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1、必修2单词练习必修2 Unit1I.单词拼写1. Of the six people in the plane that crashed, only one _(幸存).2. Who has been _(挑选)to take part in the project?3. This course is _(设计)as an introduction to the subject.4. I dont _going out in such bad weather.5. We _(装饰)the house for Christmas.6. He _(除去) the mud from his shoe

2、s.7. These flowers are very _(稀有)in this country.8. I paid only 3000 for this used car but its _(值) a lot more.9. I was _(吃惊)to find her there.10. We are sending you some money in return for your_(宝贵的)help.II.单项填空1. How much do you think the coat will_? Not much. It is _50 dollars at the most.A. cos

3、t; worth B. worth; costC. take; cost D. need; worth2. 2012新乡模拟Anything to drink ?What about coffee?Er.I think Ill have a cold drink _coffee.A. other than B. more than C. less than D. rather than3. At present, many people from countryside went to the cities _better jobs.A. in search of B. in place of

4、 C. in memory of D. in spite of4. Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to _products.A. design B. classify C. promote D. identify5. They helped me a lot when I was in trouble, but they wanted nothing _, for which I was grateful to them.A. in addition B. in return. C. In case D

5、. brief6. Whether by accident or _, he arrived too late to help us.A. purpose B. Aim C. design D. chance7. A troop of carefully selected soldiers set out in search of those who might _the terrible coal mine accident.A. live B. rescue C. exist D. survive8. With the development of science and technolo

6、gy, there is no doubt _. Chinese astronauts will land on the moon in the near future.A. Whether B. that C. what D. which9. As we all know, tigers and cats _the same family of beasts.A. belonged to B. are belonged to C. belong to D. are belonging to 10. Your desk is crowded with too many unnecessary

7、things, including used papers and books. Youd better _some of them.A. remain B .resist C. remove D. recover11. Mum! Alice has broken my CD player! _ After all, she couldn t have done it on purpose .A. Whats the matter? B. It doesnt matter. C. No trouble at all. D How come?12. I didnt know you were g

8、ood friends. You _.I have known her since she moved here. You were studying abroad then.A. may have B. neednt have C. couldnt have D. must have13. We had to _the engine piece by piece for transport.A. take up B. take out C. take off D. take apart14. How do you feel about your headmaster? He loves us

9、 very much and he is well_.A. considered as B talked of C. cared about D. thought of 15. The two countries couldnt reach an agreement in _peace talk and finally went to _war.A. the;/ B. the ;the C. /;the D. /;a必修2 Unit 2I.单词拼写1. We will all have a course in _ (古代的) history this term.2. Can I have a

10、_ (自愿者) to wash the dishes?3. Electric lights have _ (取代) candles.4. Theyve been very _ (迅速的) to deny these rumors.5. We attended a dinner party _ (做东,招待) by the president of the company.6. If you want to sell your product, you must _ (做广告) it.7. He made a _ (定期的) visit to his parents.8. The _ (基本的)

11、 theme of these stories never varies.9. My sister bought this T-shit at such a low price. She was really good at _ (讨价还价) .10. He _ (应受) to lose the game because he never trained harD. II.单项填空1. Pausanias, a Greek writer who lived in _ you call “Ancient Greece”, used to write about the Olympic Games

12、 a long time ago.A. where B. what C. which D. that2. There are two main sets of Games-the Winter and the Summer Olympics, and both are held every four years _.A. on the contrary B. on a regular basis C. on the scene D. on the average3. Its in the Summer Olympics _ you have the running races, togethe

13、r with swimming, sailing and all the team sports.A. because B. which C. that D. where4. During the final, Helena was in front in her race when another competitor pushed her _ so that she fell down, making her lose the chance of a medal.A. on schedule B. on purpose C. on board D. on guard5. She thinks women have to do more than men do when they _ for jobs or honors



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