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1、第八课 大地雕塑梯田之美Lesson 8 Magnificent Sculpture Terraced Fields学习目标 Study Objectives一、语言目标1. 学会“有”字句的用法。 To learn the usage of the “有”sentence.2. 描写 To express descriptions.(1)大片的梯田在云雾笼罩下,就像从人间登上天堂的天梯似的,非常壮观美丽。(2)我仿佛已经看到了一幅宏大的画卷。3.表示邀请 To learn invitation(1)要不我们一起去元阳欣赏梯田,好不好? (2)今天晚上来我家吃晚饭,怎么样?二、文化目标1.了解

2、红河梯田美景。课前导学 Guided Learning自20世纪80年代以来,元阳哈尼族梯田从封闭的哀牢山走向全国,走向世界,知名度日渐提高。国内外专家学者和游客纷至沓来,深为其壮丽的景观与丰富的文化所折服。1995年,法国人类学家欧也纳博士也来元阳观览老虎嘴梯田,面对脚下万亩梯田,欧也纳博士激动不已,久久不肯离去,他称赞:“哈尼族的梯田是真正的大地艺术,是真正的大地雕塑,而哈尼族就是真正的大地艺术家!”云南省红河州元阳县地处哀牢山南部,这里聚居着哈尼、彝、傣、苗、瑶、壮、汉七个民族,是一幅多姿多彩的边地民俗风情画廊。各族人民经过千百年来辛勤的劳动,依山开垦了36万多亩的梯田,堪称世界一绝。元

3、阳梯田最佳的旅游季节,是每年的一月至五月。当地只种一季水稻,六月插田,七月一片葱绿,十月一片金黄。入冬以后放水浸田,田埂线条清晰可见,弯曲有序,也是摄影的好时机。Since 1980s, the terraces of the Hani Ethnic Group in Yuanyang have become more and more famous, whose fame has gone out of the isolated Ailao Mountain to the whole country and to the world. Experts and scholars within

4、and out of the country as well as the visitors have come in a continuous stream, and are filled with admiration by the glorious scenery and the rich culture. In 1995, Doctor Oiler, a France anthropologist, came to Yuanyang to look at the Tiger-mouth Terraces and was greatly moved by a never-ending s

5、eries of terraces on the earth, and stayed there for a long time. He praised : “the terraces of the Hani Ethnic Group are an real art and a sculpture of the earth and the Hani people are true artist on the earth.” In the south of the Ailao Mountain is the Yuanyang County of the Honghe State, the Yun

6、nan Province, where there live totally seven ethnic groups: the Hani, the YI, the Miao, the Yao, the Zhuang and the Han. They have composed a colorful folk-custom picture in the border area After having worked hard for tens of thousands of years, they have dug up terraces of more than 360,000 acres,

7、 which can be called one and only in the world. The best travel seasons in the terraces of Yuanyang are those from January to May every year. They grow rice only once a year, transplanting rice seedlings in June, taking care of seedlings in July and harvesting golden rice in October. When winter com

8、es, they will let water go into the fields to waterlog them. At this time, ridges of the fields are not only clear in focus but also curving in sequence, and it is the best time to take photos.课 文 Text彼 得:苏宁,我今天在报纸上看到元阳哈尼梯田正在申报世界文化遗产,不知那里的梯田有什么特别的地方?b d : s nn , w jn tin zi bo zh shn kn do yun yn h

9、n t tin zhn zi shn bo sh ji wn hu y chn , b zh n l de t tin yu shn me t bi de d fn ? 苏 宁:哦,元阳哈尼梯田是中国大陆最神奇的景观之一,简直就是宏伟的大地雕塑,太美了!彼 得:到底有多美啊,你说具体点儿。s nn : , yun yn h n t tin sh zhn u d l zu shn q de jn un zh y , jin zh ji sh hn wi de d d dio s , ti mi le ! b d : do d yu du mi , n shu j t din r 。 苏 宁:元阳

10、梯田位于云南哀牢山南部,居住在那里的哈尼族开垦了规模庞大、世界闻名的梯田。仅元阳县境内就有17万亩梯田,是红河哈尼梯田的核心区。s nn : yun yn t tin wi y yn nn i lo shn nn b , j zh zi n l de h n z ki kn le u m pn d 、 sh ji wn mn de t tin 。 jn yun yn xin jn ni ji yu 17 wn m t tin , sh hn h h n t tin de h xn q 。彼 得:哦,怪不得把它称为“元阳哈尼梯田”。b d : , ui b d b t chn wi “ yun

11、yn h n t tin ” 。苏 宁:层层叠叠的梯田,像万级银梯,依着山势,从山脚一直延伸到山顶。尤其在有雾的天气,大片的梯田在云雾笼罩下,就像从人间登上天堂的天梯似的,非常壮观美丽。s nn : cn cn di di de t tin , xin wn j yn t , y zhe shn sh , cn shn jio y zh yn shn do shn dn 。 yu q zi yu w de tin q , d pin de t tin zi yn w ln zho xi , ji xin cn rn jin dn shn tin tn de tin t sh de , fi c

12、hn zhun un mi l 。彼 得:哇,我仿佛已经看到了一幅宏大的画卷。b d : w , w fn f y jn kn do le y f hn d de hu jun 。 苏 宁:怎么样,是不是很想亲眼目睹一下? s nn : zn me yn , sh bu sh hn xin qn yn m d y xi ? 彼 得:太想了,你说得我心痒痒的。b d : ti xin le , n shu d w xn yn yn de 。苏 宁: 过几天就到元旦放假了,要不我们一起去元阳欣赏梯田,好不好?s nn : u j tin ji do yun dn fn ji le , yo b w

13、 men y q q yun yn xn shn t tin , ho bu ho ? 彼 得:好啊,我也正求之不得呢。b d : ho , w y zhn qi zh b d ne 。 翻 译 TranslationPeter: Suning, Ive read in todays newspaper that the terraces of Yuanyang are being declared to be one of the World Culture Heritages. Is there anything extraordinary of the terraces there? S

14、uning: Er, the Hani terraces in Yuanyang are one of the most supernatural sight in Chinese main land. It can undoubtedly be called a magnificent sculpture on the earth. How wonderful!Peter: How beautiful to the end is it? Can you speak clearly? Suning: The Yuanyang Terraces lie in the south of the A

15、ilao Mountain in Yunnan. The Hani people living there have dup up the large scale and world-famous terraces. They cover 170,000 acres only within the boundary of the Yuanyang County, which is the center of the Honghe Hani terraces.Peter: Yeah, no wonder they are called the Yuanyang Hani Terraces.Suning: Laye



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