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1、 英语对话材料 英语对话材料 更新时间:2023-02-10 15:08:30 英语对话材料 英语最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其宽阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。下面是小编为大家整理的英语对话材料,欢送阅读与保藏。 英语对话材料(一): Bob: Tom,I will delivery goods to A city tomorrow. 汤姆,我明天送货去A市。 Tom: How long does it take from here to the destination? 从这到目的地要多久? Bob: It is about 3 days. 也许3天。 Tom: Oh,I see,

2、 is everything ready? 哦。我明白了,一切都预备好了吗? Bob: Everything is all set. 一切就绪。 Tom: That is good,but just to be on the safe side,you go to check with the car and the goods again. 很好,可是为了安全起见,你还是去把车和货物再检查一遍。 Bob: I will check them again before setting out. 动身前我会再检查一遍的。 Tom: OK,take good care of yourself. 好

3、,好好保重。 Bob: I will. And good night. 我会的,那晚安了。 Tom: Good night. 晚安。 英语对话材料(二): 回家 Todd: Hello, Gabrielle! 你好,加布里埃尔! Gabrielle: Hello! 你好 Todd: How are you doing today? 你今日好吗? Gabrielle: Good thanks. 很好,多谢。 Todd: Now, Grabrielle, I hear that you are going back home to New Zealand. 加布里埃尔,我听说你要回新西兰的家去。

4、Gabrielle: Thats right. Im going home for summer. 是的。我要回家过夏天。 Todd: OK. What are your plans? 你是怎样规划的? Gabrielle: Probably a week relaxing, going camping, and then Im going back to work. 或许先休息一周,去露营,之后我会回去工作。 Todd: Oh, OK. Where do you work? 好的,你在哪工作? Gabrielle: I teach as an English teacher in Chris

5、tchurch, in New Zealand. 我在新西兰克赖斯特彻奇市教英语。 Todd: Oh, OK. And thats where youre from, naturally. 哦,好的。你来自那里。 Gabrielle: Thats right. 是的。 Todd: Were you born there? 你在那里诞生吗? Gabrielle: I was, yeah! 是的,我是! Todd: Well, you are going to have this short little break, or vacation, are you gonna go to the be

6、ach.themountains? 在这短暂的休息,或者说是假期中,你准备去海滩,或者山区吗? Gabrielle: Probably.probably to the beach and camping for about a week with friends, yeah! 或许,我会和朋友一齐去海滩露营一周。 Todd: Actually, how warm is it in the summer? 夏天那里究竟有多热? Gabrielle: Probably a maximum of about 30 degrees. A nice dry heat! Very fortable. 或许

7、最高到达了30度。干爽,很热!很舒适! Todd: So when you go to the beach is the water warm enough to swim in? 那么你去海滩的时候水温很适合游泳? Gabrielle: No, no, no! We swim but it is not warm. Yeah! Its pretty chilly actually. 不,不!我们会去游泳,但水并不热。海水其实很冷。 Todd: OK. Any other plans when you go home? 好的,回家后还有什么其他规划吗? Gabrielle: Yeah, Im

8、looking forward to catching up with friends and family and animals. 我很期盼见到我的朋友,家人,和宠物。 Todd: Animals! 宠物! Gabrielle: Well, I miss my pets. 是的,我惦念我的宠物。 Todd: OK, well, what pets do you have? 那么,你养了什么宠物? Gabrielle: Well, I have a cat and a dog and a sheep called Sydney and two gold fish. 我养了一只猫,一只狗,一只

9、叫做Sydney的羊,还有两只金鱼。 Todd: Wow! 哇! Gabrielle: Yeah! And I really miss them. 是的,我真的很惦念它们。 Todd: Im sure theyre really excited to see you. Alright, thanks a lot. 我确定它们见到你必需很兴奋。好的,非常多谢。 Gabrielle: You are wele! 不客气! 英语对话材料(三): 乘客A: Excuse me, is this seat taken? 对不起,这个座位有人坐吗? 乘客B: No, I dont think so. 我想

10、应当没有人。 乘客A: Thanks,I am waiting for the train at 9 oclock to Shanghai.Where will you go? 多谢,我在等9点到上海的火车,你去哪呢? 乘客B: What a coincidence! we are the same train. 真是太巧了,我们同一列火车。 乘客A: Really? What is your seat number? 真的吗?你座位几号? 乘客B: No.5 on the second row. And you? 其次排5号,你呢? 乘客A: I am on the third row, N

11、o.10. 我第三排10号。 乘客B: Could you please keep an eye on my luggage? I want to go to the washroom. 你能帮我照看下行李吗?我去下洗手间。 乘客A: No problem. 没问题。 乘客B: Thank you so much. 非常感谢。 英语对话材料(四): A:Good morning, sir. Have a seat please. A:先生,早上好,请坐。 B:I would like to know the state of the residential property market ri

12、ght now because I have anapartment tosell. B:我想明白目前住宅物业的市场情景,由于我想把我的住宅出售。 A:Sure, here is my business card. Im James Wilson. Let me explain to you how things are. Inrecent months, the demand for residential properties has bee extremely high. The price ofresidenticd propetly has risenalmost twenty pe

13、rcent. B:没问题,这是我的名片。我叫詹姆士威尔逊。让我向你解释一下住宅物业的市场情景。最近几个月住宅物业需求非常大。房屋价格上涨了将近20%。 B:Really? Since I have to go back to England within the next few months, I would like to sell myapartment as soon as possible. B:真的?由于我几个月内就得回到英国了,所以我想尽快卖出我的房子。 A:Dont worry, sir. I think its a sellers market right now. Let me get down some informationabout your apartment first. what is your propertys address? A:先生,不用担忧,依我看此刻是卖方市场。让我先记录一些关于你的房子的资料吧。请问你的房子在哪里? B:Flat C. 15F, Tong House, Tai Koo Shing. B:在太古城唐厦十五楼F座C室。 A:What is the square footage of your property? How many bedrooms and living rooms? A:你的



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