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1、Unit 6 Colours第一课时(教学设计)一、教学目标1. 掌握三会单词orange、green、red、yellow;2. 初步学会在适当情境下运用now;3. 灵活运用句型Look at my ;What colour is my ?Its .二、教学重难点1. 掌握三会单词orange、green、red、yellow;2. 灵活运用句型Look at my ;What colour is my ?Its .三、教学方法讲授法、角色扮演法、情境教学法四、教学准备彩色卡片、录音机、磁带五、教学过程Step1:Free talk(1) T:Good afternoon. Whats y

2、our name?S:My name is / Im .(2) T:Hello!May I know your name?S:My name is.(3) T:Are you ?S:Yes. I am. / No, Im not.(4) T:Who is he/she?S:He/She is.(5) T:Who can introduce your friends to me?S:He/She is. He/She is my friend.Step2:Review复习Unit 5 Story time 及Cartoon time 部分的句子、单词及字母。Step3:教授新知T:Now let

3、s look at picture one and picture two. What does Bobbys mother say? Who can read?S:Look at my new skirt. Look at my new T-shirt.T:Very good, one star.(板书:Look at my)Who can tell me what does it mean?S:看我的T:Good. One star. Now lets look at picture three, what does Bobbys mother say? Lets read togethe

4、r.S:What colour is my T-shirt? (板书)T:Very good . Follow me:What colour is my T-shirt? (两遍)What does it mean?S:我的T恤衫是什么颜色的?T:Right. One star. 好,以后你们想要问别人你的某件物品是什么颜色,我们就可以说(手指着板书)S:What colour is myT:Yes. Lets look at picture four. What does Bobbys father say?S:Its red. (分别板书Its和red)T:(拿出红色的卡纸)Now loo

5、k, whats this in English?S:Its a skirt.(板书skirt)T:Yes.它是?S:红色的。T:Good.它是红色的,那我们看看Bobby妈妈的t恤衫是不是红色的呢?Yes or no?S:No.T:Good. And what colour is it? 那它是什么颜色的?S:黄色。T:Yes. Who can say in English?S:Yellow.T:So we can say its yellow.(T引导S一起说) (拿出黄色的卡纸)Look, What colour is my skirt?S:Its yellow.T:Now read a

6、fter me: yellow Its yellow.(各两遍) Now I ask and you answer, ok?S:Ok!T:(拿着黄色卡纸)What colour is my skirt?S:Its yellow.(两遍)T:(快速换成绿色卡纸)What colour is my skirt?S:绿色。T:Yes. Its?S:Green.(板书)T:Very good. Read after me:green its green (各两遍) (拿着黄绿相间的卡纸)Look, What colour is my skirt now?S:黄色和绿色的。T:Yes, its yell

7、ow and its green.(T引导S说)So we can say its yellow and green.S:Its yellow and green.(板书)T:教读and、yellow and green。(多次练习)What does it mean?这句话是什么意思呢?S:它是黄色和绿色的。T:Very good. 它是黄绿相间的。Now I ask and you answer. What colour is my skirt now?S:Its yellow and green.(练习两遍)T:(拿着橙色卡纸)Look, What colour is my skirt

8、now?S:Its orange./橙色。T:Yes.它是橙色的。Its orange.(板书)S:Its orange.T:教读orange和Its orange。 Read after me:red, yellow, green, orange.(领读四个词汇) 这些单词都表示什么呀?S:颜色。T:How to say it in English?S:Colour.T:Good. Colour.那我们这边有好几种颜色,so we can say colours. Today lets learn Unit6 Colours.(教读课题)Step4:解读课文T:Now open your b

9、ooks and turn to page thirty-eight.把书翻到38页。What can you see in the first picture? What does Yang Ling say?S:Look at my skirt. Its orange.T:Very good. Lets look at picture two. What can you see in this picture?S:What colour is my skirt now?T:What does it mean?S:现在我的短裙是什么颜色的?T:Very good. Read after me

10、: now(两遍)what colour is my skirt now.(两遍) Lets answer her together.S:Its green.T:Lets look at picture three. What does Yang Ling say?S:What colour is it now?T:Read after me: is it(两遍,is it 先分开读,后连读)What colour is it now(两遍)it是什么意思?S:它。T:那这句话呢?S:现在它是什么颜色的。T:很好,那Yang Ling 的小伙伴是怎么回答的啊?S:Its red and yellow.T:它是?S:红色和黄色的。T:Good.它是红黄相间的。跟磁带读课文领读自由读集体读Step5:Letter timeR r S s T t要点:1. 注意每个字母的发音;2. 各个字母占了几格;3. Ss有什么异同点;4.Tt先写竖,后写横。Step6:Homework1.熟读课文并签字;2.三个字母各写两行。板书设计:Look at myWhat colour is my skirt now? Itsred yellow and green orange


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