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1、(word完整版)2014年仁爱英语七年级下册Unit5Topic2测试题及答案,推荐文档Unit 5Our School LifeTopic 2He is running on the playground. .单项选择。(10 分)()1.Jack loves _ best. He often borrows books from the library.B.to reads()2. Would you like to come and play soccer, Jim? _A.No, I wouldn t.B.Good idea!C.Thank you.re right.()3. Whe

2、re are Jim and Tom? Their mother is looking for them. They _ at the moment.C.are running()4.Look, the children _ in the gym.A.is dancingB.are dancingdance()5. Excuse me, _ I borrow this book? Of course.()6. How long can I _ the VCD?A week.()7. What are you doing? Im _ my English book.A.looking after

3、B.looking atC.looking forD.looking like(tmake any noise. We _ to the news.C.are listening()9. Let me help you find the lost purse. Thank you very much. _A.That snothing.tthank me.s OK.D.It s apleasure.()10.Excuse me, do you have any basketballs?Sorry, we donthave any._A. Oh, I want to buy it.B.Thank

4、 you all the sameC.Bye-bye.D.It doesntmatter. .情形社交。(5 分)从栏中找出栏的答语。此中有一项为哪一项剩余的。()11.Where is Jane?A.Three weeks.1()12.What are they doing?B.Yes, he is.()13.Would you like to play soccer?C.She is in the lab.()14.How long can I keep it?D.Good idea!()15.Is Tom having lunch at home now?E.No, I wouldnt.

5、 .完形填空。(10 分)F.They are dancing.Look! The bus16 at a small bus stop. A man17 out of the window.He sees a woman. She is selling18. The man wants19a cake. But hedoesntwant to go out because it is raining. The man sees a boy. The boy is20the window.“ Come here, boythe. man” says, “ Do you know21the cak

6、e is? ”“ Twenty fen. the”boy says. The man22 the boy forty fen and asks him to buytwo cakes. “ One is orf you and23is for me. he”says to the boy. After24minutes, the boy comes back. He25a cake. He gives the man twenty fen andsays,“ Sorry, thereisonly one cake left.”(B.is stopping(C.is lookingD.are l

7、ooking(C.to buy()21.A.how muchB.how many(D.the other(C.a fewD.a little(B.is havingC.is hasingD.is have .阅读理解。(30 分)(A)Jim wants to borrow a book from a new library. He comes to the library with Jack.Theycantsee any librarians(图书管理员 ) there, butonlysome robots(机器人 )standing there. Then Jim says to on

8、e of the robots,“Hey, give me the book.”But therobot doesntwork.“Whats wrong with the robot? ”he asks Jack.Then Jack tells him, “When you want to borrow something from someone, youmust saypleasefirst. ”When the robot hears this, it begins to laugh. Jims face turns red.依据短文内容,判断正 (T)误(F)。()26.There a

9、ren t any librarians in the library.()27.There are some robots in the library.()28.There is something wrong with the robot.()29.The robot gives Jim the book.(s face turns red because he knows that he isntpolite (有礼貌的 ).(B)Peter is thirteen years old. He is in Grade Two this year. He likes reading ne

10、ws and watching football games. And he often reads newspapers. He does his best to know where and when there is going to be a football game.2Now Peter is having lunch. He is listening to the radio, too. He is very happy because there is going to be a nice football game on TV at four this afternoon.

11、He wants to watch it very much. But he is going to have English and Chinese tests. He thinks hard and finds a way finally.“ Hello, Mrs. Black! ”Peter says to his teacher on the telephone,“Peter is ill in bed. He wants to ask for half a days leave(请半天假 ).”“Oh, Im sorry to hear that.”says Mrs. Black,

12、“But whos that?” “It s my father, Mrs. Black.”()31.Peter is a _ .A.middle school student()32.Peter will be in _ next year.A.Grade TwoB.Grade Three C.Grade OneD.Grade Four()33.Peter often reads newspapers because _ .A.he likes reading newsB.he likes reading storiesC.he wants to know where and when a

13、football game will be heldD.his father wants him to read them()34.Peter wants to ask for half a day s leave_ because. _A.his father is ill in bedB.he wants to watch the football gameC.he doesn t like to have English or Chinese testsD.he is ill in bed()35.Which of the following sentences (句子 ) is RIGHT?A.Mrs. Black is going to take Peter to see a doctor.B.Peter wants to watch TV at four in the afternoon.C.Peter is a clever(聪慧的 ) boy.D.Peter is a good student.(C)



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