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1、阅读能力的培养 罗田一中 程林 阅读能力要求学生能掌握科学的阅读方法;具有夯实的词汇和句法基础;在解题过程中运用正确的阅读解题技巧;阅读理解所需时间约为35分钟。针对拥有40个分值的阅读部分,做好阅读理解,是学生英语高考得高分的有效保证。目前学生一直存在的困惑就是怎样提高阅读的速度和效率。湖北高考英语试题中阅读理解的走向却越来越注重学生能力的考察,短文语言地道,句子较长较难,这要求考生要有充分的获取,处理,分析和解决问题的能力。2013年与2012年阅读理解基本数据统计年份总词量短文词量试题词量读速要求中文加注20132535187266372.4720122279179848165.17以下

2、内容来自学情调查:我在做英语阅读方面存在很大问题,每次考试做阅读理解都耗费我相当多的时间,而且还做不完。最后一篇基本上泛泛一看,凭感觉选择。做题老错,找不到一点成就感。即使大体意思懂了,但仍有很多句子不明白其含义,我只能根据问题在文中找原词原句,可很少有原词原句的答案选项。这位理科学生英语成绩是中上等水平,平时考试总分在500分左右。在学生调查以及平时试题训练中所体现出的问题主要有以下三个方面:1)完成阅读耗时过长。2)在阅读过程中,总会遇到很难理解的长句子,影响对选项的选择。3)在短文中已经找到相关细节的语句说明,选项却出现偏差。针对以上问题,要求学生必须了解并运用相关解题技巧。一 先看题干

3、。带着问题快速通读全文,做到有的放矢。其中要擅长抓主题句。A Why do peope drink too much,eat too much,somke cigarettes or take drugs? Whats to blame for all the bad bebavior? Most piople would say that, while these self-destructive acts can have many root causes, they all have one obvious thing in common: they are all examples o

4、f failures of self-control,lacking the will power to resist them. According to a recent study, however, if you really think about it ,something abut that simple answer doesnt quite make sense. In fact, it turns out that some times its having will power that really gets you into trouble. . Self-cotro

5、l is siply a tool to be put to some use, helpful or harmful. To live happy and productive lives, we need to develop not only our self-control, but also the wisdo to make good decisions about when and where to apply it.配套设置的问题:51. What do most people think causes bad behavior? A. Being forced by othe

6、rs.(无中生有) B. Not haing enough will power. C. Enjoying their first experience. D. Following the examples of their friends.(C D扩缩范围-与下文内容相比)52. The author mentions his experience in the third paragrap to prove_? A. will power helps develop bad habits sometimes. B. dringking beer is harmful to the heal

7、th of teenagers. C. self-control should be developed when one is young. D. everyone can be challenged by different temptations53. In the last paragraph, the author implys that_? A. without self-control, no one can succeed B. bad habits dont always lead to bad results C. applying self-control correct

8、ly is important D. people can develop wisdom form bad behavior54.What would be the best title for the passage? A. My First Sip of Beer(概括不够) B. Do You Have Will Power?(无关内容) C. Will Power Benefits us(背离主旨和内容) D. Dark Side of Self-control 在处理这篇短文,学生只要理解了前面两段中的主旨大意和下划线的主题句,然后再深层次递进理解最后一段的主旨,这篇短文基本就可以轻

9、松应对。二 猜词悟义,扫除阅读拦路虎。通过构词,语法,定义,常识,上下文等线索确定词义。忽略文章中所涉及的与解题信息无关的长而复杂的人名,地名及其它专有名词。尤其是科普文中出现的无关专业术语。以此充分保证答题时间。B He wrote that the the “human mind is capable of excitement without the application of gross and violent stimulants(刺激物)”. And it appears that simply reading those wors by Willian Wordsworth p

10、rove his point.The research also found poetry, in particular, increased activity in the right hemisphere of the brain, an area concerned with “autobiogrphical memory”, which help the reader to reflect on and reevaluate their own experiences in light of what they had read.gross 与violent以and连接,词义偏向贬义。

11、(句法)Willian Wordsworth根据上下文内容,文段围绕的poetry, the classics不难推断为诗人。Hemisphere以of与brain连接,作为brain的一部分。(句法)autobiographiical memory 行业释义:自传式记忆对线索词的反应不能产生特殊的记忆,替代的是简约化和全面方式的回忆事件,这种倾向往往与负性生活经历相伴发,与问题解决不良有关,在面临困境时,不能成功地提取特殊和有用的记忆。只需阅读过程中明白是一种记忆方式就可以。re+evaluate 构词法确定为:再评估三 针对不同题型,做出正确应对。1)细节题型:仔细阅读相关细节,稍加归纳,

12、辨清干扰项中的扩缩范围,偷梁换柱,正误并存的情况。 在例文A中,细节理解51题。根据末句可找出正确答案。2)主旨大意题型:避免概括不够,过度概括,以事实或细节代替抽象具体的大意。 在例文A中,52,54题是分别针对段落和全文主旨进行考察。要找出相关信息句,并结合主要内容进行选择。3)推理判断题型:去除文章直叙内容,正确答案一定要在文中找出依据和理由,不可脱离原文主观臆断。 此类题型在寻找答案是首先排除文段中所出现的原词原句。主观选择要求对文段有更深层次的理解。对末句进行语境和句法的充分正确的理解才能保证作出正确选择。4)词义猜测题:利用构词法,利用语境及逻辑关系。There are many

13、reasons that goals go unfulfilled.2. You Dont Start OK, so you have a goal. What have you done about it? Have you started it yet? What are you waiting for? Porcreastination is responsible for the failure of many goals.57. Whats the probable meaning of the underlined word “procrastination” in the sec

14、ond tip? A delay B. punctuality C. impatience. D. reluctance第一句是这篇文段的主题句。本文内容是说明导致既定目标失败的各种原因。第二点中的说明主要针对not star。根据语境,前文出现的关键信息词: have you done? Have you started? Are you waiting? 都在暗示没有实现目标是因为还没做,还没开始,还在等。也就意味着是耽搁,延误。其它选项分别为:守时,规矩;不耐烦;勉强,不愿意。四 养成良好的默读习惯。克服指读,回视,重读等不良习惯。五 在平时的阅读训练过程中,勇于发表看法。充当小老师,理解并能够讲授给同学。在帮助别人理解短文的同时,也有助于自身的理解能力和答题能力的提升,并巩固自身的基础知识。 在第五点中所提到的方法,是我们目前都积极尝试并运用的一种阅读,甚至套题讲解过程中所采用的。因为同龄人之间更容易理解和沟通,让学生带动学生,突出主体。分组讨论,解答彼此的问题。老师补充讲解剩下的疑点,难点问题,以及进行个别学生辅导。让枯燥,单一的阅读应用以不同方式进行,促进学生主动,积极,快乐的阅读。


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