would go home, _, for

5、Christmas. 6. If you find any mistakes, tell me _. 7. _ he knew the meaning of the text. 8. The exam will begin _ June. 9. _ he was a little shy in class, but now he is active. 10. Mary graduated _ her class. 11. There were _ a hundred people in the hall. 12. There was snow _ the mountains.(B) 用所给的词

6、组填空。how long how soon how far how oftenhow much how many how deep how old1. _ do you go to Beijing? Once a year. 2. _ do you want to go to Beijing again? I cant wait to. 3. _ is it from Nanjing to Beijing? About 1,157 kilometers. 4. _ have you been a League member? Three years. 5. _ will Mr Green co

7、me back to Beijing? In three years. 6. _ kilos of milk was produced on the farm in 2001? 48,400 kilos. 7. _ is the Lake, do you know? Its about 1,600 meters deep, I think. 8. _ was he last year? Ten. (C) 用所给的词组填空。in the day instead of in English in the futurein fact in time in this way in the open a

8、ir1. Ill go to see her _ you. 2. No one knows what will happen _. 3. No one believed it, but, _ Mary did get an A in maths. 4. The sun comes out _ and the moon comes at night. 5. The students are learning to sing a song _. 6. _ you can learn English well. 7. Every morning he walks _ for an hour. 8.

9、We got to the station just _ to catch the bus.(D) 选用所给的词组填空,每小题只能填一个词组,每个词组只能用一次。on watch on display on the other hand neither noron foot on the left notat all not only but alsoon earth on time no matter no longer 1. Mr Huang is _ our teacher _ our friend. 2. The old man _ lives here. He lives with

10、his son in Canada. 3. Every day it takes me five minutes to go to school _. 4. The soldier was standing _ though it was snowing hard. 5. A new kind of car was _ in the shop. 6. _ Bill _ Jack knows how to spell the word “heard”. 7. She is going to be a singer _ what difficulties she met. 8. I think h

11、e is the luckiest man _. 9. He is clever, but _, he makes many mistakes. 10. Little John is _ tall enough to touch it _.(E) 选用所给的词组填空,每小题只能填一个词组,每个词组只能用一次。out of just now at the moment after a while either orever since first of all up and down more and more more or lesseven though as if1. Jim doesnt feel like eating. He has been like this _ last week. 2. _ it was snowing har


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