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1、六年级下册英语教学设计课 题Unit 6 An interesting country课 型新授课 时8-1备课时间2015.4.25授课时间教学目标1 会听说读写单词 kangaroo, koala, Australian football,Sydney 2 能听懂、会说、会读、会写I/you/we/they/he/shell.重点难点1.能流利的朗读课文。2.通过学习课文能了解有关澳大利亚的知识教具准备PPT教 学 过 程二次备课 Step 1.Warming up1. Free talkWhere did you go ?Did you go to foreign country ?Do

2、 you want to know about foreign country?Which foreign country do you know?Do you know in which country there is a kangaroo?(教师做动作让学生去猜)-in Australian 领读What else animals do they have ?A koala.新单词,领读,个别读OK .lets go to Australia today , but before the lessons,how can you know about Australia?Step2 Pre

3、sentation Story time1. T: In Mikes class,the students will learn about Australia ,too. They want to find out about this country before the lessons. But how can they know about Australia ?Lets watch the cartoon and find the answers.How can they know about Australia? Ask Ss to learn some new words and

4、 drills in a situation.2. Learn the new words:Australian football Sydney 3. 听录音,学习课文第一部分 教师播放课文第一部分的录音,要求学生捕捉关键词,了解四个人物查阅因袭的方式,然后完成表格。WhoHowMikeWang BingLiu TaoYang Ling 4. 阅读课文第二部分,理解大意 安排学生独立阅读课文的第二部分,并设计问题检测他们的理解情况。如: Where is Liu Tao? What is Liu Tao doing? What does the article talk about? Do y

5、ou think Australia is an interesting country? 可以要求学生完成书60页的Read and write 活动。Step 3 Consolidation1. Read the passage after the tape .完成书60页的True or false2. 复述课文第一部分 可以用问答的形式要求学生复述,同时操练一般将来时的肯定句。T: How will Mike find out about Australia?S1:Hell ask his e-friend in Australia.T:What about Wang Bing?.3小

6、组活动: 介绍澳大利亚4 拓展活动:我是小导游 要求学生任意选择英国、美国和加拿大中的一个国家查阅资料,了解一些主要信息,以小组形式仿照课文的第二部分,给出书面介绍。教后记六年级下册英语教学设计课 题Unit 6 An interesting country课 型新授课 时8-2备课时间2015.4.25授课时间教学目标1. 能听说读写人称代词和will的缩写形式2. 能了解构成一般将来时的时间状语重点难点能熟练运用一般将来时的时间状语教具准备.PPT教 学 过 程二次备课 Step 1 RevisionDo you know about something about Australia ?

7、 How will Mike know about Australia ?How about Wang Bing / Liu Tao /Yang Ling ? Present the pictures of Story time. 复习课文内容,看图集体复述课文。Step 2 Presentation1. 呈现grammar time中的第一个板块 a. Read the sentences. b. Try to find out the rule. Lets look at the blackboard .there are some sentences .Read them first a

8、nd then think what can you find ?When can we use simple fulture tense ?-tomorrow ,next把Grammar time 的句子呈现在黑板上,然后让学生归纳将来时的特点。2. 再读课文,理解一般将来时 要求学生再读课文,划出所有用一般将来时态的句子,进一步理解句子含义。3. 设计练习,操练一般将来时 给出若干句子,要求学生用由will构成的一般将来时改写。1. He usually goes to school by bike. (tomorrow)2. He visited London last year. (t

9、his winter)3. Mary is having a dancing lesson. (next Saturday)4. Mr Green often tells us about his country. (next time)4. 造句游戏,操练一般将来时Step 3 Consolidation1. Well done .I know something about China .the weather is fine .People like playing table tennis and so on .Do you know some other places ?lets f

10、inish the table.教师先说一个地点,交代这个地方的天气,有趣的运动,有趣的城市,有趣的地方,再引导学生了解别的国家,在此基础上完成fun time 环节中的第一部分。2 Finish the exercise on page 62Write a passage .学生模仿范文,自己写一段话教后记六年级下册英语教学设计课 题Unit 6 An interesting country课 型新授课 时8-3备课时间2015.4.26授课时间教学目标1.学生能知道字母组合air在单词中的读音。2.学生能自主阅读cartoon time内容, 理解并能朗读、表演故事重点难点学生能用所学语言

11、表演对话并能熟练掌握将来时的用法。教具准备PPT教 学 过 程二次备课 Step 1 Free talkWhat will you do next week ?通过Free talk融洽课堂气氛,通过复述,复习上节课的知识。从而能很好的进行导入。When I was a child ,I want to be a doctor ,but now I am a teacher .What do you want to be ?Step 2 Presentation1 Cartoon time a. Do you know Billy ? what does he want to be ? Let

12、s watch the cartoon and find the answer. b. Read it by themselves carefully and underline the sentences. c. Listen to the tape and answer the question: What does billy like ? Where does find out about cooking ? What will billy cook ? Is he a good cook ? d. Answer the question: e. Listen and read thi

13、s cartoon together. Pay attention to the intonation. f. Dub for the cartoon. Practice in groups of three. g Act out the cartoon. With books. Without books. Add your own words. h. Summary What do you learn from this cartoon? 2.Sound timeT:What do you know about Australia? S: . T:Look at the blackboar

14、d ,there is something about Australia,lets read it . T:Can you find out the pronunciation of “air”? T:Can you find other words ? 让学生读soundtime 里面的句子,再让学生总结字母组合air的发音规则。 Listen to the part of Sound time. Read after the tape. Read this part in groups. Have a competition.教后记六年级下册英语教学设计课 题Unit 6 An interesting country课 型新授课 时8-4备课时间2015.5.27授课时间教学目标1.能正确完成checkout time 练习。2.能正确理解和运用一般将来时。重点难点能正确运用will句型讨论将会发生的事情。教具准备PPT教 学 过 程二次备课



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