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1、Unit TwoForeign TradeA. Words and Expressions外贸额foreign trade volume工业成品finished industrial products primary products 农产品双边贸易bilateral trademulti-lateral trade 多边贸易unilateral trade 单边贸易开拓国际市场 exploit; expand; further develop; open up further; tap the international market市场多元化战略market diversification

2、 strategy宏观经济政策macro economic policy (=fiscal policy+monetary policy)micro微观proactive/tight/moderate tight贸易摩擦trade friction/dispute贸易壁垒与投资障碍trade barriers and investment impediments非关税壁垒 non-tariff barriers进口配额限制import quotalicensing system出口管制export control加工企业 processing enterprisemanufacturer; p

3、roducing enterprise人民币经常项目可兑换RMB convertibility under current account国际收支有两个项目:经常项目current account非经常项目capital account利润汇出风险risks involved in the remittance of profits审批环节procedures for examination and approval资金周转速度turnover rate of capital外汇调剂中心foreign exchange swap center世界贸易组织World Trade Organiza

4、tion (WTO)亚太经济合作组织Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)完善市场经济体制improve the market economic(economy) system推荐精选大幅度降低关税reduce the tariff(rate) in a drastic and substantial manner reduce substantially the tariff经济特区Special Economic Zones中外合资(合作/合营)外贸公司Sino-foreign joint venture trading companies.jo

5、int cooperative.外资企业foreign venture; foreign funded company三资企业deficit on visible trade有形贸易赤字商品merchandisenon-trade receipts非贸易收入reduce the unit cost 降低单位成本a substantial complementarity 比较强的互补性the annual bilateral trade volume双边年贸易额an average annual growth rate 年平均增长率trading partner贸易伙伴Sino-US trade

6、 imbalance 中美贸易不平衡balance of trade 贸易差额贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade贸易逆差 adverse balance of trade贸易赤字 trade deficit/gapbarter(以货易货)易货贸易swapB. SentencesC-E1. 从广义来说,世界贸易不仅包括货物交易且包括服务的交换、金融投资及货币贸易。Generally speaking, the world trade not only contains goods trading, but also include service exchange,

7、financial investment and currency trading.In a broad sense, world trade includes/consists of/covers not only merchandise but also services, financial investment, and monetary transactions.2. 当今国际贸易中最大的困难是非关税壁垒,如进口额限制和出口管制。Non-tariff barriers are the biggest difficulty in the contemporary internation

8、al trade, such as import quota and export control.The most difficult part of.lies in.The major difficulties in international trade today are/lies in non-tariff barriers, such as.3. 工业产品已代替农副产品和矿产品,成为主要的出口商品。Industrial products have substituted for agricultural products and minerals as the primary ex

9、port commodities. 推荐精选Finished industrial products, instead of agricultural, side-line, and mineral products, have become the major exports.4. 这就要求(inquire, require, entail, dictate, call for)我们还要进一步加大市场多元化战略的实施(implement; carry out; put into practice; bring into effect; actualize)力度,采取中央与地方相结合,政府与企

10、业相结合,贸易与投资、援外及其他经济合作形式相结合的方法更深、更广地开拓国际市场,并从宏观政策措施上予以整体推动。This calls for that we have to further enhance the enforcement strength of market diversification strategy. Then we can take measures combining the central and the local, the government and enterprises, trading and investment as well as other

11、forms of economic cooperation to more deeply and widely exploit the international market, which is promoted from the macro policy measures as a whole.This dictates that we still have to reinforce/strengthen/intensify the implementation of the Market Diversification Strategy,(by) resulting to such me

12、thods as combing the efforts of central and local government, and of the government and the business community, and integrating trade with investment, foreign aid ad other economic cooperative forms in order to/in a effort to tap the international market in a more in-depth and comprehensive manner,

13、and we still have to give an overall impetus from the perspective macro policy.5. 自起,我国大幅度降低了关税,涉及近5000个税号的产品。Since, our country have reduced substantially tariff, which involved about 5000 duty paragraph products .Since ., China has substantially reduced the tariff (rate), covering nearly 5000 tari

14、ff lines.6. APEC是目前亚太地区最活跃的区域经济合作组织。APEC is the most active area economic cooperation in Asian-Pacific region.APEC is currently the most dynamic regional economic cooperation organization in Asian-Pacific region.7. 实现人民币经常项目下可兑换还减少了外商投资利润汇出的风险,增强(既可通过V.也可通过A.来体现)外国投资者的安全感。Realizing RMB convertibilit

15、y under current account not only decreases foreign investment risks involved in the remittance of profits, but also enhances foreign investors sense of security. RMB convertibility under current account will also reduce the risks involved in the remittance of profit and gives a strong sense of security on the part of foreign investors.8. 同时,由于取消了对经常项目下外汇支付和转移的限制,减少了审批环节,将有助于加快资金周转,使企业经营状况得以改善。 Meanwhile, due to have canceled the control of foreign excha



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