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1、http:/ http:/ translation of the stepping motor basic principle 步进电机作为执行元件,是机电一体化的关键产品之一,广泛应用在各种自动化控制系统中。随着微电子和计算机技术的发展,步进电机的需求量与日俱增,在各个国民经济领域都有应用。 The stepping motor as executing components, electromechanical integration is one of the key products, widely used in a variety of automatic control syst

2、ems. With the development of microelectronics and computer technology, the stepper motor demand grow with each passing day, has been applied in various fields of the national economy. 步进电机是一种将电脉冲转化为角位移的执行机构。当步进驱动器接收到一个脉冲信号,它就驱动步进电机按设定的方向转动一个固定的角度(称为“步距角”),它的旋转是以固定的角度一步一步运行的。可以通过控制脉冲个数来控制角位移量,从而达到准确定

3、位的目的;同时可以通过控制脉冲频率来控制电机转动的速度和加速度,从而达到调速的目的。步进电机可以作为一种控制用的特种电机,利用其没有积累误差(精度为100%)的特点,广泛应用于各种开环控制。Stepping motor is a kind of electrical pulses into angular displacement of the implementing agencies. When stepping drive receives a pulse signal, it drives stepper motor rotate in the direction set by a f

4、ixed angle ( called the step ), it is the rotation at a fixed angle step by step operation. The number of pulses to control the amount of angular displacement through the control, so as to achieve the purpose of accurate positioning; also can control the pulse frequency to control motor rotation spe

5、ed and acceleration, so as to achieve the purpose of speed. Special motor stepper motor control can be used as a, using its no accumulation of error ( accuracy of 100% ) characteristics, widely used in all kinds of open-loop control.现在比较常用的步进电机包括反应式步进电机(VR)、永磁式步进电机(PM)、混合式步进电机(HB)和单相式步进电机等。Now more

6、commonly used step motor comprises stepper motor ( VR ), permanent magnet stepper motor ( PM ), hybrid stepping motor ( HB ) and single-phase stepping motor.永磁式步进电机一般为两相,转矩和体积较小,步进角一般为7.5度或15度;Permanent magnet stepper motor for general two-phase, torque and small volume, the step angle is 7.5 degree

7、 or 15 degree;反应式步进电机一般为三相,可实现大转矩输出,步进角一般为1.5度,但噪声和振动都很大。反应式步进电机的转子磁路由软磁材料制成,定子上有多相励磁绕组,利用磁导的变化产生转矩。Reaction stepping motor is generally three-phase, can achieve a high torque output, step angle is 1.5 degrees, but the noise and vibration are great. The rotor magnetic circuit made of soft magnetic m

8、aterial reaction stepper motor, a multi-phase excitation winding stator, using magnetic torque changes.混合式步进电机是指混合了永磁式和反应式的优点。它又分为两相和五相:两相步进角一般为1.8度而五相步进角一般为0.72度。这种步进电机的应用最为广泛,也是本次细分驱动方案所选用的步进电机。Hybrid stepping motor is mixed the advantages of permanent magnet type and reaction type. It is divided

9、into two phase and five phase: two-phase stepper angle is 1.8 degree and five phase stepper angle is 0.72 degrees. Application of the stepping motor is the most widely, is also this subdivision driving of stepper motor selection scheme.步进电机的一些基本参数:Some of the basic parameters of step motor:电机固有步距角:T

10、he natural step motor:它表示控制系统每发一个步进脉冲信号,电机所转动的角度。电机出厂时给出了一个步距角的值,如86BYG250A型电机给出的值为0.9/1.8(表示半步工作时为0.9、整步工作时为1.8),这个步距角可以称之为电机固有步距角,它不一定是电机实际工作时的真正步距角,真正的步距角和驱动器有关。It says every hair a step pulse signal control system, motor rotation angle. Motor factory is a step angle values, such as type 86BYG250

11、A motor is given a value of 0.9 /1.8 ( said a half step of work is 0.9 , the whole step of work is 1.8 ), this step can be called motor fixed step , it doesnt have to be the actual motor work when the real step angle, angle and drive the real steps.步进电机的相数:Stepper motor phase number:是指电机内部的线圈组数,目前常用

12、的有二相、三相、四相、五相步进电机。电机相数不同,其步距角也不同,一般二相电机的步距角为0.9/1.8、三相的为0.75/1.5、五相的为0.36/0.72。在没有细分驱动器时,用户主要靠选择不同相数的步进电机来满足自己步距角的要求。如果使用细分驱动器,则相数将变得没有意义,用户只需在驱动器上改变细分数,就可以改变步距角。Is the number of coils inside the motor, commonly used in a two-phase, three-phase, four phase, five phase stepper motor. The number of mo

13、tor phase is different, the step angle is also different, the general two-phase motor step angle is 0.9 /1.8 , three-phase 0.75 /1.5 , five phase of 0.36 /0.72 . In the absence of subdivision drive, users mainly rely on different phases of the stepper motor to meet their own requirements of step ang

14、le. If you use a subdivision driver, is phase will become meaningless, users only need to change the fine fraction in the drive, you can change the step angle.保持转矩(HOLDINGTORQUE):Keep the torque ( HOLDINGTORQUE ):是指步进电机通电但没有转动时,定子锁住转子的力矩。它是步进电机最重要的参数之一,通常步进电机在低速时的力矩接近保持转矩。由于步进电机的输出力矩随速度的增大而不断衰减,输出功率

15、也随速度的增大而变化,所以保持转矩就成为了衡量步进电机最重要的参数之一。比如,当人们说2N.m的步进电机,在没有特殊说明的情况下是指保持转矩为2N.m的步进电机。Is the stepper motor power but there is no rotation, the stator locked rotor torque. It is one of the most important parameters of step motor, usually stepper motor in the low-speed torque to keep the torque. Because of

16、 the larger output torque stepper motor with speed and continuous decay, increases the output power with the speed of change, so keep the torque becomes one of the most important parameters of step motor. For example, when people say 2N.m stepper motor, in the absence of exceptional circumstances described in that refers t



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