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1、Module 3 单 元 分 析教 学 目 标 分 析语言知识目标功能描述节日语法全体学生能运用:Today is Halloween. Easter is in spring in the UK.词汇1全体学生能理解: Halloween,trick or treat,give ,festival,scary ,mask,neighbor,night,Easter, chick, chocolate2全体学生能初步运用:give ,night.语音进一步感知语句的重音。语言技能目标听全体学生能听懂: Today is Halloween. Easter is in spring in the

2、 UK.说全体学生能说: Today is Halloween. Easter is in spring in the UK.读全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文。写全体学生能拼写自选词汇运用全体学生能运用“It is People do” 等结构介绍节日。学习策略尝试阅读英语故事及其他英语课外读物。文化意识能够关注并了解中国传统文化,比较中外文化的异同情感态度乐于接触外国文化,体会中外文化的异同。任 务Unit 1:介绍西方的万圣节前夕。Unit 2:制作海报,介绍西方的节日。教 学 内 容 分 析本模块的话题是描述超市中的商品及其特征。 课题Unit 1 Today is Halloween

3、. (新授课)教学目标知识技能目标全体学生能运用:Today is Halloween. Easter is in spring in the UK.情感目标乐于接触外国文化,体会中外文化的异同。教学重点1能听懂、会说、会读词汇: Halloween,trick or treat,give ,festival,scary ,mask,neighbor,night,Easter, chick, chocolate 2能听懂、会说、会读句型: Today is Halloween. Easter is in spring in the UK难点Today is Halloween. Easter

4、is in spring in the UK课前准备多媒体课件、单词卡片第一课时 总第1课时教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设计意图Step1Warming up and revision1. Greetings.2. Enjoy a song. Marilyn Manson - This is Halloween(百度搜索歌曲)3. Review the festivals.(课件出示节日图片)猜节日游戏,幻灯片出示和节日有关的图片,学生根据图片提示猜出节日。采用了学生比较感兴趣的猜谜的形式,并且是逐句呈现,不仅给了学生巩固新学知识的机会,也让他们操练了口语,更让他们体会到了探索

5、的快乐,提高了他们学习英语的积极性。Step2Presentation.T: Show up a moon cake. Whats this? When do we eat the moon cakes? S: At Mid Autumn Festival. What do we do at Mid-Autumn Festival?There is an autumn festival in west countries. Do you know what it is? Ss: Halloween. 二、Lead in They are all festivals. Today lets le

6、arn an interesting festival,OK? Its a famous festival. Its an autumn festival. Its on the 31st October.Lingling ,Amy and Sam go to peoples houses. They scare the people. People give them sweets. What is it? 设计意图:通过简单介绍课文内容,让学生的思维迅速转移到英语的学习中来,同时也能提高学生学习英语的兴趣。提出和万圣节有关的几个问题,引导学生以自己喜欢的方式在网站中观看课文动画或阅读课文原

7、文,找出问题的答案。Step 3Drills 1. Read and answer : (提出问题,引导学生进行小组合作学习)1.(通过自己操作学习型网站中课文的动画和原文部分进行学习)Amys favourite festival is Halloween. 1)When is Halloween? (课件出示问题)2)What do children wear?3)What do children do?4) What do people give children ? 2. 教师点拨初步理解课文之后,回答之前提出的4个问题:1)Its an autumn festival. (简单介绍万

8、圣节的时间)学生整体朗读,再次加深对课文的理解,同时也能培养学生齐读能力。2)Children wear scary clothes.(强调scary的意思)3)They go to peoples houses and scare the people.(强调scare的意思)4)People give them sweets.3. 难点分析1)讲解they和them的区别2)They go to peoples houses. (理解peoples houses的含义及发音)3) Children wear scary clothes. They scare the people(说明sc

9、are和scary的区别,帮助学生区分,举例子示范。)4) wear-where(同音词)4. Listen and repeat. (听音跟读然后学生自读,提问读。)Production1. Look at the pictures and describe Halloween.(先复习短语然后描述节日,师生互动)2. Do some exercises Whens _(万圣节)?Its in _.What _ people usually do at _(万圣节)?They _ _ in costumes.(穿上盛装)3.Do you want to know something more

10、 about Halloween?You can find the message on the website.(指导学生利用互联网在百度中查询关于万圣节的其它知识。)4. Talk about some festivals(小组合作,查找讨论其它的节日,汇报成果,生生互动。)学生带着问题盲听,培养捕捉细节信息能力,集中提高学生的听力水平。学生跟读、模仿录音,保证语音语调的准确性;自读,边读边找答案使学生在理解课文的基础上自主学习,提高自我学习能力。通过汇报的形式,检测学生自读课文及理解课文的情况,多种方式操练句型让重点知识操练到位。用比赛的形式,分角色朗读课文,让学生体会真实对话的乐趣,调

11、动学生积极性;随后的按课文内容填空,考查学生掌握课文内容的情况。小学高年级应注重培养学生“写”的能力,在新授、巩固之后,设计一部分紧扣新知识的习题,即培养了学生“写”的能力,也给了学生再次巩固新知识的机会,保证他们能牢固地掌握本教时所学知识。板书设计M2U1 Today is Halloween.作业设计Summery and homework 总结作业1. Summary. How to describe “Halloween”. Children wear scary clothes. They go to peoples houses. They scare the people.2.

12、Homework.(1) Write the new words. (2) Try to recite the text.第二课时 总第2课时教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设计意图Step1Warming up and revision1.Lets sing a song.2.Have a free talk.Step2Presentation.T: Show up a moon cake. Whats this? When do we eat the moon cakes? S: At Mid Autumn Festival. What do we do at Mid-Autu

13、mn Festival? There is an autumn festival in west countries. Do you know what it is? Ss: Halloween. 1. Show up a picture , Lingling .Daming .Sam had a funny Halloween, Lets look.2.T: Whats this ? S: Its a mask. Ss put the masks and practise.3.T:What are they? S: Theyre scary clothes. Ss say the word

14、and act.4.T:Why do the children wear scary clothes? What do you know about Halloween? Lets listen to the radio.5.Show up the blackboard:1.Whats Halloween?2.What do children wear ?3.Where do children go?4.What do children do?5.What do people do?6.Lisen to the radio once more and try to answer. Pairwork and discuss the questions.7.T write the answers on the blackboard and explain the importance and


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