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1、2014届最新高考英语一轮单元复习 精品阅读理解提升文章精选一百篇(12)Unit 19A Few Reasons to Hate April Fools DayApril Fools Day is an odd holiday, and not to everyones liking. In fact, many people dislike it.When I was growing up I was mostly indifferent to it. Celebrations such as Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving made perfect

2、 sense to me, and I eagerly anticipated them, principally because they involved food. April Fools Day, on the other hand, was just a date on the calendar. If I thought about it at all, it conjured up visions of fake vomit, and prank phone calls, none of which I was particularly interested in since I

3、 was quite serious and gloomy as a child. It was only when I was older, after my early seriousness had collapsed into a cynical fascination with the comedic aspects of life, that I acquired an interest in the traditions and history of April Fools Day.What I have learned about April Fools Day, after

4、much study, is that most people regard it with as much indifference as I formerly did. Of all the major holidays, it is arguably the least celebrated. Most people, if they show any awareness of the day at all, do so only in a purposeless fashion. For instance, they might remark that Oh, its April Fo

5、ols Day, when they notice the date to be April 1st. Very few actually do anything to mark the occasion.But enough people do celebrate it to keep the holiday alive and kicking. In fact, thanks to the Internet, more people probably celebrate April Fools Day now than ever before. As someone once remark

6、ed, On the Internet, every day is April Fools Day, and this statement holds especially true when it actually is April Fools Day on the Internet.But Im not really interested in those who love and celebrate the day, because enough ink is spilled on them every year. Instead, Im interested in those who

7、hate the day, those whose passive indifference towards the celebration has turned into active hatred and who seek to remove April 1st altogether from the calendar.I think its true that to really know something, you need to know its enemies. And just as importantly, because April Fools Day is all abo

8、ut the freedom to be vulgar, mischievous, deceptive, and offensive for one day of the year, it doesnt help to revise its lighthearted follies that people fondly remember - in order to get at the real inner meaning of the day. Instead we need to inquire into its bitter antagonisms. Into its heart of darkness, if you will. And so here is my list, by no means definitive, of a few good reasons to hate April Fools Day.


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