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《三、过程型激励理论MAJOR PROCESS THEORIES.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三、过程型激励理论MAJOR PROCESS THEORIES.doc(76页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、宝鸡文理学院人力资源管理Human Resource Management 教学单位: 经 济 管 理 系 教师姓名: 王 静 华 教学对象: 人力资源管理2005级 教学时间:20082009学年第一学期课程说明课时安排 4课时/周20周80课时教学目的 通过教学,使学生掌握完整的人力资源管理理论体系,了解人力资源管理的各项工作职能,为今后专业课的学习打好基础,并适当培养学生的实践能力。教学重点 人力资源管理的职能:工作分析(job analysis)、人力资源规划(human resource planning)、招聘录用(recruitment and employment)、培训开发(

2、training and development)、绩效管理(performance management)、薪酬管理(compensation management)教学难点 本门课程比较抽象,学生对人力资源管理的实践工作几乎完全不了解。如何将课本上枯燥的知识点能讲授成易于让学生掌握并且有兴趣继续在专业课程中探寻下去的能力储备,是课程的教学难点。教学方法 双语教学、多媒体辅助教学、案例分析与讨论相结合教材选择 1人力资源管理概论,董克用、叶向峰编著,中国人民大学出版社2003年版2Human Resource Management(Ninth Edition)Gary Dessler,200

3、5教学参考1 人力资源管理第7版,【美】劳埃德拜厄斯、莱斯利鲁著,李业昆译. 北京:人民邮电出版社,20052 Human Resource Management【A】Lloyd L.Byars ,Leslie W. Rue. Posts & Telecom Press , 20053 Managing Human Resource, AmericanGeorgeBohlander, ScottSnell. Thirteen Edition, DaLian:Dongbei University of Finance & Economics Press, 20034 人力资源管理(第9版)【美】

4、加里德斯勒(Gary Dessler)(佛罗里达大学),吴雯芳,刘昕译,北京:中国人民出版社,20055 人力资源管理基础【美】雷蒙德A诺伊(Raymond A. Noe),雷丽华译,北京:中国人民大学出版社,20056 人力资源管理第9版,【美】约翰M伊万切维奇(John M. Ivancevich)(休斯顿大学),【中】赵曙明(南京大学)著,北京:机械工业出版社,20057 人力资源管理高等院校应用型特色规划教材廖三余主编,北京:清华大学出版社20068 人力资源管理实务徐光华等编著,北京:清华大学、北京交通大学联合出版,20059 人力资源总监张文贤著,上海:复旦大学出版社,2005绪论

5、IntroductionI the importance of Human Resource Management 经济发展的角度economic developmentEndogenous Growth Theory Kuznets: (for his empirically founded interpretation of economic growth which has led to new and deepened insight into the economic and social structure and process of development.)defines e

6、conomic growth as a sustained increase in output per person or per worker Romer(1986) and Lucas(1988): The growth process occurs through endogenous factors. They believe that improvements in productivity can be linked to a faster pace of innovation and extra investment in human capital. The main poi

7、nts of the endogenous growth theory are as follows:1. The rate of technological progress should not be taken as a given in a growth model appropriate government policies can permanently raise a countrys growth rate particularly if they lead to a higher level of competition in markets and a higher ra

8、te of innovation2. There are potential increasing returns from higher levels of capital investment3. Theory emphasizes that private investment in R&D is the central source of technical progress4. Protection of property rights and patents can provide the incentive to engage in R&D5. Investment in hum

9、an capital (education and training of the workforce) is an essential ingredient of growth Theodore Schultz:( an economist at the University of Chicago who was awarded the Nobel Prize in economic sciences in 1979. ) produced his ideas of human capital in the early 1960s as a way of explaining the adv

10、antages of investing in education to improve agricultural output. 追随管理的实践:70年代关注生产环节的管理重视市场销售的管理偏向资产运营的管理强调以发挥人的潜力为主的人力资源管理60年代80年代90年代以及未来很长一段时间 HRM and Organizational Performance Personnel Mistakes: Hire the wrong person for the job 雇佣不合适的人来从事某项工作 Experience high turnover 雇员的流动率很高 Have your people

11、 not doing their best 发现自己的雇员下属不尽力 Waste time with useless interviews 在无效的面试上浪费很多时间 Have your company in court because of discriminatory actions由于采取了歧视性行为而被诉诸于法庭 Have some employees think their salaries are unfair and inequitable relative to others in the organization系数雇员感到自己所得到的薪资与组织中的其他人相比,是不公平的或者

12、不公正的。 Allow a lack of training to undermine your departments effectiveness由于对于雇员培训不足而导致本部门的效益受损。 Commit any unfair labor practices 出现任何不公正的劳资行为Human resource managers are somewhat limited in the impact they can have on the capital, materials, and energy aspects of productivity. However, they can hav

13、e a great deal of impact on the labor component. Specifically, they can affect the commitment of employees and the management philosophy of the individual managers. Because of this, human resource managers have a unique opportunity to improve productivity and hence organizational performance. II maj

14、or research objective of HRM 将人力资源看作推动组织和社会发展,创造物质和精神财富的重要资源。人力资源管理学的研究对象就是人力资源这种特殊的资源,通过研究,在实践中科学的培养人力资源、使用人力资源,使人力资源与其他资源一样,得到最大化的资源使用效率和效益。III the theoretical system of HRMIV background knowledge管理学、 经济学、心理学、教育学、行为科学等上篇 人力资源管理基础Part I The Foundation of Human Resource Management第一章 人力资源概述Chp1 Intr

15、oduction to Human Resource教学目标 A 知识点重点掌握人力资源的概念、理解人力资源与人力资本的区别、理解人力资源的性质和作用 B 技能点 掌握专业词汇、通过人力资本的相关学习端正学习态度教学重点 人力资源的含义;人力资源性质和作用;教学难点 人力资源与人力资本的区别教学方法 讲授,多媒体辅助教学教学课时 2学时第一节 人力资源及其相关概念Chp1.1 Human Resource and the Relevant Conception一、人力资源的含义In all the factors of the economic development, human is the most important one. The human resources in one nation or region are extraordinarily essential in fully and effi


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