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1、英文经典Apollo the Musician音乐家阿波罗(Myths of Greece and Rome)1 It is said that on a certain occasion Pan had the s:tn 某个,确信的kein 场合据说有一次,潘曾轻率地要求与阿波罗一较琴艺向这位temerity to compare his music with that of Apollo and to timeriti 鲁莽 kmp 相比,匹敌(+with)lyre(古希腊的一种七弦竖琴)之神挑战演奏技巧。challenge the god of the lyre to a trial

2、of skill.The challenge tlind 挑战 质疑 trail考验 试验 审判 a trial of 较量 挑战被接受was accepted, and Tmolus, the mountain-god, was 了。 山神提摩勒斯被选为公断人。chosen umpire. The senior took his seat and cleared away tuzn mpai 仲裁人裁判si:nj 高级的年长的 这位长者在他的位置上就座,撩开他耳边the trees from his ears to listen. At a given signal signl信号的树枝,以

3、便聆听。 比赛开始, 2 Pan blew on his pipes, and with his rustic melody paips 笛子管 rstik 乡下的粗俗的 meldi 旋律 潘吹起他的笛子beauty bju:ti 优美的 粗 糙 的 旋 律gave great satisfaction to himself and his faithful ,stisfkn 满意 乐事 feifl 忠实的却 令 他 自 己 和 刚 巧 在 座 的 忠 贞 的follower Midas, who happened to be present.Then Tmolus hpnd 碰巧 prezn

4、t 出席的随从麦达斯都得意洋洋。 然后提摩勒斯turned his head toward the sun-god, and all his trees 转头看向太阳神, 他的树枝们也跟着turned with him. Apollo rose , his brow wreathed with brau 额头 ri:缠绕 花环装饰他转动。 阿波罗起身, 他的额头环绕着 Parnassian Laurel, while his robe of Tyrian purple swept lrl 月桂树桂冠 rub 长袍 tirin 推罗人的swept 打扫风刮起帕那西恩的桂冠, 紫色的长袍拖在地上。

5、the ground. In his left hand he held the lyre 他的左手抱着lyre琴3 and with his right hand struck the strings. Tmolus at strk弹奏 打 击striz 绳 线 琴弦 他的右手拨动琴弦。 提摩勒斯onceawarded the victory to the lyric god, and all but w:did 授予判给 viktri马上判定优胜属于这位lyre之神, 除了麦达斯外Midas acquiesced in the judgment. He dissented and ,kwi

6、est 默认默许 disentid 不同意所有的人,都默许了这个判决。 麦达斯质疑questioned the justice of the award.Apollo promptly dstis 公平合法 prmptli 敏捷地;迅速地评判的公正性。 阿波罗立即将他transformed his depraved pair of ears into those of an ass.trnsf:m 使改变 dipreivd堕落的;邪恶的 s 驴子笨蛋那不辨雅俗的双耳变成了驴耳朵。King Midas tried to hide his misfortune under an misf:tn 不

7、幸 恶运麦达斯国王试着将他丑陋的耳朵藏在宽大的ample turban. But his hairdressermpl 宽敞的,宽大的 t:bn 包头巾 dres 服装员头巾下。 但他的发型师觉得 4 found it too much for his discretion to keep such a diskren 谨慎周到 自己无法忠实地保守这个秘密;secret; he dug a hole in the ground and ,stooping down, dig挖 stu:pi 屈身,弯腰(+down) 于是他在地上挖了一个洞, 俯下身,whispered the story,and covered it up But a thick bed of hwispd 低声说 私下告诉 ik 厚的 茂密的低声讲述了这个故事,然后把洞堵上。然而,地里长出一片reeds springing up in the meadow began whispering the ri:dz 芦苇 迅速生长 medu 草地茂密的芦苇, 开始悄悄的传播这story, and has continued to do sofrom that day to this,个故事,直到现在每当微风吹过,芦苇还在继续诉说着。every time a breeze passes over the place.4


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