Unit 9 Adventures-Part 6&7

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《Unit 9 Adventures-Part 6&7》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 9 Adventures-Part 6&7(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、附件2:教学设计参考模板基本信息英语年 级五年级教学形式教 师 单 位 课题名称Unit 9 Adventures-Part 6&7一、学情分析要点:1. 小学五年级学生已初步形成了一定的学习态度,出现了意识较强的学习动机。在注意方面,学生的有意注意逐步发展并占主导地位,在思维方面,学生逐步学会分出概念中本质与非本质,主要与次要的内容,学会掌握初步的科学定义,学会独立实行逻辑论证,但他们的思维活动仍然具有很大成分的具体形象色彩。在想象方面,学生想象的有意性迅速增长并逐渐符合客观现实,同时创造性成分日益增多。2、五年级的学生经过几年的英语学习已经积累了一定的语言知识,能掌握一定的词汇量和句型结构

2、,并具有围绕话题实行简单讨论、交谈和写作的水平。3.在教学过程中,注意培养学生把旧单词与新单词有机地联系起来,通过组合让学生在思维导图协助下实行认读和记忆,同时使用自然拼读法使学生掌握自然拼读的规律,让学生乐学、会学。4. 班里一共48个学生,他们热情好动,对英语学习的兴趣浓厚,课堂气氛活跃,能积极用英语实行交谈和讨论,在小组合作中融洽、和谐地相处,每个学生都积极参与。二、教材分析要点:1、教学重点:(1)掌握单词和词组: earthquakes, thunderstorm ,tomato soup for lunch / monsters under my bed(2)掌握句型:I am(n

3、ot) afraid of .(3)写一首诗。2、教学难点:(1) 使用自然拼读法和旧单词学习新单词。(2) 在of 后加动名词的语法点, 如sleeping alone。教学目标:1、 知识目标:(1) 学习本课的单词和词组:earthquakes, thunderstorm ,tomato soup for lunch / monsters under my bed(2) 掌握句型I am (not) afraid of .2、 水平目标:(1) 能使用I am(not) afraid of表达自己害怕和不害怕的事物。(2) 联系实际,写一首诗尝试描述自己或者介绍别人。3、 情感态度与价值

4、观目标:(1) 激发学生积极表达自己的情感。(2) 培养学生勇敢向上、自强不息的人生观和勇于面对困难和积极乐观的思想品德。4、课前准备:PPT教学课件, A4纸教学过程与方法:Step1 Warm- up1、 Greetings1. Good morning, children. Are you happy today ? I am very happy today. Because your fathers and mothers come to join in our English lesson. Lets sing an English song for them.Step 2 Pre

5、sentations.2. You did a good job. Whos that? Oh, thats Holly. Please read about Holly. Read one by one. And guess what is Holly afraid of ? OK, from the text What is Holly afraid of or not afraid of ? Answer one by one .Then learn the new words: earthquakes, thunderstorms3. Very good. You have known

6、 what Holly is afraid of or not afraid of. What about you ? What are you afraid of ? What are you not afraid of ? Ask four children.4. Now lets play a game. A memory game. Lets make an example. What are you not afraid of ? I am not afraid of-5. You all did a good job. Now lets meet two new friends,

7、Samantha and Tony. Lets listen and complete the texts. Listen twice then check the answers. Then learn tomato soup for lunch ( supper, dinner, breakfast) monsters under my bed (under my chair-) Then read together, in pairs ,four by four. Step 3 Continuation.6. OK, now please write your poem like par

8、t 6. First , lets talk about your poem in your group. Ask some children to talk about the poem. Then write in the A 4 paper , design it , ask some children to read the poem. Step 4 Summary. You did a good job in this class. In this class we learned the poem and how to write your poem. Step 5 Homewor

9、k: Write the poem in A4.Listen and read and recite in the weekend.板书设计:Unit 9 Adventures Im afraid of_. Im not afraid of_.tomato soup for lunchmonsters under my bedearthquake作业或预习:1. Write the poem in A4.Listen and read and recite in the weekend.2. 2.Recite the words and the poems. 自我评价:本节课是旧版Join in 五年级第9单元的第二课时, 教学内容是通过写一首诗表述自己害怕和不害怕的事物。依据课程标准,围绕单元目标和教材内容,合理充分地利用课件,通过介绍熟悉的人物情况进行导入,激发学生的学习兴趣:结合日常生活实际,让学生在真实的生活环境中运用语言知识表达自己;通过小组合作活动,让学生在合作活动中体验、参与和实践,习得语言。在课堂中关注学生个体的差异,通过表扬、激励、小组计分等评价方式对学生进行积极的评价。教学环节设计层层相扣,形式多样。教学中突出英语学习的“趣味性原则”,通过海报形式写一首诗呈现教学成果,加强了学生的写作能力。导师评议 单位: 姓名: 日期:


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