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1、七年级英语下册第十单元学案Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?第1课时 Section A 1a-1c【学习目标】1. 学习谈论过去发生的事件2学会谈论节假日的活动3.学习本课的知识点。词汇:New York City,summer camp, museum ,guide,central,exam,really句型:Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City.Did you go to Central Park? Yes, I did.【课前预习】预习教材P59-60,完成下列内容。I翻译下列

2、短语1.呆在家里_ 2.去海滩_ 3.参观博物馆_ 4.去山区_ 5.去夏令营_ 6.拜访我的叔叔_ 7.去渡假_II把下列句子改为否定句和一般疑问句并回答1She played tennis last Sunday afternoon.2 He was at home.【合作探究】1.核对课前预习的答案。2.完成 1a,将图与左边的短语匹配。3.听1b的录音,写出下列人物假期所去的地方。Tina:_Brad:_Sally:_Xiang Hua:_Tom:_4.仿照例子,用1b中的人物做对话。并与同伴练习所做对话。A:Where did Tina go on vacation?B:She we

3、nt to the mountains._ _ _ _ _5.做2a,2b 听录音,完成2a,2b。全班大声朗读听力材料的对话。6.朗读2c的对话,并抄写在下面的横线上。然后根据2b的表格编写与Kevin,Julie的对话,并表演出来。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6大声朗读Grammar focus 的句子,归纳句型。【课堂检测】I根据句意及首字母填空:1. Where did you go on v_ ?2. Tina went to summer c_. She had a good time.3. All of us are studing for the English e_.4

4、. The Blacks always go to that m_ to learn about Chinese history.5. His father r_ likes this watch.II句型转换:1.I went to summer camp.(改为否定句)I_ _ to summer camp.2.He stayed at home.(改为一般疑问句)_ he_ at home?3.They went to New York.(就划线部分提问)_ _ they_?4.Did she visit her uncle?(作否定回答)_ ,she_.第2课时 Section A 3

5、a -4【学习目标】1. 学会评价假日活动2学会谈论节假日的活动3.学习本课的知识点。词汇: rainy,were,fantastic,unfriendly,awful句型:How was your vacation? It was pretty good.【合作探究】1.完成3a,用was,were填空。2.用3b的内容,仿照3a做对话。_ _ _ _ _【课堂检测】Girl1:Hi, Vera. How your vacation?Vera: It was great!Girl1:Where 1 you go?Vera: I went to Tokyo with my family.Gir

6、l1: Really? Wow! What did you do there?Vera: Well, we went to a lot of museums.Girl1: Oh, how 2 they?Vera: They were really interesting. But they3 also very crowded.Girl1: Did you go shopping?Vera: Yeah, I did.Girl1: How4 the stores?Vera: Oh, they were very expensive.Girl1: And how 5 the people? 6 Y

7、ou meet any Japanese people?Vera: Yeah, the people 7 really friendly. My parents have some Japanese friends, and we had dinner at their house.Girl1: How 8 the food?Vera: It was delicious. I love Japanese food!第3课时Section B 1a-2C【学习目标】1.学会表达对假期的感受。2.熟练掌握一般过去时的问句。3.学习本课的知识点。词汇:delicious,expensive,crow

8、ded,cheap,think of句型:Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City. Did you go shopping? Yes, I did. How was your vacation? It was great.【课前预习】参照课本P102的注释,写出下列动词的过去式。am/is_are_ bring_ buy_ come_do_ eat_ get_ give_ go_have/has_ hear_ know_ run_ say_ see_ sit_ take_ teach_ tell_ write_【合作探究】1.做1a,1b2.完成2a,2b的听力练习3.根据2c的要求编写对话_ _ _ _ _ _【课堂检测】I.根据句义和首字母填空1.What do you think of the food? Great! Its d_.2. The food in the hotel is a_. I dont want to eat in it again.3.The food in the shop is e_.Lets go to the next one,the food there is cheap.4.There are a lot of people in the m


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